The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 1006 A System Made For Myself

Chapter 1006 A System Made For Myself (Part [-])

"What's going on with Mr. Ling Huohuo? He won't be plotted against, right?" Wei Nette exclaimed.

"And the race has also changed, can the transformation of the Void clan be reversed?" Gabriel frowned.

Some people also began to think carefully.

Hearing everyone's inquiries, Ling Huohuo smiled.

"Of course I have a plan."

"He put that layer of leather on himself." Ling Ling'er said.


"It's the system character who bound me before!"

"That's right." Ling Huohuo nodded, "I modified it and put it on myself."

In the past, Ling Linger's true strength and identity were only restrained, but now, not only has Ling Huohuo's strength been sealed, but a "skin" has been put on Ling Huohuo's body, making Ling Huohuo a normal person. of humans.

"What about the purpose?"

"Of course it is to be a human being!" Ling Huohuo said seriously.

The expressions of the others were a little embarrassed, after all, this sentence sounded a bit wrong.

Ling Huohuo also reacted and coughed twice in embarrassment.

"Actually, I found a way to become a god!" Ling Huohuo said.

"As long as I use this human appearance to improve my strength, there is no problem in becoming a god normally. At that time, I can turn around and save the world!"

No one speaks.

Some people didn't hear it at all, while some people calculated the success rate of things in their hearts.

After all, no one wants to see the destruction of this world. Although the problem lies with Ling Huohuo, Ling Huohuo is too strong. Ling Huohuo doesn't want to destroy this world, but his strength does not allow it.

Now Ling Huohuo finally found a way to suppress his strength and walk on the road of normal people!
There was no choice before, but now Ling Huohuo wants to be a normal person.

"It seems that it is indeed feasible." Mi Ke said, "But have you figured out what cultivation system you want to take?"

"Since there is a problem with the source of life and death, of course I have to take the path of cultivating the power of life and death." Ling Huohuo said.

"Then can you unlock this seal?" Toyotomi Hideya asked worriedly.

"You can do it anytime, after all, I made it myself." Ling Huohuo laughed.

The splendor in some people's eyes disappeared, they couldn't beat it, and they were convinced.

"Well, if you need anything, I will help you." Xiao Yunyun said, "By the way, there is one more thing."

"What's the matter?" Ling Huohuo looked at Xiao Yunyun curiously.

"Can you give birth normally in this form?"


Ling Huohuo twitched the corners of his mouth. This form of himself is equivalent to wearing a layer of skin, but he is still himself inside. He can do everything he can do. Even things like procreation are still according to the standards of the Void Clan. Come, not the standard of ordinary human beings!

This opportunistic way of having a child is impossible.


Ling Huohuo hasn't seen Rogier for a while, and even Yi Qianqian hasn't been around Ling Huohuo recently.

At the same time, Zhou Zi and Molong are also busy recently, and they use different key combinations to open the door to different areas, which makes the two of them encounter no trouble when exploring the space behind the golden door, but it is rather cumbersome.

Putting on a new skin for himself, Ling Huohuo will also have a new start.

In the words of Ma, a good skin is very important!

Just like pigs and pandas, they are the same fat, they eat and sleep, but pigs will be slaughtered in the end, while pandas will be protected. This shows the importance of skin.

So... why don't you charge money to buy skins?Let the old horse lose to vomit blood!

Ling Huohuo's skin has many similarities with normal game characters.

It is equivalent to adding a castrated version of the system to oneself.

"Name: Ling Huo Huo

Age: 18 years old

Strength: zero order

Equipment: ordinary clothes
Evaluation: A stronger ordinary person. "

In terms of age, Ling Huohuo set it randomly. Anyway, with his strength, he may not be able to change his appearance after thousands of years. Besides, his appearance has always been young, so age is not important, and no one will check him anyway. ...


"Eh..." Ling Huohuo sat in the car, a little embarrassed.

"Ask you, age." A police lady looked at Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo took out his ID card.

"Yeah, you're already an adult, and you're older than me. I thought you were driving underage without a license."


Ling Huohuo twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment, is it easy to drive out by himself?Was he stopped by the police just because he was young?Besides, what is your exclamation?Are you new here?

Although Ling Huohuo didn't want to admit it, he was already in his third year.

In fact, Ling Huohuo used to go wherever he wanted, without having to walk at all, but now that Ling Huohuo has become an ordinary person, he naturally has to use the most conventional means of travel.

The policewoman was a little surprised at Ling Huohuo's youth.

Ling Huohuo smiled awkwardly, and suddenly remembered something.

He doesn't have a driver's license!

Although he is an adult, he does not have a driver's license, and now he is driving without a license!
But the police lady didn't seem to be pursuing the driver's license, but got into Ling Huohuo's car directly.

"Well, I'm not a casual person..."

"What are you thinking? I'm handling a case and I hope you can assist me. By the way, do you have anything to do?" the policewoman asked belatedly.

"Uh, it's nothing...well, I'll help you." Ling Huohuo nodded, and Ling Huohuo had already judged that the policewoman was definitely new here, and she was not familiar with the business.

"Where are you going?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Follow the pig cart ahead."

The female policeman seemed to feel that the chest of the police uniform was a little tight, and she loosened it with her hands.

Judging from Ling Huohuo's experience, the chest of the police uniform is indeed too small for a policewoman.

"Follow up quickly, he will run away later!"

Ling Huohuo nodded when he saw the pig truck in front of him, and drove up to follow.

Ling Huohuo always felt that the police lady beside him was not a decent police lady.

Although Ling Huohuo doesn't have a driver's license, as a skilled driver, Ling Huohuo can still drive a car with his ass off. Otherwise, it would not be the police lady who came to Ling Huohuo, but the traffic police.

Ling Huohuo drove the car and followed the pig transport truck in front of him from a distance.

All the way was safe and sound until they left Zhonghai City.

The pig truck drove up to the high speed and accelerated violently!
"We've been spotted!" The policewoman's expression changed, "Follow me quickly."

Ling Huohuo lighted a cigarette for himself in a calm manner, and took a good puff...

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Huohuo was a little melancholy, this skin made Ling Huohuo not used to smoking, so Ling Huohuo had no choice but to extinguish the cigarette in his hand.

Coercion failed.

"Hurry up and chase!" the female policeman shouted anxiously, at this time the pig transport truck had already disappeared without a trace.

"Let him run for 2 minutes first, and you put on your seat belt first."

The policewoman's expression froze, and she put on her seat belt obediently. She didn't understand why she listened to Ling Huohuo.

Seeing the policewoman fasten her seat belt, Ling Huohuo smiled and stepped on the gas pedal.


The policewoman's scream pierced the peaceful sky.

(End of this chapter)

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