Since the world of nine uncles is immortal

Chapter 315 Lianhua is furious, and the storm is gradually rising

Chapter 315 Lianhua is furious, and the storm is gradually rising (15)

With endless puzzlement, Guye fell into a sea of ​​thunder.

Wang Yu, who wanted to get some news from the population of the ancient Hua Dynasty, did not sit back and watch Guye's soul be swallowed by the sea of ​​thunder, and turned the rule with his right hand, and the remaining spirituality of Guye was captured by Wang Yu.

Wang Yu, who was not interested in asking questions, used means to search for the soul directly. After a while, Wang Yu, who was standing in the sea of ​​thunder, opened his eyes.

The harvest is not small!

Unexpectedly, the person from the Guhua Dynasty whom he casually followed in the holy city was actually one of the masterminds who caused the downfall of Bai Yisheng.

Guye, his wife is the Lianhua King, and his son is the contemporary saint son of the Guhua Dynasty—Gu Renjie, a sage.

According to the information collected in Guye's spirituality, Guye didn't know about the death of Bai Yisheng at first, because the contemporary holy master of the Guhua Dynasty did have the intention of accepting the Tianxuan Holy Land to serve as a pawn. A person with a big heart would not directly kill Bai Yisheng.

It's just because of some nasty entanglements among young people, when Bai Yisheng faced a dude group headed by Gu Renjie at a certain party, he was led by Gu Renjie to set fire to him and killed him.

Compared with Gu Renjie, who has his parents as backers and is a sage, his death in white is also in vain.

After all, the Profound Sky Holy Land has already fallen.

It's nothing more than a holy son of a vassal sect, how can his life be compared with Gu Renjie, a sage.

From Gu Ye's memory, Wang Yu also figured out who else was besieging Bai Yisheng besides Gu Renjie. Now that he decided to do it, Wang Yu would not show mercy to his mother-in-law and only punish the evil leader.

"Donghuang Tianjiao List - 130 in the outer list, Dugu Fang, the Xiaoming King of Wan Luozong, 120 in the outer list, Gu Cheng, the four contemporary core disciples of Shanhaizong, and 90 in the outer list, Feiyu Hu Ding, a true disciple of Tianyinzong, Lin Yifeng, the youngest son of the Canglang sect's head, who is the [-]st on the outer list, and Gai Yinie, the No.[-] No. [-] on the Tianjiao list, the Northern Territory sword fairy.

Facing the siege of the five Tianjiao in the Eastern Wilderness and Northern Territory, they can all gain the upper hand, Chiyang's body and white clothes win the title of Tianxuan Holy Son, what a pity! "After feeling a little bit about Bai Yisheng's early death, Wang Yu forgot about it.

Compared with Sheng Ao, a bastard, Bai Yisheng doesn't have much weight in his mind. If he hadn't been the intersection point of his business with Wang Yu, Wang Yu wouldn't be interested in avenging him at all.

Wouldn't it be nice to practice the Shrouding Sky method honestly, in order to suddenly recover one's cultivation in a short period of time?
Very fragrant!

From the memory in his mind, Wang Yu no longer paid attention to the four sects of Wanluozong, Shanhaizong, Tianyinzong, and Canglangzong after recalling the information of the four sects.

When the ancestors of these four sects were the most prosperous, there were only half-sages, and now the strongest can only barely step into the realm of great power. If these four sects were not attached to the ancient Hua Dynasty, they would only rely on the celestial beings placed on the surface by the Tianxuan Holy Land. Strength can destroy them.

If you invite holy soldiers or use saints to kill the formation, any peak has the ability to kill these four forces.

After getting what he wanted, Wang Yu opened his mouth to the sky and swallowed the endless sea of ​​thunder into the sea of ​​wheels in his belly.

The Thunder Ocean, which has the ability to destroy heaven and earth in the outside world, couldn't even stir up a wave in Wang Yu's wheel sea, and was completely refined by Wang Yu's bloody sea of ​​bitterness.

After formally practicing the method of covering the sky, Wang Yu has a clearer view of the Dao marks and laws of this world. Correspondingly, the strength he can display has also increased. With his killing methods, he should be able to compare with the general power Compete.

It's a pity that several realms such as Lunhai, Daogong, Siji, and Hualong are still tempering the body in essence, and his body of martial arts has long been improved by re-tempering according to the method of shrouding the sky. that's it.

No matter how quickly he breaks through the next level, I'm afraid he won't be able to increase his combat power as crazy as now.

Before the shackles of the second Dao rule that restrained him collapsed, his apparent combat power could only stop at the peak of the second realm of Sendai.

Of course, this is just his fighting strength on the surface. If Tianjie is added as a carrier that can easily leverage the rules of the world, he will not be afraid of the birth of ancient sages.

As his thoughts changed, Wang Yu cut off the thoughts in his mind with the sword of wisdom, and reached out to pick up Sheng Ao who was stunned by the aftermath of the catastrophe. Wang Yu opened the space and left this area.

Not long after Wang Yu left, spiritual thoughts enveloped the area.

Looking at the void in front of them full of desolation and occasional static electricity, the masters of the divine sense all felt scruples in their hearts.

"Where did the river-crossing dragon come from, to cross the catastrophe here?"

"Prince Gong of the Ancient Hua Dynasty, Guye, seems to have brought someone here just now, why didn't he see him?"

"I can feel the breath of death. I'm afraid Guye and his group are already in danger! The dragon crossing the river can kill Guye, dare to kill Guye, I'm afraid it's not easy to provoke!"


After communicating with each other, the masters of the divine thoughts dispersed. As one of the local snakes in the Northern Territory, the Guhua Dynasty must soon find this place based on the information left in the fate card. To get involved, it's better to go one step earlier.

Among the masters of many divine senses, the masters of two spiritual senses could not help but smile wryly at each other after withdrawing their divine senses.

"Brother Li, do you think Guye really died at the hands of his nephew Wang Yu? What state is he in right now?"

Facing the inquiries from his own junior brother, Li Xiaohe was also unable to give an accurate answer: "Junior brother Shao, I can't give you an answer to your question. Ever since Senior Brother Shouzhuo and the others fell, Taixuanfeng has disappeared from the rest of my eight peaks." come and go.

According to the ancestral precepts, when Tianxuan Nine Peaks has a peak master sitting in command, even the holy master cannot intervene too much in the affairs of the peak. How is Wang Yu's situation?I'm afraid only Shengzi and Sheng Ao know a little bit of the details!It was not for nothing that senior brother Shou Zhuo valued Wang Yu the most! "

After feeling one or two, Li Xiao and the two left. The two of them had lost Wang Yu's trace since Wang Yu left the holy city hastily, and now they can't find where Wang Yu is.

The mission of the two of them to secretly observe and protect Wang Yu and Sheng Ao has been declared a failure, and it is time to return to the Holy Land of Tianxuan and make plans to return to the Holy Lord.

In a majestic and majestic white jade hall, a female cultivator with skin as cold as snow looked at the shattered fate card in her hand, and her heart was cut like a knife: "Ye Lang, it's just an ordinary business trip, that's all. Why do you leave me like this?

You haven't seen me becoming a saint yet, you haven't seen Renjie proving the emperor, you are so cruel that you just abandoned our mother and child like this.

I want the person who killed you to pull out his skin, burn his tendons, boil oil and light the lamp, and torture him for life and death so that he will never be reborn. I want to punish the relatives and friends of the ten clans of the person who killed you. I will definitely be buried with you, I want him to live in remorse and unwillingness all his life..."

(End of this chapter)

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