The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 1064 The Devil Comes to the World, and the World Is Ink Black to Congratulate

Chapter 1064 The Devil Comes to the World, and the Heaven and Earth Turn Ink into Black to Congratulate (Part [-])
Ling Huohuo looked at the boiling sea water below and raised his hand.

The ghosts of the void rose into the air one after another, no longer approaching the sea surface, and all the monsters that rushed out of the sea were wiped out. At this time, no monsters emerged from the sea water.

"Here we come!" Ling Huohuo whispered, and all the ghosts in the void seemed to have heard Ling Huohuo's voice, and got ready immediately.

The sea water sank, and a huge vortex gradually formed in the sea. However, before it was fully formed, a violent explosion occurred on the entire sea surface. Ling Huohuo's expressionless pupils shrank violently, and a thought was conveyed at the fastest speed In the minds of all the ghosts of the void, the ghosts of the void all retracted into the void for the first time, leaving only Ling Huohuo outside.

Not because of anything else, but because this explosion is not simple, this is not a simple explosion, but—annihilation!
A burst of black energy that penetrated the sky and the earth not only swallowed a large area of ​​the sea, but also spread to half of the beach, and even seemed to poke a hole in the sky, no, not as if, Ling Huohuo could feel that the space of the sky and the earth was indeed penetrated up.

But, in fact, things are not that simple, what runs through is not this space, but this world!

The black energy crossed the void and penetrated into the lost land.

Somewhere in the Lost Land, a pitch-black beam of light pierced through the space of the Lost Land, the ground cracked, the river flooded back, and the creatures around fled in terror.

Some powerful people in the two worlds sensed the movement of the black beam of light, and immediately sent people to investigate.

The whole world seemed to be infected by a black beam of light, and the sky became pitch black, with no stars or moonlight.

And Ling Huohuo stood in the black beam of light, and the terrifying power in the black beam of light couldn't harm him at all.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the sound of a dragon chant seemed to ring in Ling Huohuo's ears.

Ling Huohuo felt something swimming and flying out of the beam of light, a pair of golden pupils with a bloody halo flashed away, Ling Huohuo actually felt a throbbing, which also made Ling Huohuo miss it timing of interception.

However, Ling Huohuo did not make any unnecessary movements, but lowered his head, because as the beam of light dissipated, a huge figure slowly stood up under the sea surface.

Sheep body and human face, eyes in the armpits, tiger teeth and human claws, big head and big mouth, standing above the void, the body is like a mountain.

"Glutton!" Ling Huohuo said in a deep voice.

I don't know when the sky turned into an ominous darkness. Under the darkness, Ling Huohuo stood in the air, facing Taotie. Ling Huohuo could feel the terrifying power of Taotie, but it was worse than the black beam of light just now. a lot.

At this moment, although Taotie's body was full of ferocious flames, it seemed like a tiny starlight in the dark night, and there seemed to be something wrong with Taotie's expression.

"The demon descended into the world, and the world was dyed black to congratulate... Really... hiss..." Taotie said in a low voice.

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes, Taotie can speak Mandarin?

How did Taotie learn Mandarin?Or does Taotie have any means to understand the world?
Didn't the remnants that Taotie left in the spirit of the earth veins before disintegrate?Taotie can't accept the memory in that remnant at all, unless...

Ling Huohuo looked at a figure that appeared beside Taotie, showing a clear expression.

"Mr. Ling, long time no see." Master Jinxuan said with a smile. At this time, she was still wearing a white dress, holy and noble, but it made people shudder.

"Master Jin, so that's how it is..." Ling Huohuo understood in his heart that Master Jin was also the backhand left by Taotie, and it should be the way for Taotie to understand the world, but Ling Huohuo didn't pay too much attention to Xuanmaster Jin, Because Ling Huohuo could see that the real enemy was Taotie, Master Jinxuan was just a pawn of Taotie, and... Jinxuan Master would not live long.

At this time, Xuanshi Jin has left an empty shell, and it can still exist because Taotie helped her.

Master Jinxuan didn't care about Ling Huohuo's ignorance, and smiled naturally.

She knew that she was about to die, and was affected by the black beam of light. She should have died in the first place, but in the end, Taotie, who had come back to life, made a move to save her life, probably because she was of the blood of Taotie.

But it is only to the extent of life extension, if Taotie wakes up earlier, maybe her life can be saved, but now her ending cannot be reversed, she has no future.


"Still very hungry." Master Jin Xuan didn't know what mood she was in. Even if she was dying like this, she would still feel hungry, and she was already familiar with this kind of hunger, and she was familiar with this kind of hunger. Drive her crazy and let her fall into the abyss.

Now she can only be a bystander, and her dream of having a full meal before death is shattered.

If the bloodline hadn't been awakened back then... Master Jin Xuan's mind was a little fluttering.

Then Master Jinxuan looked at Ling Huohuo.

"But... since you Ling Huohuo don't look at me, I won't tell Ling Miao about it either, laugh~"

Master Jinxuan felt that he still had a girlish heart.

Taotie next to Master Jinxuan also found Ling Huohuo, and at this time, the ghosts of the void also appeared one after another. With Ling Huohuo's reminder, they escaped into the void in advance, but thinking of the black beam of light just now , they still feel a little scared, if this is shamed...

Although some ghosts in the void are very curious about the black beam of light, they are now fighting with Ling Huohuo. The matter of the black beam of light is not important. Well, at least they won't care about other things until Ling Huohuo doesn't say anything .

"Hehe, strange life." Taotie laughed, "I never thought there would be such a crazy person."

Taotie is no stranger to the void, but this is the first time he has seen a void creature. It has to be said that it is a pretty crazy idea to integrate the void into life, and what surprised Taotie the most is that someone has succeeded, and the number seems to be quite a lot .

To be honest, Taotie is also a little excited. If it transforms into a void life, it will break through the shackles of the world. In the future, the food on its menu will be mainly from various worlds!

Taotie was drooling a little.

So Taotie didn't immediately choose to attack Ling Huohuo.

"You don't even know what it is that just left." Taotie said with a smile, leading the topic, because this topic may be used as a bargaining chip.

"You don't need to know, I only target you now." Ling Huohuo said expressionlessly.

"Hehe, that is an existence that can destroy this world, it is more dangerous than me, but..." Taotie raised his paw.

"I can help you deal with him, I just need you to do me a little favor, how about it?"

Under the pitch-dark world, Taotie actually started to discuss a deal with Ling Huohuo.

(End of this chapter)

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