The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 1005 Are you all demons?

Chapter 1005 Are you all demons? (one more)
Early the next morning.

Ling Huohuo woke up from the big bed alone.

Both Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Xiuya haven't come back recently.

Ling Huohuo rubbed his head, squeezed his fist, felt the strength in his body, and was in a good mood.

"This feeling seems to be very successful. The me I am today is not the me I was yesterday."

Then Ling Huohuo got dressed, washed up briefly and walked out of the room.

When Ling Huohuo saw Yue Xi in the living room, he froze for a moment, then nodded with Yue Xi with a smile on his face.

Yue Xi also nodded.

Ling Huohuo felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere today.

At this time, the atmosphere in the hall was a bit depressing, and it was not at all noisy as usual.

Moreover, judging from the position, it seemed that everyone surrounded Yue Xi.

"Why, what's the matter?" Ling Huohuo asked in confusion.

Lu Sisi stood up and walked towards Ling Huohuo, her eyes fixed on Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo: "???"

Lu Sisi patted Ling Huohuo on the shoulder.

"Just do it yourself."


"I didn't eat at home in the morning."

After speaking, Lu Sisi turned and walked outside the door.

"Wait for me, I'll go out to eat too." Guo Xiaoyu hurriedly followed, but when Guo Xiaoyu passed by Ling Huohuo, he also patted Ling Huohuo on the shoulder and gave a thumbs up. and leave.


Ling Huohuo found that other people looked at her in the wrong way.

"What's the matter?"

"Ling, Mr. Ling!" Vinet hesitated to speak.

"You don't need to be so polite." Ling Huohuo felt that Wei Nette had become so polite to him, something must have happened.

"What's the matter?"

"We already know." Vinette said hesitantly.

"Know what?"

Satania stood up suddenly.

"Ling Huohuo, I already know, I have to say, I really looked at you first, I would call you a man like a devil!" Satania said with a big smile, but Ling Huohuo subconsciously ignored satania.

Gabriel didn't play games today either.

There was a smile on Rafael's face, but he didn't say much, just teasing Ling Xue in his arms.

Mai Shiranui was preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

Huahua looked at Ling Huohuo as if she was looking at scum.

The long-haired man gave Ling Huohuo an ambiguous look, but the three men remained expressionless.

Little loli... wait, who is that?
Ling Huohuo found a strange girl in the room.

After sensing the breath, I found out that it was Little Lolita. It seems that she has been successfully resurrected.

Now she should be called Cleopatra. I have to say that Cleopatra is really charming.

Cleopatra was nothing but drinking black tea calmly, Claudia was also sitting beside her, and Tohsaka Tokiomi was standing behind them, with a strong aristocratic aura at such a young age.

But at this moment, Tohsaka Tokiomi looked sideways at Ling Huohuo.

Cleopatra felt that Ling Huohuo was looking at her, she glanced at Ling Huohuo and showed a bright smile.

In fact, Cleopatra was going to run away after her resurrection last night, but when something happened, she ran back before dawn, and just in time for such a big show.

Rabbit Jiji was on the other side, drinking Coke early in the morning, eating potato chips and watching TV, looking like an old house girl.

"Anyway, it's wrong for you to do this!" Vinette said.

"What happened?" Ling Huohuo was really confused, but he felt that the matter had something to do with Yuexi.

Ling Huohuo suddenly seemed to understand what was going on.

Ling Huohuo hurriedly waved his hands.

"Actually, it was just an accident."

The expressions of the others all eased down.

"If it wasn't for the accident, what happened today would not happen." Rafael said with a sudden smile.

The atmosphere was momentarily awkward.

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth and looked at Rafael who was still smiling, are you a devil?

"Anyway, they learned about Yuexi and you from an elephant named Di Ting this morning." A pleasant voice came from behind Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo looked back, only to see a girl with disheveled hair in only a small vest and cotton triangles walking behind him.

The girl's attire made several little girls in the room blush with embarrassment.

