Chapter 1026
"You want to find Lu Xun? What does that have to do with me, Zhou Shuren?"


Then the heroic spirit of the writer who called himself Lu Xun was taken away.

The female secretary rubbed her eyebrows, feeling a little tired.

The wild heroic spirits that can be found now are writers with little fighting power, and these heroic spirits really have no power to want them, but under Ling Huohuo's order, these writers' heroic spirits are still kept, and they don't know what to do use.

At this time, many heroic spirits of writers had already gathered in the pillar tower.

Dante, Hugo, Edison, Homer, Goethe, Lu Xun, Gorky, Shaw, Shakespeare...

There are also some writers with strange names, such as Mengrui Shenji, Diaochan Tudou, Tang Family Sanniang, Gu Gu Gu...

This is not the so-called "coaching passing wild heroic spirits" at all, it is completely "collecting heroic spirits of writers from all over the world"!

Although the female secretary was a little speechless, she still carried out Ling Huohuo's request perfectly.

As for why Ling Huohuo collected these writers' heroic spirits, the matter is actually not that complicated.

The reason comes from the knight system. With the continuous upgrade of the knight system, the knight system is now trying to connect with the heroic spirit.

The so-called attempt to connect with the heroic spirit is to rely on the ability of the heroic spirit on some items through a special system, and then the knight can rely on these items to transform at a higher level, and then possess these special powers. Of course, this experiment will not harm To the heroic spirit, this is a special ability that draws on the power of the heroic spirit.

Theoretically, any knight can use these special items. However, if approved by the heroic spirit to which the item belongs, or if the two parties have a special spiritual resonance, these items can exert more powerful power, and even summon the heroic spirit Projection to assist in combat.

And these special items can also be used after the heroic spirits return to the Hall of Valor in the future, that is, if the heroic spirits return to the Hall of Valor, they will not be able to continue to be manufactured in the future, and if they are broken, they cannot be repaired unless the heroic spirits come to the world again.

These special items are named "transformation components".

And the initial goal of this realization is the writer's heroic spirit with weaker own strength. The spiritual power of the writer's heroic spirit is relatively mild, and although the writer's heroic spirit is generally weak, they all have their own special abilities.

For example, the heroic spirit Lu Xun has two special abilities, one is called "writing to save people" and the other is called "the origin of all things".

A healing ability and a tracking ability are very useful.

Ling Huohuo felt that when the technology is upgraded in the future, these cross-dressing components will be further improved, and it may be possible to equip more than one at the same time, such as transforming into a coin size, and equip three pieces at a time, and the knight will have more abilities.

While the knight system was being upgraded in full swing, Ling Huohuo was busy with another matter.

That is, people cannibalism appeared in Zhonghai City!
But this incident pointed to the orange incident!
Ling Huohuo could feel the restlessness in his body, as well as that special longing, but this time, Ling Huohuo couldn't feel the opponent's position, the opponent blocked Ling Huohuo's perception of the orange power in his body!
Ling Huohuo also paid attention to this matter. If the other party can really block his perception, then even if the other party stands in front of him, he may not be able to find out that the other party is the person who ate oranges.

Ling Huohuo came to the scene of the incident alone.

Touching his chest, the longing is still there, which proves that the special power in the body of the person who ate the orange has accumulated to a certain extent in the dark. It is very likely that as long as the other party is still in Zhonghai City, the longing in Ling Huohuo's body will not disappear. will stop.

And the power of desire, the more it accumulates, the more violent it will be, and this feeling will also make people irritable and more aggressive!

The cannibalism incident was temporarily suppressed by Ling Huohuo through his hands, but he sent many people to guard the scene and investigate the incident.

Ling Huohuo walked to the scene of the crime in casual clothes.

The scene of the crime was in a community. At this time, ordinary people nearby had been evacuated. On the surface, there were police guards, but secretly, there were more people guarding the place.

Ling Huohuo was not worried about alarming the attackers, because the other party did not cover up too much, but only concealed his true identity, and even left some corpses on purpose, so that others could see that this was a place where food was eaten. people on the scene.

Ling Huohuo didn't know the opponent's purpose, but he must be on the opponent's target list!
After all, he was the man who ate three oranges!

"Sir, this place has been blocked." A policeman stopped Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo took out what he brought, which was an investigation permit.

"This..." The policeman hesitated.

"Please wait a moment."

Ling Huohuo nodded.

The police left temporarily and contacted their captain, and then their captain contacted their superiors to confirm the authenticity of the investigation permit, and then let Ling Huohuo in.

"Mr. Ling has worked hard. I am the person in charge here. You can call me Team Feng."

A short and thin man smiled and said to Ling Huohuo, although the man is not tall, but he has a capable aura, his eyes are piercing, and he can be seen as an elite.

"Hello, Team Feng."

"Is there anything we can do for you?"

"Not yet, I'll just have a look." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

"Okay, please. If you need it, you can contact us. This is your walkie-talkie." Captain Feng smiled and handed a walkie-talkie to Ling Huohuo.

After Ling Huohuo put away the walkie-talkie, he walked into the community alone.

Team Feng didn't underestimate Ling Huohuo or have other special ideas because Ling Huohuo looked young. After all, the world is different, and age doesn't mean everything. Although Team Feng is an ordinary person, he sees it very well. Open, and very thorough.


Ling Huohuo walked into the community. At this time, there was no activity in the community, it seemed very empty, and it was also deserted and gloomy.

The atmosphere felt a bit chilly down the spine.

Ling Huohuo paced around in the community, looking around.

In fact, the inside of the community has been inspected many times, but it was the first time for Ling Huohuo to enter this community.

Generally speaking, there are no problems in the community.

Then Ling Huohuo walked into a house.

When Ling Huohuo opened the door of the unit, a gust of cold wind blew across Ling Huohuo's temples.

Ling Huohuo walked into the house without any fluctuation in the expression on his face.

When Ling Huohuo stepped into the corridor of the unit, the door of the unit closed automatically with a bang as usual.

Just when Ling Huohuo was about to take a step, Ling Huohuo's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Hello, I'm Ling Huohuo." Ling Huohuo took out the phone.

A hoarse voice came from the phone.

"General, come quickly, the mistress is about to start a war with the Demon King's army!"


(End of this chapter)

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