The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 1027 The Mysterious Man and the Monster

Chapter 1027 The Mysterious Man and the Monster
The war came too fast, like a tornado...

Ling Huohuo rubbed his eyebrows.

"Where did it go?"

"The mistress has already destroyed a main city of the Demon King's army."

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth.

"Why did you come to inform me at this time?"

Ling Huohuo's heart is grasping grass.

"General, you may not believe it. Originally, we didn't want to destroy a main city of the Demon King's Army, but when we came back to our senses, one of the main cities of the Demon King's Army had already been destroyed..."

"Is there a third party involved?" Ling Huohuo frowned.


"what is the problem?"

"It was Mrs. Guo Xiaoyu who did it. She said she didn't do it on purpose. Believe it or not, we all believe it anyway."


Guo Xiaoyu, Gan Linniang!
Ling Huohuo felt a little pain in his head.

"Then is there anything else you need to contact me now?" Ling Huohuo continued to ask.

"That...wait a minute, General, things have made new progress!"


"Master Guo Xiaoyu just won the second city of the Demon King Army. Although it is not the main city, it is still a big city."


"I heard that although the owner of the main city is an evil force, he is a believer in the Goddess of Life. He has met Mr. Guo Xiaoyu a long time ago, and he respects Mr. Guo Xiaoyu as his master. After hearing that Mr. Guo Xiaoyu is right After the Demon King's army attacked, he directly chose to take the entire city to surrender, and the city was a gift for Master Guo Xiaoyu."


"Also, Master Guo Xiaoyu said that she doesn't remember the city lord, and she doesn't remember when the city lord was subdued, but there is indeed this record in the system notification, because there are too many people like this city lord... "

As if he couldn't hold it anymore, he said everything he knew on the phone in one breath.

"There is one last thing. The city lord said that he also recruited a group of like-minded comrades, including the city lord, wandering rangers, large families...etc. Now they and their representatives are on their way to join Guo Xiaoyu The adult's downfall."

"What the mistress wants me to ask you now is... can our territory house those people and forces who have surrendered? If not, she will go out and build another territory."

Until he hung up the phone, Ling Huohuo still couldn't recover.

What the hell kind of rhythm is it that Guo Xiaoyu waved his hand so that thousands of people would come to minister?

Is there really such a mysterious temperament as kingly aura?

Ling Huohuo shook his head.

He is more inclined to be a ghost of luck!

The Son of Destiny... so terrifying!
As the saying goes, the third year of the female college holds gold bricks, the third year of the female college gives the world, and the third hundred of the female college has the elixir... cough cough.

Ling Huohuo withdrew his divergent thinking, and put aside the matter of the Demon King's Army, because he was going to find an orange!

Ling Huohuo walked in the empty stairway.

The floor has lost power, so the elevator doesn't work at all.

The incident took place on the ninth floor.

Room 903,

Ling Huohuo pushed open the door.

Although the scene has been dealt with, the blackened blood and the mess can still be clearly seen.

But these Ling Huohuo have seen them in photos and videos.

As for the difference, it is that there is an extra orange on the coffee table.

Fresh oranges stand out in the dim murder scene.

Ling Huohuo pinched his chin.

"It seems that things are not simple!"

Then Ling Huohuo couldn't hold back, peeled open the orange, and ate the orange into his stomach.

Just when Ling Huohuo had just finished eating the oranges, a strong desire surged out of Ling Huohuo's body. Ling Huohuo turned his head suddenly, and saw a figure standing at the door where he had just stood, with a pair of blood-red eyes , looked at him faintly.

"Please close the door when you go out, the wind is a bit cold."

The figure paused for a moment, then let out a chuckle, and closed the door, but the figure also entered the room.

Ling Huohuo shrugged and shook the orange peel off his hand.

"Did you let this go? To lure turtles, bah, to lure handsome guys into the game? Let me snag a net?"

The figure didn't speak, but opened its mouth.

"Whoa, whoa..."

The sound of a baby crying came from the figure's mouth.

"You ate that orange, you are my prey!"

Ling Huohuo frowned and moved his feet.


At this time, there was a lot of liquid on the ground...

"It's water!"

Ling Huohuo suddenly bent back, and the cold wind passed over Ling Huohuo's head.

"Sneak attack is not a good behavior!"

Ling Huohuo raised his foot, and there was a bang... Instead of kicking the opponent out, he was grabbed by the foot instead.

Ling Huohuo used his strength to support his body and looked at the figure.

The figure is wearing a hat, but from Ling Huohuo's perspective, it can be seen that the figure is a man with a stern look, and he looks very vicious at first glance!

A huge force came from Ling Huohuo's feet, and Ling Huohuo was thrown out, hit the far wall, and then fell into the water on the ground.

Ling Huohuo struggled to get up.

"Don't come here!"

But the man still walked towards Ling Huohuo without haste, like a wild animal hunting.

"Come here again and I'll call someone!"

"Whoa, whoa..."


Ling Huohuo took a deep breath and took out his belt.


The man wanted to stop him, but found that he couldn't keep up with Ling Huohuo's speed, and Ling Huohuo's transformation was completed in a blink of an eye.

"Give up, this is the hand speed I have practiced in half a month alone!"

Then Ling Huohuo took out a device like a mobile phone, called up a picture, and inserted it in the middle of his belt.

"I'll use you to try our latest achievement, the cross-fitting accessories!"

"Respond to me, Shakespeare!"

[It's time for the show to begin, let's give thunderous applause——]

Sound effects play, lights bloom, and then nothing happens.

"what's the situation?"

Ling Huohuo picked up the phone on his belt, and changed a picture.

"Respond to me, Mozart!"

[Playing a funeral song for the god of death——]

The sound effect sounded, and the light bloomed...

"Respond to me, Andersen!"

【Write a story for you——】

Sound effects sound...

"Respond to me, Da Vinci!"


[Almighty Man——]

"Respond to me, Lu Xun!"


Sure enough, semi-finished products often have problems!
Ling Huohuo put away the cross-dressing accessories, then clenched his fists.

"Respond to me, Ling Huohuo, puff..."

Then Ling Huohuo clenched his fist and rushed towards the man.

"Ha ha!"

The man sneered, in his eyes, Ling Huohuo was just a clown.

Seeing Ling Huohuo rushing over, the man stretched out his hand.

Then Ling Huohuo hit the bull's-eye with a punch - it hit the man in the face!
This time it was the man who flew out and hit the wall on the other side, dropping his hat to the ground.

"Impossible!" The man got up and exclaimed.

Ling Huohuo also saw clearly the whole appearance of the man under the hat - there were two special bumps on the man's head.

"Looking for death!" The man was furious suddenly, his body swelled suddenly, and a pair of antlers grew out from the protrusion on the top of his head.

"Monster? No!"

Soon, the man completed his transformation——

It is a monster that looks like a bird but not a bird. It looks like a vulture with horns on its head.

But there is no evil spirit!
The monster opened its mouth.

"Whoa, whoa..."

(End of this chapter)

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