The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 105 The System Didn't Tell Me What Should I Do In This Situation?

Chapter 105 The System Didn't Tell Me What Should I Do In This Situation?

Queen's mirror? ? ?
Ling Huohuo hurried into the room.

The decor of the room is gorgeous.

A large purple bed stands on one side of the bedroom, a row of bookshelves beside the bed, and a large balcony on the other side.

In the middle of the room, facing the door, a purple round mirror was hanging there.

The mirror is about the size of a human head, and the frame is gorgeously carved. Although I don't know the specific ability of the magic mirror, I can tell that this mirror is extraordinary just by looking at its gorgeous appearance.

Picking up the mirror casually, the information of the magic mirror appeared in front of Ling Huohuo.

"Queen's Magic Mirror (Artifact)
Summary: This magic mirror is a real headache for its owner, because whenever you pick it up, it starts chattering in flattering tones.Mostly it's about complimenting your looks, but occasionally it'll list a person or two who's prettier than you, and urge you to kill her.

Mana +100, Mana +10000
Deal double damage when attacking an enemy more beautiful than you. 』

"Double damage? The attributes are so powerful? Although the added magic power and mana value are very low, as long as there is this double damage, it doesn't matter. It is indeed an artifact!"

Ling Huohuo felt that this time it was really going to be awesome. The higher the original damage, the more the damage will increase after doubling. In the future, all A-levels will be equivalent to critical strikes.

A critical strike with a knife can drive me crazy, and I will stab my waist for a while.

I hurriedly equipped it, then looked through the room again, and there was no other equipment.

That's right, it's lucky enough to get such a powerful artifact, what other equipment do you want?
After leaving the room, Ling Huohuo really wanted to try this equipment, so he looked on the map to see where he could spawn monsters.

There are three places where monsters can spawn in the imperial city.

The dungeons of the imperial city, the royal cemetery, and the black market of the imperial city.

In the end, Ling Huohuo set the destination at the royal cemetery.

Because the royal cemetery is the closest to the palace.

Soon, Ling Huohuo rushed to the royal cemetery. The monsters in the royal cemetery are ghosts, banshees and mud puppets.

Ling Huohuo took off the "Queen's Magic Mirror" first, tested his attack power, knocked out one-fifth of a ghost's blood, and then equipped the "Queen's Magic Mirror".

"Eat me a big fireball!"

Then one-fifth of the ghost's blood was knocked out.

"Huh? How about doubling the attack power?"

After Ling Huohuo wiped out the ghost and put away the props that the ghost exploded, after thinking about it, did the system determine a bug?
Wait, is it because the ghosts aren't as pretty as their own?

Then Ling Huohuo set his sights on those graceful banshees. Compared with mud puppets and ghosts, banshees should be considered beautiful!
After trying it on the banshee, there was still no double damage!
Ling Huohuo, who didn't believe in evil, found Dongfang Shizuku and others who happened to be in the royal cemetery, but the double damage was still not triggered.

Could it be... is it because I'm so good-looking?

Ling Huohuo touched his chin.

At first, everyone was envious when they heard that Ling Huohuo got the artifact, but when they found that the artifact was "not easy to use", everyone laughed again.

Everyone tried it in turn, and found that no one succeeded in triggering the double damage.

"This... may be a fake artifact!"

"That..." Hifumi said suddenly.

"Attributes... there is no such attribute as "beautiful" among the attributes!"


Everyone looked at Hi Fumi in unison, feeling a little embarrassed at Hi Fumi.

"Sure enough, this artifact should be thrown away."

Ling Huohuo casually threw the magic mirror into the distance like a Frisbee. From the excitement of getting the artifact at the beginning to the disappointment of finding out that it was a useless artifact, there was a big gap between them, which made Ling Huohuo feel that the game was full of malice.

"Okay, don't mind me killing monsters with you guys."


Set fire to a banshee, the banshee was instantly killed, and some props burst out.

"Soul Fragment? What's the use of this?"

Ling Huohuo picked up the item dropped by the banshee, feeling a little puzzled.

During the experiment before, he also got some soul fragments, but the soul fragments were not introduced, so he didn't care.

"Soul fragments are used to exchange for props, and there are introductions at the entrance of the royal cemetery."

Wang Zilun explained.


"Yes, there is an instance store in the upper right corner of the interface, where you can exchange it."

"There are a lot of good equipment in it, so we continue to farm soul fragments here."

Ling Huohuo clicked on the dungeon store and found a page that could be exchanged with soul fragments, and a bunch of equipment appeared on the interface.

"Royal Potion: Instantly restore all magic power.Redemption requires 10 soul shards. 』

"Pinocchio's nose: it can be long or short, and it can rotate flexibly... 100 soul fragments are needed to exchange it. 』

"Apple: Very poisonous, you will die instantly if you eat it.Redemption requires 150 soul shards. 』

"Crystal slipper: excellent quality.High heels, kicking people can cause huge damage... 2000 soul shards are needed to exchange. 』


After looking through it twice, a piece of equipment caught Ling Huohuo's attention.

"Queen's soul (props):

Description: This soul is extremely powerful, like a mass of fierce flames, constantly moving in your hands and roaring.It contains the queen's unwillingness to complete the purpose due to accidental death and the queen's negative emotions, but because it is only flexible, there is no bonus effect, and no one cares about it after birth, but because it is the product of the queen's death, it is not cheap.

Use: Adds jealousy effect when attacking. (In your eyes, all enemies are more beautiful than you.)
Redemption requires 1000 soul shards. 』

"It's expensive, it's just useless...wait! Jealousy? Pretty?"

Ling Huohuo suddenly thought of something.

"My artifact!"

Ling Huohuo let out a scream, and rushed towards the direction where he just threw the magic mirror with all his hands and feet.

"what happened?"

Shigeichi of NG looked puzzled and looked at each other.

"I do not know."

"It feels stimulated."

Rifumi looked at Ling Huohuo's back.

"Looks like... a dog that went to pick up a Frisbee."


My name is "Queen".

Not the former queen, but the dead queen.

For my death, I am very unwilling, even if I am dead and nailed in a coffin, I will shout out with a decayed voice in the grave: "Bai Xue Bike!"

It's Christmas again, Baixue Bichi must kiss me with the pink princes again, no, I must take revenge on him!
So, I crawled out of the grave with all my strength, and when I get out, I must first get my magic mirror, because the magic mirror can make me cause double damage to the enemy, I think, with the magic mirror, I can do whatever I want ! .

Soon, I was crawling out of the grave, and then something hit me on the head.

"Fuck your old mother, throw things in the cemetery, and knock on the glass of your house at night!"

Then I picked up what had just dropped on me.


is the real thing.

Is it a Christmas surprise?
Thank you Jesus, thank Santa Claus, thank Ling Huohuo... Who is Ling Huohuo?

The arrival of the magic mirror broke my plan. It stands to reason that I should go to the palace to snatch the magic mirror and then destroy the imperial city. Now that the magic mirror is here, what should I do first?The system program does not have this step?

Just when I was thinking about what to do.

A man ran over with hands and feet.

I... suddenly have a bold idea!

(End of this chapter)

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