Chapter 1001 Is Nezha Pregnant? (two more)
I, Cleopatra, play money!
Cleopatra VII (Cleopatra) sat up and rubbed her dizzy head.

After her mind calmed down, Cleopatra clenched her fists and felt her heartbeat.

"The strength of the body, the feeling of being alive!"

Cleopatra had a smile on her face, full of charm that no one else could appreciate.

Cleopatra fixed her body to the image of the girl with the most vitality. Although it is not the most mature and attractive adult appearance, Cleopatra is confident that her charm is regardless of age, and, as long as she needs, she can change her age at any time .

Touching her face, through the sense of touch, Cleopatra felt her familiar yet unfamiliar face.


Cleopatra slapped her wrist, and blood flowed everywhere.

But soon, the blood turned into sand and wrapped around Cleopatra's wrist. When the sand dispersed, Cleopatra's wrist was still as smooth as before, without a trace of trace.

Cleopatra had a smile on her face.

"The power will be stronger!"

With a wave of Cleopatra's hand, the sand on the ground covered Cleopatra's body, and then turned into a light veil, draped over Cleopatra's body. Behind the light veil, Cleopatra's body was hazy, looming, full of different temptation.

Cleopatra waved her hand and cleaned up the arrangement in the room.

However, when Cleopatra was about to open the door, her body suddenly stopped.

"Ling Huohuo is not here, I have been resurrected, and my strength has also increased, so...why do I still stay here?"

"But you can't go through the front door."

The people in the restaurant heard a bang, as if something had exploded.

This makes everyone in the restaurant have a meal.

"what's the situation?"

"It seems that something happened?"

"It's safe, it's safe, no one will dare to make trouble here."

This sentence has been recognized by most people.

"But it's still kind of weird."

At this time, the long-haired man came over with a tray. On the tray were many juice cups, all of which were papaya juice.

"I still have a lot here, let's drink together." The long-haired man said with a smile.

"Long live."

Mai Shiranui and Vinette also came out with food.

"Dinner is ready, too."

"dinner's ready!"

Mi Ke, who was studying in the study, also heard the voice and came out.


Lost Land.

Ding Ning, Lynch and Luo Ke are exploring an ancient site.

Ding Ning is doing the follow-up mission of the Snake Trainer. In fact, it is a follow-up task. In fact, Ding Ning wants to officially accept the final inheritance of the Snake Trainer. Therefore, Ding Ning's body arrives. Lynch and Luo Ke can be regarded as escorts, and they can also be regarded as bodyguards. After all Ding Ning has not yet gained strength.

As the mission progressed, Ding Ning discovered that something was wrong with the final inheritance of the snake tamer.

The task is not difficult, but very cumbersome, and as the task progresses, Ding Ning finds that this task is not easy.

There are traces of myths and legends in this mission!
Logically speaking, the snake trainer is only at the seventh level, and it is not a strange profession. It is just a profession that trains snakes to fight for themselves. There is nothing strange about it.

It is also difficult to get involved with myths and legends.

The most important thing is that the person who asked Ding Ning to accept the inheritance did not say anything related to myths and legends, and the ongoing mission is also somewhat different from what the person who asked Ding Ning to accept the inheritance described.

However, myths and legends are hidden in the mission.

This means that the profession of snake tamer is inextricably linked with myths and legends. No, maybe this is no longer the inheritance of the profession of snake tamer!

Ding Ning shared his guess with Lynch and Mi Ke, which also made Lynch and Mi Ke think deeply.

There are gods in this world, and Zhou Zi proved that those myths and legends are real, the difference lies in whether they have withdrawn from the long river of history.

And once you get involved with God, things will become very troublesome.

"Perhaps, you started a hidden mission." Lynch said with a smile.

Ding Ning scratched his head, feeling a little distressed.

"Perhaps, but the mission is different from what that person told me, and... now I can't retreat."

"Then keep going and see what will happen in the end. If it doesn't work, contact Ling Huohuo."

"Okay." Ding Ning nodded.

The three stood up, ready to continue exploring.

Ding Ning cared most about his feet. Judging from the texture of the floor of the ruins, it looked like a reptilian creature—a snake, and it was a snake connected end to end!
Such traces are also the traces that appeared the most in this mission.

This is the trace of "Ouroboros".

In many myths, there is the figure of ouroboros, whose name means "self-devourer".


Lawrence walked in the dim ruins, surrounded by darkness.

He doesn't know where this is, and he doesn't know where the end is, but he still chooses to move forward.

As he moved forward, Lawrence was also thinking about something.

Everyone knows that the power of werewolves and vampires originated from a pair of brothers who were bitten by bats and wolves respectively, but no one thought about why the brothers got those powers after being bitten, and the biting one What happened to the bat and the biting wolf?

There is no love without reason, bah, there is no power without root.

And the ruins experienced before entering this passage, and all the things encountered, all prove that the front may be the answer to this question!
The ultimate beginning of werewolves and vampires!
Lawrence didn't know if there was any danger ahead, but he knew that for the sake of strength, he had to go forward.

The blood clan gave him strength, but at the same time, the blood clan also restricted his path, and he had no choice.

I don't know how long it took, and finally, Lawrence came to an end, and at this time, Lawrence's spirit, physical strength, and strength were exhausted.

At the end, two statues of giant wolves appeared in front of him.

Behind the two wolves, there was a creature so huge that it was difficult to see the whole picture. Lawrence could only see that it was a long-haired creature.

A pair of giant eyes slowly opened, and then stared at Lawrence.

Lawrence lost consciousness.


Ling Huohuo, Yue Xi, Su Chuanliang, and Claudia gathered around the table, eating hot pot tacitly.

"It's delicious."

Ling Huohuo looked at Yuexi, hesitant to speak.

Yue Xi also understood what Ling Huohuo wanted to say, after all, Ling Huohuo's eyes were too obvious.

"Here, there is indeed the power of your blood." Yue Xi clutched her lower abdomen.

"Oh oh oh, it's a real hammer!"

Ling Huohuo kicked Su Chuanliang who suddenly shouted out.

Ling Huohuo scratched his face in embarrassment.

"Well, after so many years, why hasn't it been born yet? Could it be Nezha?"


(End of this chapter)

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