The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 119 Why is the person on your phone screen me? ? ?

Chapter 119 Why is the person on your phone screen me? ? ?

Zhonghai Airport.

At this time, the three of Ling Tian closed their eyes, looked serious, and sat side by side on chairs.

After a while, the crowd appeared at the exit of the airport.


Ling Tian opened his eyes and stood up.

"Everyone get ready, perform well, there is only one week, bear with it and it will pass!"

Ling Tian was doing the final mobilization.



Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao nodded.

At this time, a pair of middle-aged men and women in ordinary clothes appeared from the exit of the airport with their suitcases.

The man looks very similar to Ling Huohuo, but he is half a head taller than Ling Huohuo. He wears a pair of black framed eyes and his hair is not long. Even in the middle of the night, his eyes are very energetic and he looks very good. He is capable, but has the temperament of an ancient scholar. At this time, he is carrying a long box behind his back and pulling a big blue suitcase.

The woman has long black wavy hair, delicate face, looks very young, but has a mature temperament, slender figure, about the same height as the man beside her, carrying a small bag, and pulling a smaller red suitcase behind her , a pair of eyes are looking around, as if looking for something.

"Let's go."

Ling Tian said to Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao, the two nodded and followed behind Ling Tian.

"Ling Nian, those three brats won't forget that we are here at this time, why can't they be seen?" The woman looked at the man beside her.

The man raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Just the three of them, they shouldn't have the guts to forget, maybe they haven't come yet."

"Really, I'm such an old man, I don't have any sense of time."

The woman said angrily.

"Dad, mom."

Ling Tian's shout came from afar.


The men and women looked in the direction of the sound. Ling Tian was running over with a smile on his face. He looked extremely enthusiastic with a smile on his face. Ling Huohuo behind him also had a warm smile on his face, as if he saw the person in front of him I am very happy with the men and women, and although Ling Miao is also smiling, she looks a bit reluctant.

"Ling Miao's superficial skills are not good enough." The woman frowned and said.

"After all, this kid is very honest. It's right that he can't do it. However, Ling Huohuo has always been proficient, and Ling Tian has improved a lot. Maybe it's because of his work." The man nodded and looked at him with a smile on his face. three people.

As expected of the parents of the three of Ling Tian, ​​they recognized Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao at a glance, and even though they could see that the smiles of the three were fake, they were not angry and began to criticize each other.

"Ah, Mom and Dad, you are finally here, thank you for your hard work." Ling Tian seemed to have not heard the conversation between the two, and still maintained a smile.

Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao walked to their side consciously and took their luggage.

Ling Huohuo took Father Ling's luggage, and when he took the long box and suitcase behind Father Ling, he twitched the corners of his mouth.

Very heavy.

Looking at Ling Miao, he looked relaxed.

"Dad, Mom, the car is here."

Ling Tian led a few people to the parking lot.

"Oh, not bad, I didn't expect you to be able to buy a car in Ling Tian?" Mother Ling said exaggeratedly, although she was surprised, but no matter how you look at it, it feels exaggerated.

"Haha, I borrowed it from a friend." Ling Tian scratched his head and said with an embarrassed smile.

"Mitsubishi White Light HG777, the latest model released by Mitsubishi this year, the minimum price is 500 million. Your friend is quite rich."

Mother Ling raised her eyebrows and said with a smile. Although what she said was normal, she felt a little aggressive when she heard Ling Tian and the three of them.

Ling Tian's expression froze for a moment, but he quickly returned to normal.

"Ah, his family is really rich, okay, let's not talk about it, get in the car! Go home early." Then Ling Tian sat in the cab.

This car was borrowed by Ling Tian from Eisfeldt, who did not expect it to be so expensive.


Ling's father and Ling's mother sat in the back row.

After Ling Huohuo put the luggage in the trunk, Ling Miao took a step ahead and sat in the co-pilot's seat, looking forward.

Ling Miao blinked her eyes, then walked to Father Ling's side.

"Come on, Ling Miao, sit here."

Mother Ling patted her side.

"It's okay, I'll be on my father's side." Ling Miao said with a smile.

Mother Ling didn't speak any more, she still smiled, and then patted her side, the meaning was self-evident.

Ling Miao finally sat beside Ling's mother and closed the car door.

