Chapter 1034 Blood Elf
Ling Huohuo and Zhiyuan continued to dive.

"How far is it?" Zhiyuan asked.


Sure enough, as Ling Huohuo said, the two soon reached the passage to enter the ruins.

But Zhiyuan didn't come back to God for a long time.

"Burning tea" didn't cheat me? ? ?
Zhiyuan looked at Ling Huohuo.

Perhaps, burning tea is a good person.

Ling Huohuo looked at Zhiyuan with a strange expression in doubt.

"what happened?"

"No, nothing."

Ling Huohuo and Zhiyuan swam through the underwater passage, and then they rushed out of a lake in the ruins with a pop.

"Change your equipment and come with me. Last time I explored a small area, our goal this time is the rest of the area." Ling Huohuo said.

"Actually, I've always wondered where did you find this relic, after all, it's far away from the territory of the sun elves." Zhiyuan asked suspiciously.

Ling Huohuo's body paused, he had already thought of an excuse for this problem.

"There is always no harm in reading more books." Ling Huohuo said.

"You mean you saw the record of this ruin in the book?" Zhiyuan asked in shock.

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"what book?"

""I May Be a Fake Ultraman"."


Ling Huohuo didn't mean to continue talking about it, but changed his equipment.

"Alright, Private First Class Zhiyuan, are you ready to go?"

"What kind of joke are you playing?"



Ling Huohuo took the kite and began to explore the ruins.

The interior of the ruins looks very old, and the stone walls on both sides are covered with strange murals, as if they are telling some epic stories.

To be honest, Ling Huo is as familiar with this ruins as his own backyard.

After all, when Ling Huohuo was arranging, he walked through the ruins several times.

For example, the monsters in the ruins were captured by Ling Huohuo with the ghosts of the void, and then placed in various places.

"The harvest last time was limited, but I still got some useful information." Ling Huohuo said as he walked, "This light elf relic should not be some high-level relic, but just some corner inheritance, which may be this The reason why the ruins have survived to this day."

"Why do you judge like that?" Zhiyuan asked curiously.

Ling Huohuo looked at the murals around him, but didn't look at the kite, and then continued: "No matter how the light elves were destroyed, but they were destroyed so thoroughly, even the current elves royal family didn't leave much inheritance. It is enough to judge that the light elves who were released must have been hit by the extermination of the clan, and it happened so suddenly that the light elves had no time to leave a retreat and inheritance, and the only ones who survived such a blow were those who were not It’s nothing more than something that the enemy puts in their eyes, and even if there are light elves who are still alive, they will not be too rich if they arrange ruins here.”

Hearing Ling Huohuo's words, Zhi Yuan nodded in agreement.

"As expected of a person who reads a lot, he can analyze it one by one."

"That's why people should read more if they are stupid."

"Why do I feel that there is something in your words?"

"Your illusion."

In fact, as Ling Huohuo said, the things in this ruins are not rich, but this is only relative!
Ling Huohuo continued to speak: "However, the light elves back then were demigods after all. Compared with the current royal family, it is simply the difference between heaven and earth. It’s precious to us players, and it’s true to everyone else.”

Zhi Yuan's expression also became serious, she was not a fool, she naturally knew the meaning of Ling Huohuo's words.

Ling Huohuo glanced at Zhiyuan, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Even if there are artifacts, it's not surprising."

The kite's expression didn't change much.

Zhiyuan is not a fool, although it seems that she is being bullied by Ling Huohuo, but when it comes to serious matters, Zhiyuan will not give in easily.

"So, how will the income be distributed?" Zhiyuan suddenly stopped. After learning about the specific situation, some things must be clarified. This is the basis for continued cooperation between players.

The biggest difference between players is only two points, one is reputation, and the other is profit.

The so-called interest is the distribution of income.

Although the distribution method stipulated in advance may not be applicable in the end, it is a guarantee of peace of mind during the expedition.

"Just follow the most commonly used distribution method." Ling Huohuo smiled, looked at Zhiyuan and said.

Zhiyuan nodded without any objection.

The so-called most commonly used means of distribution is to distribute according to demand, and then fill in the difference.

Prioritize the selection of the equipment required by the profession. If you like the same piece of equipment, you will allocate points. The rest of the equipment will fill in the gap between the players' income according to their value.

This is the most common distribution method, and it is also a reasonable distribution method.

Ling Huohuo continued to move forward with the kite.

What distribution method, everything here was Ling Huohuo before, but I couldn't catch fish if I couldn't bear the bait.

Soon, the two came to a hall, and Ling Huohuo deliberately chose a path without enemies.

"I cleared this path last time. This is the furthest point I reached last time. There is a powerful monster inside. I can't beat it, but that monster won't leave this hall." Ling Huohuo said .

The kite clenched its weapon tightly.

"I'm going to open the door when I'm ready." Ling Huohuo said.

Zhiyuan nodded.

The next step is to open the BOSS!
Ling Huohuo pushed open the door of the main hall, but Ling Huohuo only opened a gap and didn't continue to do anything.

Because, from the gap, Ling Huohuo saw that there were already people fighting in the hall.

Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows, the plan is going faster than he imagined, but it is still in the plan.

Seeing that Ling Huohuo hadn't moved, Zhi Yuan looked into the hall from behind Ling Huohuo through the gap in the gate.

I saw a team of blood elves fighting a huge minotaur, and the blood elves had a slight upper hand.

However, many of the blood elves still died, and the battle was quite fierce.

If they are not strong enough, they can only die, and these blood elves who are not strong enough are naturally just cannon fodder.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from the crack in the door.

" me..." a blood elf said vaguely.

Ling Huohuo opened the door, and the injured blood elf crawled out, followed by the second injured blood elf, and there was no third one.

Ling Huohuo looked at the two dying blood elves at his feet.

"It can't be saved anymore." Ling Huohuo shook his head.

Unlike players, there is no so-called blood recovery for NPC characters dying, they can only be treated.

Zhiyuan squatted down, drew the dagger on her thigh, and wiped the two blood elves' necks one by one.

"This will also make them less painful." Zhiyuan explained.

Ling Huohuo shrugged - I believe you ghost!

The reminder of gaining experience points is still echoing in Ling Huohuo's ears.

Looking at the corpses of the two blood elves, Zhiyuan's eyes flickered and she licked the corners of her mouth.

"I have a bold idea."

(End of this chapter)

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