The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 1000 I forgot to write the address

Chapter 1000 I forgot to write the address (Happy New Year's Day)

Ling Huohuo was reviewing Tu Jiji's report, and Tu Jiji stood nervously beside Ling Huohuo like a primary school student handing in an inspection.

Ling Huohuo flipped through the report page by page.

Finally, Ling Huohuo finished reading the last page.

"Why, how is it?" Rabbit Jiji asked nervously.

" should I put it?" Ling Huohuo flipped through Tujiji's report again.

"Your Chinese was taught by the physical education teacher, right?"

Rabbit Jiji: "..."

Rabbit Jiji's face turned red.

"Apologize to the physical education teachers all over the world!"

Tujiji yelled, although she was a little annoyed that Ling Huohuo complained about her writing ability, but after such a fuss, Tujiji's nervous mood eased.

The relieved Rabbit Jiji sat down on the sofa beside him.

"In short, that's the way it is, you... make your decision."

Tu Jiji looked at Ling Huohuo.

It's up to Ling Huohuo whether she goes or stays.

"I have to say, this is really a very old-fashioned story." Ling Huohuo pouted.

In fact, the story of Rabbit Jiji is very simple to tell. It is the story of a young lady who rose up to resist in order not to become a pawn of the family. It is also a commonplace escape from marriage. Of course, it also includes the time of some women's wars.

Moreover, the writing level of Tu Jiji is really not very good, many parts are over-exaggerated by Tu Jiji, and Tu Jiji also added a lot of his own emotions. In short, what is written is that Tu Jiji is the kind of white lotus Ordinary heroines, others are forced into prostitution, scheming and cunning, with human faces and animal hearts.

Thinking of Tujiji's usual appearance, Ling Huohuo couldn't help sticking out his tongue.

I believe you a ghost, you are a very bad old woman!

The wad of paper in my hand couldn't be burned even if it was thrown into the fire, because there was too much moisture!
And why did the eldest lady of Yaozu choose a name like "Jiji"?It's almost on par with a name like "dog egg".

Ling Huohuo threw Tujiji's report on the coffee table.

"So I've made a decision."

"You decided to let me stay, protect me, and protect me from the wind and rain? I understand." Rabbit Jiji said.

"You know a ghost, can you show some face!"


Ling Huohuo sighed.

"Didn't you just offend all the demon forces in China?" Rabbit Jiji curled his lips.

Ling Huohuo felt a bit of a headache, not because he wanted to offend those forces, but because Tu Jiji's attitude of being a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water is very troublesome. Isn't Tu Jiji a rabbit demon?

"It's a big deal, I'll let you have a good time, I still have the original one~" Tu Jiji curled his hair with his fingers, showing a shy attitude.


Ling Huohuo picked up the report on the coffee table again, rolled it up, and hit Rabbit Jiji on the head twice.

"Sweet you big-headed ghost!"


"In short, you can stay in the studio with peace of mind."

"What a rabbit!"

After solving the matter of Tujiji, Ling Huohuo felt that he was free again.

"Find me something."

Ling Huohuo sighed.

Then something happened.

Ling Huohuo picked up a letter at the door of his pillar tower——

"Dear Your Excellency Ling Huohuo, your girlfriend and unborn child are in our hands. If you want to ensure the safety of your wife and children, please come and meet us in person..."

Ling Huohuo: "???"

Ling Huohuo first thought of Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Xiuya, but they are still safe now.

Who is that?

Ling Huohuo swore to the sky that his lower body was under strict control, and he never went out to harm others.

So, how could I have a son living outside?

However, other people will not scare themselves with this kind of thing, and it doesn't look like they are joking...

Ling Huohuo looked confused.

When Ling Huohuo couldn't figure it out, Ling Huohuo's subordinates sent back the news.

Before Ling Miao said that a friend of his came to Zhonghai City to find a heartbreaker, so Ling Huohuo sent someone to pay attention to this matter, and now, there is news.

The people sent were not empty ghosts, but some newly recruited people from the pillar tower.

"How is it? Have you found the heartbreaker?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"This one……"

"what happened?"

"The target is missing!"


"It's that friend of yours who's gone missing." The subordinate said nervously.

"What's the situation?" Ling Huohuo sat up straight.

"The disappearance of the other party is very strange, as if it disappeared out of thin air."

Ling Huohuo thought for a while, and then asked, "What happened when the other party disappeared?"

"There is no special situation. The other party disappeared after going to the toilet. We have also checked that toilet. There is nothing special. Moreover, the other party's bag is still left in the toilet. There are slight signs of fighting. It doesn't look like myself. left."

With that said, his subordinates put a bag packed in a box in front of Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo waved his hand, and his subordinates left as quickly as if they had been pardoned.

Ling Huohuo's expression was a little serious.

But Ling Huohuo didn't have any clue.

After thinking about it, Ling Huohuo took out the bag from the box, which was a delicate female handbag.

Ling Huohuo opened the handbag and checked it. There was a mobile phone, some cosmetics, a wallet, an ID card, two bank cards and some cash in the wallet.

Ling Huohuo pulled out his ID card.

"Yuexi, huh? Why does it look familiar?"

Ling Huohuo looked at the bun-headed girl on the ID card, and stood up abruptly as if thinking of something.

"No way……"

Ling Huohuo thought of what happened when he first awakened his blood.

That blue butterfly, that girl who suddenly appeared, and... those words that Walliver said!
(see Chapter 163 for details)

"Leniency for confession, strictness for resistance..."

"We're not interrogating prisoners."

Hearing Claudia's complaint, Ryo Sukawa paused.

And Yue Xi who was tied up looked at the man and woman in front of her suspiciously, but her expression was not very good.

"Who are you...?" Yue Xi asked in a low voice.

Yue Xi quickly analyzed the situation in her mind, guessed the identities of the two people in front of her, and calculated the other party's purpose.

"Tell you what to do?" Su Chuanliang said angrily.

"Then... your purpose?" Yue Xi changed the question.

"I won't tell you, are you angry?" Ryo Su Chuan smiled.

Yue Xi was silent, is the other party a child?

But... I'm really angry.

"By the way, has the letter been delivered?" Claudia asked.

"Of course." Su Chuan Liang nodded, "And he was not discovered by the other party."

Su Chuanliang was a little proud.

Yue Xi's heart sank, is the other party trying to threaten others with herself?

Who is threatening?Someone in the organization?
"Are you sure you've included everything you want to write?" Claudia asked.

"Of course..." Su Chuanliang said, his face changed.

"what happened?"

"Fuck, I forgot to write down the time and address of the meeting!"

Claudia: "..."

Yuexi: "..."

 I went out this afternoon, so let’s just write a chapter, I wish you all a happy New Year’s Day~( ̄▽ ̄)~*
(End of this chapter)

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