The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 106 1 Everything is getting weird......

Chapter 106 Everything is getting weird...

"Ding! Found the hidden boss—the dead queen!"


When Ling Huohuo saw the enchanting woman with half of her body still in the tomb, she was shocked.

Then when he saw the magic mirror in the woman's hand, he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

Can even wild monsters pick up equipment now?

After a while, finding that the other party hadn't moved much, Ling Huohuo leaned over cautiously.

"Could it be a bug in the card?"

The dead queen should be the queen who was buried here. Originally, she did not have the equipment of the magic mirror. Now that she has the magic mirror, it must be because the program has gone wrong, so there must be a bug!

Ling Huohuo let out a sigh of relief, notified the others to come over quickly, and then looked at the queen.

Although there is some dirt on her body, the clothes, skin and face of the queen are no different from that of a stranger, and the queen is still a beauty, and the details are well designed.

When Ling Huohuo observed the queen, the queen also observed Ling Huohuo.

The level is good, the equipment is good, although he is a man, but... it doesn't matter.

"Ding! The dead queen requests to speak to you."

"Oh? Can the BOSS still chat privately like a player?"

Click Confirm.



"Fit with me!"


Seeing the dialogue on the screen, Ling Huohuo was taken aback, what the hell is this?Is there such a line in fairy tales?This is an adult fairy tale, right?
Then Ling Huohuo's computer screen suddenly popped up a connection error prompt.


Ling Huohuo was speechless for a while.

This is the first time Ling Huohuo has encountered such a situation. The waiters in "Gods and Demons" are extremely advanced, so theoretically there is no disconnection.

The first thing Ling Huohuo did was to take pictures as souvenirs. This may be the first time a problem has occurred in the world.

Then Ling Huohuo was about to log in to the game again, but found that no matter how many times, the game couldn't be logged in at all.

In the end, Ling Huohuo had no choice but to contact the official website and send the photos together by the way.

After the customer service girl promised in a sweet voice that she would reply him as soon as possible, Ling Huohuo quit the game.

"Let's inform the others first."

Just when Ling Huohuo was about to contact other people in NG, Walliver suddenly spoke up.

"Master, there is danger approaching!"

Walliver looked out the window with a serious face.


Ling Huohuo stood up, and picked up the sword he brought to the dormitory, it was the sword that fell from the sky that day.

The gate of Zhonghai University.

Because of Christmas, most of the students have gone out to play and haven't come back or attended the party at school, so today's school gate looks a little deserted.

The uncle of the doorman stayed in the duty room to avoid the cold, listened to the radio, and occasionally looked up out of the window. Although the university did not restrict the entry and exit of students, he still needed to pay attention to whether there were suspicious people.

He just needs to see if there are any suspicious people. As for the others, they will be handled by the group of people in the security department, so the work is still very easy.

Suddenly, a man wearing a hood appeared in the uncle's sight.

Although there is nothing wrong with a person dressed like this, but the other party gives the uncle the impression that he is not a student.

And he had been standing outside the gate for a while, and did not enter the school gate.

So the uncle put on his coat, walked out of the duty room with a flashlight in his hand, and walked out of the school gate.

It wasn't until he walked in that the uncle saw the other party's dress clearly. He was wearing a black hoodie with the hood covering his face. His lower body was black pants, black shoes, and his hands were in his pockets.

"Hey, you..." Just as the uncle was about to speak, the other party raised his head, and the light of the uncle's flashlight happened to shine on the other party's face.

It looked like a human face that had been peeled off. Muscles and blood scabs were clearly visible. Since there were no lips, the teeth were exposed, and the eyes were bulging and bloodshot.

The other party showed a piercing smile at the uncle.

"Ah! Ghost!"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

The other party let out a strange smile, which echoed in the night sky.


"Ling Huohuo, here we come, where's the boss?"

Everyone from NG rushed to "Ling Huohuo", and Ling Huohuo's character was standing there, holding the magic mirror in his hand.

"Ling Huohuo" was taken aback for a moment, then reacted, showing a gentle smile.

"Boss, it ran away."

"Huh? What a pity."

Early Xia was a little frustrated.

"It's okay, let's look for it again, if it is still there, we will find it." Tong Yin comforted.

"Alright alright."

"Oh, Ling Huohuo, you found the magic mirror."

Liangfeng pointed to the magic mirror in "Ling Huohuo"'s arms and said.

"Well, found it."

"Ling Huohuo" touched the magic mirror.

"Then, let's go, I must kill the boss today and explode the artifact!"

Xia Chu regained her energy, shouted, and then walked up first, and the others hurriedly followed behind her.

"Ling Huohuo" showed a weird smile, and followed behind everyone.


Ling Huohuo rushed to the gate with his sword in hand.

He found the doorman who had fainted outside the gate, and hurriedly helped him up, only to find that the uncle had just passed out, and there was nothing serious about it.

With a sigh of relief, he sent the uncle back to the duty room.

Then Ling Huohuo checked near the gate to see if there were any other clues.

Since it was snowing, everything at the door was covered by snow, and there were different places that were easy to spot.

When Ling Huohuo walked outside the door, a bloody footprint attracted Ling Huohuo's attention.

The blood-red blood footprints are extremely eye-catching on the snow, and falling snow can't cover the blood footprints at all. Whenever the snow falls on the blood footprints, the snow will melt away, as if the temperature of the blood footprints is extremely high.

"Master, it is indeed blood. There is a smell of corruption in the blood. It is not blood heat, but the blood contains power, so the snow will melt. The owner of these blood footprints is extremely powerful."

Ling Huohuo frowned.

"Is the other party still near the school?"

"No, I can't feel the other party's existence near the school. It's true that there is a trace of breath attached to the bloody footprints. Based on this breath, I am sure to track the other party, but I don't recommend the master to follow."

With a wave of his sword, Ling Huohuo flattened the bloody footprints so that no trace could be seen from the outside.

"Waliver, catch up. I have to figure out the purpose of the other party. Since the other party has arrived at the school gate, he will definitely come again. Instead of waiting for the other party to come again, it is better to find out the purpose of the other party's coming to school as soon as possible. Be prepared, you must know that the school is full of ordinary people, once something happens, it will be the fate of the group to be wiped out."

"But you may be in danger, master."

"Don't worry, I'll go and have a look, don't do anything."

After thinking for a while, Walliver nodded.

"OK then."

Then, under the leadership of Walliver, Ling Huohuo left the school gate.

And the uncle doorman who was lying in the duty room suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a flash of death in his eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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