The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 1051 Ling Huohuo is good at this bite...

Chapter 1051 Ling Huohuo takes this bite...


The sound of panting came from the dark alley, but it was not the kind of shameful thing he imagined, but the hungry and eager panting of the hunter.

"found it!"

Another voice came.

The blood-red eyes opened, staring at the figure that appeared at the entrance of the alley, and the glint of a fierce hunter flashed in the eyes.

Immediately after...

"I found a single target, everyone come quickly..."


However, when the target saw more than a dozen big men in armor surrounding the alley, his fierce eyes quickly turned into astonishment, and then a burst of panic.

"You guys, don't come here!"

The hunter let out a scream, and then fell silent.



After confirming the plan with the spirit of the earth veins, the spirit of the earth veins also provided Ling Huohuo with other help, such as telling Ling Huohuo the location of some people who might become the carriers of Taotie.

Then let the knights arrest them according to the specific location. Ling Huohuo is going to bring these people back to study, because there are still many doubts and questions about the orange, and these doubts and questions are not even clear to the spirit of the earth veins.

Everything went smoothly.

However, taking advantage of this period of time, Ling Huohuo collected some things about the spirit of the earth veins. Instead of asking the spirits of the earth veins directly, he secretly investigated the spirits of the earth veins through various channels.

Ling Huohuo was also very curious about the spirit of the earth veins that appeared suddenly.

The investigation of the spirit of the earth veins relies on Yuexi and the organization behind Yuexi.

There is a complete description of the spirit of the earth veins in ONE PEACE. After all, the inheritance of bloodlines and the earth veins are inextricably linked.

Geographical veins, also known as geographical veins, refer to the quality of the Fengshui environment, and under the Fengshui environment, the geographical veins also represent the veins of the power of the world!

Legend has it that there used to be only one leyline, but it broke apart at some point, and it was divided into many large and small leylines, and finally evolved into the current distribution of leylines.

And the earth veins are places where energy gathers, so naturally it will not be simple.

After enough power is gathered in the land veins, it will give birth to its own spirit, which is the spirit of the land veins, which can also be called mountain gods and land.

These spirits of the leylines have different strengths according to the size and strength of the leylines they control. However, what is certain is that although the spirits of the leylines are not invincible on their own territory, they have special abilities. Blessing, moreover, often the spirits of the earth veins like to subdue the spirits and monsters in the mountains as their subordinates to help them with their affairs.

However, in modern times, the power of many leylines began to lose, causing the spirits of many leylines to gradually die out. In modern times, in China, except for the nine major leylines, the other leylines basically have no energy. Even if these leylines are left The ability of the spirit of the leylines is also very limited.

Even the spirits of the Nine Earth Veins are not living in peace, which involves the Nine Shadows corresponding to ONE PEACE and the suppression of Nine Cauldrons.

However, at the end, Yuexi also mentioned one more thing.

That is, the spirit of the earth veins may not be really credible!
The spirit of the earth veins does not care about human beings, the spirit of the earth veins only cares about its own continuation, and this orange incident also involves the spirit of the earth veins itself, so the spirit of the earth veins will find Ling Huohuo for help, the most important thing is the spirit of the earth veins He didn't promise any reward either!
Three words - pick and search!

Fortunately, the problems encountered by the spirit of the earth veins are the same as those encountered by Ling Huohuo, and it is impossible for Ling Huohuo to let the revival of Taotie wreak havoc on his territory.


At this moment, Meng Yanshan was working in her office.

Meng Yanshan made a cross on the list in her hand, which was the arrest list given to her by Ling Huohuo.

Meng Yanshan has also seen all the targets on the arrest list, but Meng Yanshan doesn't know if these targets can still be called human beings.

Although he has the appearance and memory of a human being, he cannibalizes people, has a tyrannical personality, and his morality has completely collapsed, just like a beast in human skin!
"Beasts can also evolve. Didn't humans also evolve from beasts?" the system exclaimed.

"Hehe, isn't there still a saying that human beings are creatures left by aliens?" Meng Yanshan was sorting out the materials in her hand, and suddenly became busy, which made Meng Yanshan a little uncomfortable.

But Meng Yanshan's eyes were a little serious, because she heard Ling Huohuo once said that these people could become monsters—those legendary monsters!

"Host, do you have any plans?" the system asked.

"Plan?" Meng Yanshan gave her hand a pause, and then continued to work without any signs of abnormality.

"Gaotie, don't you have any ideas?" the system asked.

"I can't intervene in the Taotie matter, I still have a lot of strength."

"That's right, you are a weak chicken before you have collected a sufficient number of inheritances."

Meng Yanshan: Well!
"Isn't it? Your strength was good enough in the past, but at this time, you are weak." The system said mercilessly.

Meng Yanshan sighed, and the system spoke her heart out.

Originally, she was the one who opened the door. She was the first group of people with extraordinary power. When the world's extraordinary talents were the mainstream, she had already reached the stage of transformation, and then she continued to advance and become stronger and stronger. , surpassed countless people, then became stronger, and then... After she reached a higher level, she suddenly realized—fuck, there are so many bosses!

In this world now, Meng Yanshan feels that there are many weak people, and there are also many strong people. Only those who are caught in the state of transformation, the least ones are equal in strength.

This world is a little confusing.

Even Meng Yanshan, a female emperor model, has become someone else's secretary.

In fact, Meng Yanshan also suspected that she didn't develop her own Huangtu hegemony, was it because Ling Huohuo was too strong and didn't give her a chance?
They all said that the tree is big enough to enjoy the shade. Meng Yanshan wanted to continue to develop herself with Ling Huohuo's power, but suddenly found that Ling Huohuo's big tree was a bit thick, and she couldn't climb it at all.

"Host, are you going to do something big?" the system asked.

"The big one?" Meng Yanshan who was distracted came back to her senses.

"Pursuing the power and inheritance of Taotie!"

"Is it really possible? But..." Meng Yanshan was a little moved.

"It's not difficult to paddle behind Ling Huohuo to reap benefits, and if Taotie is also a female, you can use Taotie's inheritance to replace a target share..." the system's voice said in a low voice.

"However, if there is an accident, there is nothing to say." The system finally said.

Meng Yanshan's expression changed.

This is not the first time the system has asked her to seek benefits. In the past, there were successes and failures. Naturally, there were also accidents. Then, she has come all the way to the present.

"How about playing big?" Meng Yanshan asked tentatively.

"Are you sure?" the system asked.

"If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent!" Meng Yanshan said seriously.

"Isn't it so bad that if you fail, you can sell yourself to Ling Huohuo. You have such a good figure. I think Ling Huohuo is very good at your mouth..."


(End of this chapter)

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