The girl didn't feel anything, but walked to the refrigerator on her own, took out a can of iced Coke from the refrigerator, pulled it away with one hand, and then raised her head and drank it.

"My iced Coke!" the rabbit chirped.

"Put on your clothes!" Vinette said.

"Who is this?" Gabriel asked.

"How many women did Mr. Ling Huohuo bring back yesterday?" Vinette asked.

"Haha, as expected of a man like a devil, he is simply a lewd devil!" Satania said.

"I have already notified Xiao Yunyun." Rafael said.


Ling Huohuo looked at Rafael, only to see that Rafael was closing the phone.

"Wait, this is not what you think..."

"Children who make mistakes should be used to bear their mistakes~" Rafael persuaded with a smile on his face, and his figure was very dazzling for a moment.

"Put away the holy light for me, you are definitely a devil!"

Suddenly there was the sound of sharpening knives in the kitchen.

"Ms. Xiao Yunyun just sent a message to ask me to sharpen the kitchen knife, that...Mr. Ling Huohuo, take care." Mai Shiranui's voice came from the kitchen.


"Ha~" Ling Ling'er, who drank a can of iced Coke comfortably, looked at the noisy living room and shrugged.

But when she saw Ling Huohuo, she took another look unconsciously, and then looked at it seriously.


"Put on your clothes quickly!" Vinette brought clothes for Ling Ling'er.

"Thank you." Ling Linger smiled and thanked Vinet, Ling Linger's perfect smile made Vinet blush.

"Actually, it doesn't matter. It's not that Ling Huohuo has never seen it. He saw it all yesterday."

"Look... look... look at the light!!!"

Vinette turned into Steam Princess.

Mi Ke, who just opened the door, heard the words just now, and slowly closed the door.

Ling Huohuo covered his face.

They're all here to do things for me!
If I wasn't in a good mood today, I would definitely hang you up and beat you up!

Xiao Yunyun and Fengchen Xiuya came back sooner than Ling Huohuo imagined, and Lu Sisi and Guo Xiaoyu came back together.

In order not to turn into a gray and white photo, Ling Huohuo had to patiently explain the matter between him and Yuexi clearly, and explained the relationship between Ling Linger and him. As for Claudia, Ling Huohuo did not explain, nor did he No one wants to know.

(Claudia: Too partial!!!∑(Дノ)ノ)
Xiao Yunyun's anger subsided for the time being, after all, she was there when that happened, so Ling Huohuo was innocent.

However, Xiao Yunyun and Fengchen Xiuya did not expect that Ling Huohuo's first offspring would be born in this way.

This miraculous way of conception makes people feel a little overwhelmed, and it is so beautiful that people lose their hair.

Fortunately, Ling Huohuo has become a void life. If he still has the ability to exchange blood to make people pregnant, then he will still have it in the future?
"Okay, I don't blame you for these things." Xiao Yunyun finally sighed.

"Ling Jun, don't worry, I will work with you to make this child a successful birth and raise this child together. Ling Jun, please don't disappoint Sister Yuexi." Toyotomi Xiuya looked understanding.

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth, and Yue Xi's expression was a little unnatural.

To be honest, apart from the child in the belly, Yuexi and Ling Huohuo really have no relationship foundation at all, and they haven't even considered whether they want to be together or not.

Everyone else was surprised that Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Xiuya just let Ling Huohuo go.

Ling Linger and Rafael were especially disappointed.

"Okay, let's put other things aside first." Xiao Yunyun looked at Ling Huohuo carefully.

"Let's talk about your affairs first. Why haven't I seen you for a while? Not only have you become a human being, but you have lost your strength?"

Toyotomi Hideya also became serious.


Xiao Yunyun's words surprised everyone, and then began to investigate the real situation of Ling Huohuo.

"Don't be so unscrupulous. Although I don't have the strength anymore, my perception is still there. Don't use your mental strength to poke into my pants!"

(End of this chapter)

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