In the hearts of the three of Ling Tian, ​​although Father Ling is a little serious, he has a pretty good personality, he is very gentle towards everyone, and he can joke around when nothing happens.

But mother Ling is different. Although she always smiles, she always has a sense of hiding a knife in her smile. She also has a sense of oppression when she speaks, and her personality is still unpredictable.

What Ling Tian and the others really couldn't handle was Mother Ling!They once wondered how the two got together.

Ling's father is called Ling Nian. He is 45 years old. He is an archaeologist and a professor of the History Department of Beijing University. He has a lot of work and can only go home during the Chinese New Year.

Ling's mother is called Zuo Lu, she is 48 years old, yes, Ling's mother looks younger than Ling's father by three years, and it can only be said that she is well maintained. She is also an archaeologist and an associate professor of the History Department of Beijing University. Go out to work with Father Ling, and go home together.

Although Ling's father and Ling's mother only came back every year when the New Year was approaching, their majesty at home remained undiminished.

When the three of Ling Tian were young, father Ling and mother Ling lived with the three of them at home. It was not until Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao started junior high school and were able to take care of themselves that father Ling and mother Ling officially went to the capital. Work.

However, due to the lack of gatherings and separation, the three of Ling Tian don't know much about the work of Ling's father and Ling's mother. After all, the three of them are not very interested in their work, so it is impossible to ask Ling's father and the two about grave digging. thing.

"Oh, I haven't seen you in a year. My Ling Miao is so old." Ling's mother groped around Ling Miao's body, as if playing with a doll, which made Ling Miao feel uncomfortable for a while, and could not help but shrink back.

"Ling Huohuo, Ling Miao, how is the university?"

Father Ling asked with a smile.

"Not bad." Ling Huohuo replied.

"By the way, Ling Miao must be chased by many girls at school." Mother Ling patted Ling Miao's shoulder and asked with a smile.

"It's... just average."

"That's it?"

Mother Ling looked excited and moved her head to Ling Miao's side.

"Then... is there anyone you like? Tell mom."

"" Ling Miao said nervously.

"Not good."

Ling's mother nodded Ling Miao's side face, and then patted Ling Huohuo's shoulder vigorously.

"Ling Huohuo, tell me, is there any girl who is close to Ling Miao?"

Ling Huohuo turned his head, Ling Miao looked at Ling Huohuo, and signaled Ling Huohuo not to talk nonsense with his eyes, Ling Huohuo returned Ling Miao's reassuring look, and smiled at Ling's mother.

"No, you know that Ling Miao has always been the same for girls."

A trace of relief flashed in Ling Miao's eyes, and she looked gratefully at Ling Huohuo.

The smile on the corner of Mother Ling's mouth became more obvious.

"Interesting, Ling Huohuo, you are not good, you obviously have it, why do you lie to others?"

Then mother Ling raised a mobile phone.

It's Ling Miao's phone!

Ling Miao touched her pocket, her eyes widened, when?
Ling Huohuo also touched his trouser pocket reflexively, and his mobile phone was gone.

And Ling Tian, ​​who was concentrating on driving, twitched his lips. When we met, your mobile phones were taken away, and you didn't find out until now. I really don't know how you practiced.

In fact, Ling Tian's cell phone was also taken away. He found out when Ling's mother did it, but he didn't dare to speak, otherwise this year will be difficult.

However, Ling Tian is not worried because he has already cleaned up his mobile phone. As the eldest brother, he has spent four years more time with his parents than Ling Huohuo, and he knows more about Ling's mother. All possibilities have been prepared for a long time ago. It can be said that he is the most perfect prepared among the three brothers!As long as Mother Ling is still Mother Ling, he will have nothing to fear!

Mother Ling smiled and turned on Ling Miao's phone, and a girl's profile appeared on Ling Miao's phone screen.

Father Ling raised his eyebrows with a curious look on his face.

Ling Tian looked at the phone screen curiously through the rearview mirror, huh?Isn't it Yin Ya?

Ling Miao's face instantly turned red and she looked shy.

Ling Huohuo, on the other hand, was stunned, and his head buzzed.

The person on the screen of Ling Miao's mobile phone, this person, he knew, was...himself dressed as a magical girl!
Ling Huohuo felt that things were getting a bit out of order!
(End of this chapter)

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