Chapter 1063

In the ley line space.

Ling Miao did not continue to talk nonsense with Master Jin, but chose to attack immediately.

It was the first time that Ling Miao hated someone so much, and it was a woman!
However, Ling Miao discovered that the strength of Profound Master Jin is not that simple... Also, with the blood of Taotie, how could Profound Master Jin be simple?
In the face of Ling Miao's attack, Master Jin only had one move, and that was - to devour!
Ling Miao's attacks were actually eliminated by Jin Xuanshi, but Ling Miao could clearly feel that his power was actually swallowed by Jin Xuanshi.

This feeling is very bad.

And Ling Miao attacked Profound Master Jin, so it is impossible for Profound Master Jin to let Ling Miao beat him like a sabi. However, to Profound Master Jin, Ling Miao is just a dish in front of her. The difference is when to eat.

Literally eat, the kind that doesn't spit out the bones!
"Unfortunately, the ending is already doomed."

The four forces of earth, fire, feng shui emerged around Ling Miao, and the source of fire was activated to the extreme by Ling Miao.

"It's useless, in this dimension, you can't beat the opponent." These words came from Long's mouth, and he seemed to have understood the situation at this time.

"Are you going to sit still?" Ling Miao asked back, but his heart sank a little. Long's identity was mysterious, and Ling Miao didn't doubt that Long would lie to him or take his eyes off him. That is to say, here, he might Really can't win, but... how can it be possible to sit still!

Long did not answer Ling Miao's question, but stood in front of Ling Miao, which made Ling Miao stunned.

The dragon is protecting him?
Things don't seem to be that simple.

"If I'm not mistaken, the space here has become the exclusive domain of Taotie. The domain of Taotie is very special, taking into account both predation and devouring. If you don't step into its domain, you will not be able to discover its domain. If you enter its The domain will not be able to leave. At the same time, in the domain, as long as it wants, it can devour anything. I never thought that Taotie would be able to release the domain before he fully awakened. , can also gain the attention of Taotie, leading to Taotie's domain."

"You understand it very well~" Master Jin Xuan squinted and said with a smile, "Although you can see it, what's the use?"

I don't know why, Master Jin Xuan felt that she seemed to be seen through in front of the dragon, whether it was her calculation or her strength.

The dragon gave a rare smile.

"No matter what kind of creature it is, even this world will eventually come to an end, but..." Long looked back at Ling Miao.

"You can't die yet!"

Ling Miao suddenly felt that the dragon in front of him was a little strange. In the past, the dragon was just a bystander, at most explaining things to Ling Miao that he didn't understand, or pointing out Ling Miao's practice. He and Ling Miao will be related to his own affairs, and he has never shown protection for Ling Miao, so now...

Long suddenly felt emotional: "No matter what kind of creature it is, as long as it has wisdom and emotion, it will always become contradictory. What I like, but I can't pursue it. I always give up what I want, and I always give up what I don't achieve. I am looking forward to the future... and some do not want to, but in the end it is still unavoidable, people who deserve death can still appear, this is my destiny, and it is also the punishment of this world, after all... huh."

"Not bad chicken soup." Master Jin Xuan said with a smile.

The corner of Long's mouth curled up.

"Actually, I grew up watching Taotie. He was a good boy before."

Master Jinxuan frowned.

The Heroic Spirit on the opposite side...doesn't seem to be lying? !

But so what?He is just a heroic spirit, and here, a heroic spirit is more unbearable than a human being.

Ling Miao didn't say anything, he knew that Long definitely had something on his mind.

"Although Taotie's domain cannot be broken free, it is not impossible to leave, otherwise Taotie would not have been driven away back then." Long said slowly.

The dragon's body glowed with light.

Ling Miao was taken aback for a moment, and then his face changed drastically, while Master Jin's smile remained unchanged.

The breath of the dragon is fading rapidly.

"Look, this is the horror of the Taotie's domain devouring power." Long turned around and explained to Ling Miao.

The corners of Ling Miao's eyes twitched.

"Are you using your life to teach? Unfortunately, after that, he will follow in your footsteps." Master Jin Xuan also laughed.

"You go on like this..." Ling Miao hesitated to speak.

"I will disappear completely, and my body in the Hall of Valor will also disappear, and I will completely disappear in this world." Long said unabashedly, but his expression was inexplicably relaxed.

"But you can't stop her, and you can't avenge me now."


"Actually, I don't care about life or death. I live for the sake of redemption..." The figure of the dragon has become transparent, as if it will disappear completely in the next second.

"Do you want to know why?" Long asked.

At this time, don't give up on it! ! !

"I'm sorry, maybe it's because I have to let go of the burden, which makes me a little relieved, so let me just say a few words at the end, Ling Miao..."

"If I die, the things sealed in my body will be revived, and you——will become a demon!"

Ling Miao's pupils shrank suddenly.

Master Jin Xuan also felt something was wrong, but she felt that even if it was a demon, Taotie could swallow it!
Is there anything more vicious than Taotie?
"This is also the reason why you can summon me, that is, the connection between you and me, your destiny, my destiny, and in the end, I also entrust everything I have to you, my era is over , the remaining ashes will also go with the wind, but..."

Long's figure completely disappeared, but Ling Miao seemed to hear the last words that Long wanted to say——

It's like seeing her again.

Ling Miao took a deep breath, at this time only Ling Miao and Jinxuan were left in this space.

Ling Miao didn't speak, but Master Jin frowned.

Something... seems to be wrong.

Ling Miao felt that his consciousness was immersed in a strange world. He seemed to be familiar with this place, but he didn't know where it was, and the two voices gradually overlapped in his ears.

Dragon...I like are the strongest, you will definitely win...

Miao...I love must come back safely...

In one part of the earth vein space, Fan, whose figure faded a little, rubbed his hands, looked in the direction where Ling Miao and Long left, and shook his head with a smile.

They were friends before, but now they are strangers, he has become a heroic spirit, and he is just a remnant, but at this time, he still wants to say something——

"See you again."

(End of this chapter)

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