The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 104 Artifact - Queen's Magic Mirror

Chapter 104 Artifact - Queen's Magic Mirror
The theme of this year's copy of "War of Gods and Demons" is "Love in Fairy Tales".

Everyone passed through the portal and officially entered the copy.

"Welcome to the world of magically modified fairy tale dungeons!"

After everyone opened their eyes, they began to observe the surrounding environment.

Bright sky, flying butterflies, beautiful forest, cute little animals, everyone feels like they have entered the world of fairy tales.

The beautiful scene attracted the attention of all the girls in the team.

"As expected of "War of Gods and Demons", this picture quality, this design."

"What a nice view."

"Okay, it's time to accept the task."

The holy angel said, and then began to look for the mission target.

Suddenly, there was a sound from the woods.

Everyone hastily raised their guard.

After a while, a figure flew out.

"what is this?"

Ling Huohuo lost an identification technique casually.

"Forest Elf, Billy, Philosopher, likes wrestling, friendly camp, can accept quests."

"It's the NPC who dispatched the mission," said the holy angel.

Everyone put down their weapons and waited for the opponent's arrival.

It wasn't until Billy arrived in front of everyone that they saw Billy's appearance clearly. His body looked like a strong man wearing white underwear, and behind him were two pairs of light wings, only the size of a fist.

"Want to study philosophy together?"

Billy gave everyone a thumbs up and showed his white teeth.

"Ahem, may I help you? The Fairy of the Forest." The captain, the holy angel, asked.

"Oh, so it's an adventurer. I do know that there is one thing that needs your help."

Billy frowned.

"Please say."

"The dragon has captured the princess. The king is looking for a brave man to save the princess. Can you help the king?"

"Ding! Do you want to accept the mission "Rescue the Princess"?"

Was it the original Dragon Quest story?Sure enough, it was a copy of a fairy tale. Everyone looked at each other. It is also very interesting to recall childhood occasionally.

"Happy to serve."

"Ding! Received the mission successfully, and entered the first stage of the mission—"The Arrival of the Brave": Arrive at the Imperial City." The mission message sounded in the dialog box of everyone.

"That's really great, then go to the imperial city quickly, the king is waiting for you there! Follow this road and you will reach the imperial city, we will see you again in the future!"

Billy said happily, and flew away.

Seeing Billy flying away, everyone rubbed their eyes.

"Is this Forest Fairy also from a fairy tale?"

"I always feel that children will have nightmares when they watch it."

"It might exist in a man's fairy tale..."

"Don't worry about it, let's go first."

Everyone walked along the road, and encountered some wild monsters on the road, such as "passing stepmother", "passing stepmother" and... "passing stepmother".

After the elimination, all kinds of rags and a few copper coins can be exploded, nothing more.

Hold the grass, why are they all stepmothers?Don't have an original match?And why are you wandering around when you have nothing to do?Still so poor?
Then, everyone encountered a rare monster-"passing mother"!
"Quick! Don't let her run away, the equipment sender is here!"

After everyone besieged the pro...rare monster, a card popped out.

Name: Mother's Warmth.

Introduction: Only the mother is good in the world, the mother brings warmth, and the mother is worried when the son travels thousands of miles. I will send you a pumpkin cart. You can use the card to summon the pumpkin cart and the gecko cart driver. It is used for traveling, can be used multiple times, and can be loaded up to 25 people.


After using the card, a big pumpkin cart and a handsome coachman appeared, isn't it the gecko coachman?Everyone got on the pumpkin cart and found that it was still very delicate inside, with good seats and decorations.

Soon, everyone arrived at the imperial city.

The design of the imperial city is still very grand.

"Stop, who is it?" The guard at the door stopped everyone.

"We were introduced by the fairy of the forest to assist the king in rescuing the princess!" said the holy angel.

"So that's the case, then come with me, and I will take you to meet the king."

Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows. As expected of a fairy tale, a guard has the right to bring someone to meet the king?

Soon everyone saw the king.

"Finally a warrior has come to save my Snow White!"

After everyone explained their intentions, the bearded king burst into tears, as if he was extremely moved.

snow White?Everyone was taken aback, shouldn't Snow White's villain be the Queen?How did you get involved with the evil dragon?
"Excuse me, where is your queen?" Lazy Angel couldn't help asking.

"Woooooo...the queen has passed away." The king cried even more fiercely.

"No, no, I'm asking about the one you married later." The lazy angel waved his hand.

"It's dead too... woo woo woo..."

You king is poisonous!
The crowd was speechless.

"Would you like to save my Snow White?"

asked the king.

"We will," replied the holy angel.

"Ding! The first phase of the mission is completed, and the second phase of the mission - "The Birth of the Brave": as a brave man, of course, he must ride the tallest horse and hold the sharpest sword. Ask the target to follow the king to pull out the sword in the stone and tame the Pegasus , other members are free to move about.”

"That's great! But if you want to be a brave man, you must draw the sword in the stone."

"Don't worry, I will pull it out." The holy angel said.

"Then come with me." The king nodded.

The holy angel did not leave directly, but turned around.

"This link is a free activity link. There are many hidden tasks and props in the imperial city. When I go to pull out the sword in the stone and tame the pegasus, don't worry about me. You can try to get rewards."

After speaking, the holy angel turned and left.

"Let's collect it. Isn't that holy angel at a disadvantage? He won't get anything." Liang Feng asked.

"Don't worry." Shengguang fooled me and said, "Generally, in this case, the Sword in the Stone and the Pegasus will be rewarded to him as compensation. This is the captain's reward, so let's take advantage of this time to do other tasks quickly, and we must get better rewards! It is said that some people have obtained artifacts in this link before!"

After finishing speaking, the top management of the Shenyuan Trade Union hurried out of the Ke Palace.

Everyone in NG looked at each other, and they all followed out. It is said that there is a magic weapon!That is an artifact!
Leaving Ling Huohuo alone, he scratched his face.

It's not that he didn't want to go out with everyone, but was stopped by Walliver.

"Master, I think you should look for it in the palace."

Walliver said swearingly, in fact, he wanted Ling Huohuo and the people from the God Paradise Union to stay away from each other. If they are not in the same screen, I don't believe you can still shine the holy light through the screen!

"Do you think the king is rich or the common people outside are rich?"

"Of course it's... the king! It makes sense! But can you really find it in the palace?"

Ling Huohuo was a little puzzled.

"Don't you know if you try it?"

"Then look for it in the palace."

Ling Huohuo nodded, and then began to search in the palace.

Sure enough, the guards did not stop Ling Huohuo, and the things in the palace can really be searched casually.

Looking at each room, after a while, Ling Huohuo found a lot of gold coins, but still didn't see any equipment.

Then, Ling Huohuo pushed open a gorgeous door.

A mirror appeared in front of Ling Huohuo.

"Ding! Congratulations, you discovered the artifact "Queen's Magic Mirror"!"

Artifact? ? ! !
(End of this chapter)

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