The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 1007 This Pig Has Its Own Mind

Chapter 1007 This pig has a mind of its own (one more)
"Shrimp catcher..."

Ling Huohuo's car was driving wildly on the highway, while the policewoman was leaning on the seat, pulling her seat belt tightly, and the two rabbits on her chest became more obvious.

"Speeding!" the policewoman yelled.

"Oh? Is there a speed limit for high speeds? I haven't passed the driver's license test, so don't lie to me!" Ling Huohuo asked suspiciously.

The policewoman blinked her eyes, and she just yelled subconsciously, but she seemed to have heard something serious.

(Small class: The maximum speed of small passenger cars driving on the expressway shall not exceed 120 kilometers per hour, other motor vehicles shall not exceed 100 kilometers per hour, and motorcycles shall not exceed 80 kilometers per hour. Please drive safely and do not look at the Fiction.)
"You don't have... a driver's license?" the policewoman asked hesitantly.

"Yes~" Ling Huohuo nodded and admitted, and smiled.

Stepping on the accelerator, Ling Huohuo let himself go a little bit, and the previous hesitation because he didn't have a driver's license disappeared.

The policewoman's face turned pale.

"Stop the car, I want to get off!" the policewoman cried.

But the speed did not decrease but increased.

After all, what Linghuohuo drove was a magically modified sports car, the kind that goes down to 250 with one kick of the accelerator.

The female policeman pulled the car door, but the door didn't budge.

"Give up, the door has been welded to death by me." Ling Huohuo said with a smile, the smile on his face was very happy.

The policewoman naturally didn't believe it, after all, she came from this door, but now she can't do anything about it, with the current speed, if Ling Huohuo makes a fuss, the two of them will be killed in a car crash.

The policewoman took a quick deep breath to calm herself down.

"Be steady, don't be so fast!"

The policewoman changed her strategy and began to persuade Ling Huohuo.

"Don't worry, there is no problem. Although I am fast, I am durable enough, and I have a lot of times~"


Don't drive at this time!
Do you want to drive while driving the car?

"Catch up!" Ling Huohuo smiled.

The policewoman looked forward, and sure enough, the pig transport truck was ahead, and the distance was getting closer.

"Although their pig trucks have been modified, they are far worse than mine. In front of my truck, their truck is nothing!" Ling Huohuo said proudly.


The policewoman really didn't know what to say, so she could only take a deep breath and accept Ling Huohuo's situation.

"Find a way to catch up with them!" said the policewoman.

"Do you want to force them to stop?" Ling Huohuo asked.

The policewoman hesitated, then nodded.

"If you can."

Ling Huohuo took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on his eyes.

"Drag racing or death."
Ling Huohuo's speed increased again, and then slammed into the pig truck.

"Are you crazy?" the policewoman shouted at Ling Huohuo.

"Didn't you ask me to force them to stop? Don't worry, their car can't hit my car!"

"How could you do this? If there is an accident, we will all fly out!"

"I don't have a driver's license, don't talk to me."


Hit by Ling Huohuo's car, the driver in the pig transport car and the person in the passenger seat clicked their tongues in displeasure. The driver hurriedly tightened the steering wheel to stabilize the body, and the pigs behind the car screamed in panic stand up.

At this time, Ling Huohuo drove into the pig truck again.


The man in the passenger seat cursed and took out... a gun from his crotch.

"No, they have guns!" the policewoman exclaimed.

Ling Huohuo, on the other hand, closed the window of the car and continued to drive, preparing to hit the pig cart again.

Da da da……

The gun shot at Ling Huohuo's car, and the policewoman hugged her hair and screamed.

"Hey, are you really a policeman? Are you scared by such a small scene?" Ling Huohuo's voice came.

"Huh?" The policewoman raised her head and found that she was not in danger, and the bullet did not penetrate the car.

"how come……"

"Bulletproof car, find out."


"Don't worry, my car is so stable that it will definitely not overturn!"

Ling Huohuo drove the car into the pig truck again.

The man in the passenger seat also found that the gun could not deal with Ling Huohuo and the others, and angrily threw the gun in his hand at Ling Huohuo's car, but was easily dodged by Ling Huohuo. The fire hit the pig truck again, and the side of the pig truck was deformed.

Although the pig transport car has also been modified and the strength of the body has been enhanced, it is still not as good as Ling Huohuo's magically modified car.


Ling Huohuo's car remained unscathed.

Ling Huohuo hit the pig truck again with his car, and the pig truck became even more unstable.

It may be because Ling Huohuo drove into the pig truck too many times, which frightened the pigs behind the pig truck. A pig even broke through the railing and rolled and flew out of the pig truck.

Ling Huohuo happened to meet the rolling pig's eyes through the rearview mirror.

"This pig has its own thoughts." Ling Huohuo judged.

"Don't worry about that pig, there's a turn ahead!"

Ling Huohuo looked forward in a blink of an eye, and sure enough, there was a turn ahead.

"Let's decide the winner here!"

"What?" The policewoman was taken aback when she heard Ling Huohuo's words.

"Inertialdrift." (Inertial drift)
The tail of Ling Huohuo's car was thrown out violently, and hit the pig truck hard. Finally, the pig truck was scrapped by Ling Huohuo's car, and it braked suddenly. After gliding for a certain distance, it flew out of the highway and landed on the ground. Rolled twice before stopping.

Ling Huohuo hurriedly braked, and then turned around to look at the flying pig truck. The policewoman also wanted to get off the truck, but found that her legs were weak and her lower body was a little wet.

At this time, a cart of pigs fell scattered on the ground, and some were crushed under the cart.

But the driver and co-pilot were dead or alive.


Ling Huohuo looked at the pig lying on the ground with pity.

If these pigs are not sent to first aid, they will have to wait to die.

The sound of impact came from the direction of the pig truck, and two men climbed out from the driver's seat, but neither of them were in a good condition at this time.

"Damn it!" Seeing Ling Huohuo, a man cursed and took out a pistol from his waist.

"Be careful!" The policewoman who walked out with the car yelled to remind Ling Huohuo.

And Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

Gunshots sounded.

But Ling Huohuo did squat down suddenly, and the bullet flew past Ling Huohuo's cheek, bringing up a blue light like data.

Although Ling Huohuo has lost his strength, his own consciousness is still there, and this digital body can also be ordered and prohibited. The most important thing is that this body will not be injured, because it has a blood bar, just ask you if you are afraid Not afraid?
Ling Huohuo's body rushed out.

Another man also pulled out a pistol, and the two men shot at Ling Huohuo with pistols. Although Ling Huohuo only relied on the physical fitness of ordinary people, he could easily dodge the bullets by relying on super high reaction and awareness. Finally, he rushed to the side of the two men.

If anything, the quality of Ling Huohuo's body has reached the peak of ordinary people, and if it goes any further, it is extraordinary!

Ling Huohuo smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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