Chapter 1008 Oranges (Part [-])
After a set of combo skills, the two men successfully rushed to the street.

Seeing that Ling Huohuo had knocked out the two men, the policewoman knelt down while supporting the car.


The policewoman didn't know what she was celebrating.

Glad you got out of the car safely?Fortunately, Ling Huohuo was not injured?

Ling Huohuo checked the two men.

When Ling Huohuo saw the marks on the arms of the two men, a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"This logo is Organization X?!"

However, with the strength of these two people, they can only be regarded as peripheral personnel of the X organization.

Then Ling Huohuo touched a box in the arms of one of the men, Ling Huohuo opened it curiously, and found that it was...

"Orange?" Ling Huohuo looked at the orange in his hand and twitched the corner of his mouth.

This orange was the only special item that Ling Huohuo found on the two men, and it seemed to be well protected, after all, it was sealed in a special box.

Ling Huohuo threw the orange into his pocket, and then stuffed the box back into the man's arms.

Afterwards, Ling Huohuo got up and walked back. When passing by a dead pig, Ling Huohuo unceremoniously picked up the dead pig.

Ling Huohuo opened the top of the sports car, turning the sports car into a convertible sports car, then threw the pig on his shoulders behind and fixed it.

"What are you doing?" The policewoman got up belatedly and asked Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo patted the butt of the dead pig.

"Of course I will take it home to eat!"


Ling Huohuo patted the stamp on the pig's butt.

"See, you're immune!"


The point is not this!
Ling Huohuo sat in the driver's seat and started the sports car.

"Little sister, don't play uniform games anymore."

"Why... wait, what do you mean?" The policewoman's expression changed.

Ling Huohuo smiled and pointed to the button on the policewoman's chest that popped open.

"If the police are all like you, then can we ordinary people feel at ease? Also, in the future, I will play with uniforms and snacks, and find a suitable dress, although this kind of one is more in line with my appetite. Of course, it is on the bed. "

After finishing speaking, Ling Huohuo kicked the accelerator and left in the dust.


The policewoman stomped her feet angrily, then took off her coat.

"That's right, that thing!"

The policewoman hurried to the side of the two men who fainted, but only got an empty box.

The policewoman's complexion changed drastically, she hurriedly took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Where have you been? Things are gone!"


When Ling Huohuo brought a dead pig back to the studio, many onlookers came out of the studio.

"Haven't you ever seen a whole pig?"

"I've only seen it on TV." Gabriel said.

"I've only seen raw pork," said Vinet.

"What I've seen is a well-made pork chop!" Satania smiled, "I didn't expect pork chops to be the meat of this kind of creature."

"I've seen a pig demon." Rabbit Jiji said.

"Okay, don't surround yourself. Come and deal with this pig. It died not long ago, and the meat should still be fresh. By the way, let the pillar tower send two chefs over. Today we will have a whole pig feast."

Mai Shiranui drew out her own knife, and skillfully began to dismember the dead pig.

Mai Shiranui's life was quite ordinary. Mai Shiranui practiced Ninja when she was a child. Later, she gradually changed her job to become a fighter. Mai Shiranui was inherited in the hands of Mai Shiranui until Mai Shiranui was brought home by Ling Huohuo. Became a full-time chef in the studio.

However, Mai Shiranui's strength has not fallen, after all, there are no ordinary people in the studio.

Ling Huohuo returned to the room and took out the oranges in his pocket.

"What's the matter with this orange?" Ling Huohuo didn't think this orange was ordinary, after all, it belonged to the X organization.

Ling Huohuo paid more attention to the things of the X organization.

In addition to the Army of the Brave, Organization X is a force that dares to confront the Army of the Demon King, and it has many bases and is widely distributed.

After looking at it for a while, Ling Huohuo didn't feel anything strange about this kind of orange, and then Ling Huohuo peeled the orange.

Orange flesh petals appeared in front of Ling Huohuo's eyes, looking fresh and delicious.

"The appearance of this orange is too good." Ling Huohuo found something strange.

Then Ling Huohuo broke off a petal and threw it into his mouth.

"Well, it's delicious."

Ling Huohuo ate the second petal, and soon, all the oranges went into Ling Huohuo's stomach.

"No problem, wait!"

Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows, he felt a special power spreading in his body, Ling Huohuo transferred his personal panel.

The attribute of strength is actually improving, directly reaching the first level!
The strength of Ling Huohuo's body is only one step away from the first level, but he didn't expect to directly advance to the first level after eating an orange.

"This orange..." Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

"It's delicious."


At dinner, everyone in the studio ate a whole pig feast, but one pig was not enough. Fortunately, Zhuta has its own grain warehouse, which has a lot of high-grade ingredients for the chef to cook.

After finishing dinner, Ling Huohuo returned to the room.

Ling Huohuo picked up a report on the table.

This report was obtained after Ling Huohuo had someone send the orange peels to the future city for analysis. He didn't expect the report to come out so soon, and it was sent directly to his room.

The one who likes to do this should be Hongshuang.

Ling Huohuo sniffed the report paper, and sure enough, it smelled of red frost.

Ling Huohuo opened the report and began to check it.

The content of the report was not much, and Ling Huohuo couldn't understand those technical terms. As long as he got the result, people in the future city would also know Ling Huohuo's temperament, and the reports he sent were also very straightforward.

"...According to the orange peel, it can be inferred that oranges contain sufficient nutrients, which are much higher than ordinary oranges, and can provide more energy. Long-term consumption can improve the physical condition, and theoretically, it can even make ordinary people enter the realm of extraordinary class, the premise is to consume a lot of food or to be on the edge of a transcendent..."

"No side effects have been found yet..."

"...a special radiation fluctuation has been detected on the orange peel and is being analyzed, but there is no progress..."

"If you find similar oranges, please don't eat them lightly. Organization X will never research something that benefits the people."

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth, but unfortunately he had already eaten the orange.

But this report proves that the orange is not simple.

"Perhaps, this orange was not developed by the X organization." Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

Those two people looked more like they were going to take the orange somewhere, and the policewoman was chasing them.

This makes it easy to think of various situations.

(End of this chapter)

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