The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 1033 The Berserker Is Restless

Chapter 1033 The Berserker Is Restless

"Actually, I really hate America, because it's too free." Father Ling lit a cigarette for himself.

Beside Ling's father are other parents and heroic spirits, and opposite Ling's father are a group of gangsters with weapons and a group of heroic spirits.

At this time, Father Ling and the others were surrounded.

When they arrived on this continent, they have been under attack, making them unable to rest peacefully, weakening their strength in a disguised form, and now, the enemy has finally bared its fangs—launched a general attack!

But Father Ling and the others haven't seen the shadow of the Holy Grail yet.

What made Ling's father and the others feel the most uncomfortable was that what was aimed at them was even - Zhu Jiang!
At this time, there were at least three pillar generals among those who besieged them.

This is no longer a simple siege, because the other party did not abide by the so-called "Holy Grail Treaty".

"Maybe the Pillar King of America will also make a move." Mother Ling laughed.

"It's really a bad situation." Father Xiao said.

"Huh? I feel another Holy Grail is nearby." Father Ling said suddenly, with some surprise in his eyes.

"What does the other party mean?" Father Lu was a little confused.

Xiao's mother suddenly thought of something, took out a manual, and rummaged through it.

"I found it. The forces under the Holy Grail can also participate in the Holy Grail War, but when these forces attack, the Holy Grail must be within the scope of the battlefield."

Mother Guo tilted her neck.

"Isn't it just right?"

"Wife, can we be more serious? You are already past the age of the second year of middle school, and it is not good for your neck to be so crooked." Father Guo said with a cup of tea made from wolfberries.

"Also, to be fair, we took the initiative to call the door. It seems that there is no problem with the other party besieging us." Father Guo wiped his face.

"Then what advice do you have?" Mother Guo asked.

"Of course it's...fuck it!" Father Guo said seriously.

Although I'm at a loss here, but... fuck it!
"Today, the six Holy Grails will become five." Father Ling pushed his glasses, and the power around him surged.

"The origin of the earth!"

"The Origin of Gold!"

Two original auras emerged from Ling's father and Ling's mother.

"It's the first time we've used our full strength." Mother Ling laughed.

Two huge giants with a whole body of gold and a statistical khaki stood up from the ground, standing more than 50 meters high on the ground.

At the same time, countless one-man-tall soldiers composed of metal and earth attributes appeared on the ground. The soldiers' hands and feet were all sharp blades.

"Then, the war begins!" Father Ling threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and then stamped it out.

The earth is split from the middle!

Father Lu and Mother Lu were both ready to fight.

Xiao's father and Xiao's mother retreated, and they were responsible for coordinating the overall situation.

Father Guo hugged Mother Guo.

"Honey, you have to protect me."

"Honey, be good~ don't be afraid, don't be afraid~"

Father Ling rubbed his eyebrows. To be honest, in the current situation, unless the opponent took out a big mushroom to clear the field, it would be really difficult to hit them.

After all, the enemy is fighting against two world origins, that is, a quarter of the world!


Ling family.

Mai Shiranui is taking care of Ling Xue.

Ling Xue's two little hands were holding the power of earth and the power of gold respectively, and she wanted to bring these two kinds of power together.

However, it was interrupted by Mai Shiranui.

As Ling Xue grew up, some power in Ling Xue began to gradually awaken.

For Ling Xue's situation, Ling Huohuo knew about it, but he had no good way to do it. He could only watch and prevent Ling Xue from causing any danger to hurt himself.

Suddenly, the events outside the Ling family seemed to be triggered.

"What's the situation?" Mai Shiranui hugged Ling Xue and got up.

"Our house was stolen." Mi Ke's voice came, and she closed the book in her hand.

Mai Shiranui looked at Mi Ke.

"Who the hell came here so recklessly? Just let me be the devil of Satania..."

Then Satania was dragged away by Vinette, so don't make trouble at this time.

"Those are Berserkers, the Legion of Terror, belonging to Ares, the God of War." The elder of the Demon Race looked at the situation outside and was familiar with the identity of the outsider.

"What about the purpose?"

"It seems that there are many heroic spirits here, and they want to take those heroic spirits away, but they seem to come here without inquiring about the situation." The elder of the demon clan said.

"What? Is my incompetent son here to make trouble?" Zhou Zi was drinking beer with a dazed expression on his face.

Molong opened another can of cold beer for himself.

"What should I do?" Yuexi asked.

Ling Huohuo is not here, there is no one to lead them now, and no one is qualified to drive all the fighting power here.

"Let me do it, really, don't worry about me, this old man." Zhou Zi shook his head.

"Lady, please be a lady, you are a woman now." Demon Dragon reminded.

"Okay, hiccup~" Zhou Zi hiccupped.

"Since it's my son's mad fighter, I'll let him see his father... Mom, my sky fighter!"

However, nothing happened.

"Where is your sky fighter?" Yue Xi couldn't help asking.

"Oh, let me call them in the group."

Zhou Zi took out his mobile phone.


However, the Ling family's protection is still in place, and the Berserkers will not be able to attack for a while.

"Is there something wrong?" Gabriel asked from her room.

"never mind."

"Then I'm going back to play games."

Miko frowned.

"What's wrong?" Yuexi asked.

"It's not easy for a mad fighter to attack a heroic spirit."

Yue Xi nodded.

"With the participation of gods, the Holy Grail War will be chaotic, but... this matter has nothing to do with us, and the others will not be able to sit still." Yue Xi said pointedly.

Cleopatra stood in front of the window, watching the situation outside, narrowing her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

The goldfinch flew out of the window suddenly, followed by the green cotton bird and the three millet bird. They disappeared, but they must have gone out to look for food again.


The Lost Lands, in the lake.

Ling Huohuo added status to Zhiyuan and hid behind, while Zhiyuan fought all kinds of monsters in front alone.

Although Zhiyuan was a little unhappy with Ling Huohuo's attitude, she also really felt the benefits and pleasure of having a big breast behind her.

All in all... have fun!
And when they were advancing in the lake, several forces on the ground didn't wait any longer, and they all started to attack the ruins.

On a mountain top.

Hongshuang, Datengu, and Ling Yuer stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the situation below.

"The gods, the devil, the brave, I don't know what will happen when they collide with each other." Hongshuang smiled.

"Let's do the things the general entrusted to us first." said the big tengu.

"Compared to this side, I want to go to Yizi's side more, and I can kill a few people on the battlefield." Hongshuang said.

"Don't worry, there will be a chance." Big Tengu said.

"I don't like killing people very much, I want to eat delicious food." Ling Yu'er muttered.

Then, the three disappeared on the top of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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