The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 1050: Gluttony, Oranges, and Monsters

Chapter 1050: Gluttony, Oranges, and Monsters
Another new day.

After learning the truth about the orange from the spirit of the earth veins last night, Ling Huohuo's attitude towards the orange incident was not as casual as before.

Ling Huohuo paid attention to the orange incident again.

"The return of the gods, the battle of the demon king and the brave, the future battle between immortals and demons, and the current orange incident, why are there so many recent events?" Ling Huohuo felt a little headache.

Things on Xiao Yunyun's side have stabilized for the time being. Under the concentrated outbreak of various incidents related to gods, the player's power has been greatly shaken.

And the elves also became quite nervous because of the inheritance of the light elves. Along with the elves, those races that are close to the elves are nervous. There are undercurrents of elves all over the world, and all the contradictions are concentrated in the sun elves. However, the moon elves, star elves, and a few elves who are also royal families are on the side of the sun elves, while the remaining elves remain skeptical.

Although the elves are all over the world, it seems that the family has a big business, but in many cases, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Some small conflicts and suspicions are enough to cause many things, not to mention between ethnic groups and tribes.

And once the elves get into chaos, the entire continent will follow. No matter how it develops, in short, the local forces in the Lost Land don't dare to make big moves at this time, for fear of being affected.

The consequence of this is that the players' forces are scattered, the local forces dare not disturb, and the war seems to be deadlocked again.

It seemed to be developing in a good direction, but after discussing with Toyotomi Hideya, Xiao Yunyun felt that things were not that simple, because the Demon King's Army seemed to be ready for a decisive battle!
This was very abnormal and did not conform to the usual stable posture of the Demon King's Army, so both Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Hideya became nervous.

Guo Xiaoyu and Lu Sisi sneaked into the evil camp, hoping to find some valuable information with Guo Xiaoyu's luck.

And Ling Huohuo is always ready to deal with all kinds of accidents, and at the same time Ling Huohuo is also working on other things.

Bear the brunt of the orange incident.

Fortunately, the gods said that Ling Huohuo didn't want to be stolen by a beast like Taotie.

From the spirit of the earth veins, Ling Huohuo also learned about Taotie.

Taotie is the son of a dragon, but because of its evil deeds, it has become a ferocious beast. Together with Chaos, Zhuwu, and Qiongqi, they are also called the Four Violent Beasts.

At that time, although the four murderers were a disaster, they were not killed directly because of their special identities and powerful strength. Instead, they were expelled to the enchanted place in four directions by the strong men of that era.

The so-called evil spirits refer to those vicious things, including spirits and monsters that harm people, and places full of evil spirits are the places where these existences gather.

And the consequence is that all the demons in the enchanted land in the four directions are intimidated by the ferocity of the four evils, trembling, kneeling down and begging for mercy. To put it nicely, those demons are weak, pitiful and helpless, and want to be a Good guy, but the four murderers didn't give them a chance.

To sum up, the four evil spirits are quite dangerous, even more dangerous than dangerous creatures in the normal sense. Those evil spirits back then have all become gluttonous rations.

Although the original four murderers did not become gods, and finally had to disappear from the world due to various reasons and the erosion of time, they all left behind who could be resurrected. Unfortunately, Taotie's resurrection method was activated, and The place where Taotie will be resurrected is near Zhonghai City.

Are you uncomfortable?
Ling Huohuo is quite uncomfortable!

Ling Huohuo really wanted to plan the orange tree, but it was of no use.

The spirit of the leylines is a creature born in the leylines, responsible for guarding the leylines, and the special ability of the spirit of the leylines is to be able to understand what happened in the leylines where it is, but it is not absolute, and it is impossible to interfere at will.

According to the narration of the spirit of the earth veins, Taotie's rebirth has already begun, so even digging up the orange tree is useless.

As for the solution to this matter, the spirit of the earth veins gave it.

The solution is not complicated, but it is not simple, that is, wait until the people who eat the oranges devour each other, and when the devouring reaches a certain level, the spirit of gluttony will be born. As long as the person possessed by the spirit is eliminated, the gluttonous events of resurrection.

Although there have been no people who ate oranges with spirits born in their bodies yet, the spirits of the earth veins judged by the number of people who ate oranges that the gluttonous spirits are about to wake up, and they have also identified a few most likely carriers of the spirits people.

Of course, there are other solutions, that is to kill all the people who ate the oranges, but this is very difficult, because the oranges have been spread out of the territory of the spirit of the earth veins, and they have disappeared, so is there any possibility of becoming a carrier of the spirit in the outside world? People are still unknown.

Originally, Ling Huohuo planned to clean up those who ate the oranges, even if they didn't kill them directly, they had to monitor them. Even if they couldn't prevent the revival of Taotie, they could delay the revival of Taotie.

But things are still...not that simple.

The spirit of the earth veins also mentioned one thing, that is, some people who ate oranges suddenly disappeared in her perception and could not be found in the memory of the earth, but this was not because of their death!

The spirit of the earth veins once observed that a small number of people who ate oranges would suddenly transform into monsters, and then humans, but they did not have the previous memory, but replaced it with the memory of monsters!
As for what the monsters turned into are, in the old words, they are "evil spirits". To put it another way, for modern people, the book that records these "evil spirits" is called "Shan Hai Jing"!
Ling Huohuo also finally knew the origin of the Gu Eagle he met back then.

As for why these people can become monsters in "Shan Hai Jing", the spirit of the earth veins is not clear, because after these people become monsters, she will no longer be able to continue to track these people or investigate things related to these people, as if Something blocked the induction of the spirit of the earth veins.

And there are many ways to shield the perception of the spirit of the earth veins... There are many!

Who let there be too many bosses, and they all like to cheat?

However, what is certain is that this transformation is definitely not a good thing.

Humans who have turned into monsters are potential threats.

When the spirit of the earth veins left, the spirit of the earth veins gave Ling Huohuo an amulet. With this amulet, Ling Huohuo could mobilize some of the abilities of the spirit of the earth veins, such as sensing whether the target you saw could shield the earth veins The perception of the spirit and whether the target is the person who ate the oranges, and even how many oranges the other party ate.

Because the authority of the spirit of the earth veins cannot be opened casually, only the amulet in Ling Huohuo's hand can mobilize the power of the spirit of the earth veins, otherwise Ling Huohuo will definitely get thousands of them, and let the knights under him go to the carpet to investigate.

However, even if there is no amulet, the knights can still investigate!
After Ling Huohuo made the arrangements, Ling Huohuo urgently summoned all the knights under him.

Ling Huohuo looked at the thousands of knights lined up in front of him, briefly explained the situation, and then issued an order——

"Go find someone who eats oranges!"

(End of this chapter)

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