The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 120 Ling Huohuo, Go on a Blind Date

Chapter 120 Ling Huohuo, Go on a Blind Date

Soon, Ling Huohuo's family returned home.

"Well, it looks pretty good."

Mother Ling kicked off her shoes, walked into the house barefoot, touched around, rubbed her hands, there was no dust.

Then Mother Ling sat on the sofa and turned on the TV.

"Ling Tian, ​​go cook, Ling Miao, squeeze my shoulders, Ling Huohuo, rub my legs."

After the three of them put away their luggage, they hurriedly followed Mother Ling's instructions and started to do their own things.

Father Ling sat aside, poured himself a cup of tea, and looked at everyone with a smile.

Ling Tian prepared the meal as quickly as possible. After Ling's mother and Ling's father were full, they threw down their chopsticks and went back to the bedroom to rest, leaving a mess on the table.

The three of Ling Huohuo stood aside, looked at the leftovers on the table, and fell silent for a while.


There was a sound in the belly of the three of them!

After tidying up the house all day, the three of them didn't have a good meal at all, and it was midnight again, so the three of them, Ling Huohuo, were hungry.

"Eat?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Ling Miao licked the chili on the plate with chopsticks, found a piece of shredded pork, and placed it between the three of them.

"Clean it up." Ling Tian said.

"Yes." Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao nodded.




Another peaceful night.


The next day, when Ling Huohuo woke up with dark circles under his eyes, he found that Ling Tian and Ling Miao had already woken up.

Mother Ling was lying on her side on the sofa in home clothes, her long messy hair was on her head, and she was fiddling with the TV remote control.

Ling Miao was arranging the luggage brought back by Ling's father by category.

Ling Tian is cooking in the kitchen.

"Where's Dad?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Dad went out for morning exercises." Ling Miao said, looking up.

Father Ling has the habit of doing morning exercises, and he hasn't missed it all these years.

"Ling Miao, let me help you." Ling Huohuo also squatted beside Ling Miao.

"it is good."

Ling Miao nodded.

Although Ling's father and Ling's mother brought back two large suitcases, most of them were clothes. Ling Huohuo sorted them out, and then Ling Miao went to send the clothes to Ling's father and Ling's mother's bedroom.

Ling Huohuo looked at the rest.

In addition to clothes, there are two other things in Ling's father and Ling's mother's suitcase.

One thing was a [-]cm high box. Ling Huohuo opened the box and found a pile of books inside. Judging by the style and color, it should be a few years old.

Wouldn't it be a cultural relic?

Ling Huohuo thought.

It's really possible. Both Ling's father and Ling's mother are archaeologists, and there are many opportunities to get in touch with cultural relics. With Ling's mother's character, who knows if she will pack something and take it away because of what she likes.

Ling Huohuo carefully took out a book and put it in his hand.

Opening the cover, Ling Huohuo saw the contents of the book.

"Zhuge Liang came down to fight and invited me to fight tomorrow. How can we face the enemy?"

"The governor..."

Ling Huohuo closed the book again in an instant.

"Three Kingdoms"?Or in simplified characters?Is it a cultural relic of a chicken?
Then Ling Huohuo changed another one.

"By the way, Ximen Qingyang Wangpo wanted to meet the daughter, so she said: 'Godmother, if the thing you told me is done, I will give you ten taels of silver.'..."

Get another one.

"The Seven Sons of Quanzhen..."


Ling Huohuo closed the box.

Or look at other bars.

Another item in the suitcase is a set of gear, packed in a larger case.

After opening the box, it looks like it should be the equipment used by Ling's father and Ling's mother when they were archaeological.

Ling Huohuo picked up a small shovel.

Luoyang shovel?



Lockpicking tool?
Are you sure you guys are really archaeologists?
After closing the box again, Ling Huohuo set his sights on the last item.

It was the long box that father Ling carried on his back.

When Ling Huohuo carried it on his back before, he felt that the things inside were not as heavy as usual.

Ling Huohuo flattened the long box on the ground and opened it.

Inside the cardboard box, there is also a metal box.

Ling Huohuo groped twice, felt two bumps at one end of the box, and pressed it.

With a click, the metal box slid out around one end.


Surprise flashed in Ling Huohuo's eyes.

There was nothing in the box.

Ling Huohuo experimented several times, and the weight was exactly the weight of the metal box itself.

In the end, Ling Huohuo could only shake his head and put the metal box back into the carton.

Then Ling Huohuo moved the three things into Ling's father and mother's bedroom.

After Ling Huohuo put everything away and came out of Ling's father and Ling's mother's bedroom, he found that Ling's father had come back from his morning exercise and was sitting at the dining table chatting with Ling Miao, while Ling's mother was still lying on the sofa.

"The meal is ready, let's serve."

Ling Tian came out of the kitchen with the dishes and put them on the table.

Then everyone sat down one by one and began to eat breakfast.

"It's delicious, Ling Tian's craftsmanship is getting better and better..."

Mother Ling took a bite of the egg and shouted loudly.

Ling Tian smiled embarrassingly, like a child receiving a compliment from his mother for the first time.

Because he was worried that father Ling and mother would eat all the dishes, Ling Tian specially cooked a lot of dishes. From the past, father Ling and mother Ling had great appetites, and Ling Huohuo couldn't eat them together. both.

When it was almost time to eat, Mother Ling seemed to suddenly remember something, and looked at Ling Tian.

"By the way, Ling Tian, ​​do you have a girlfriend now?"

Ling Tian was silent for two seconds, then nodded.


Mother Ling sighed suddenly.

This made the three of Ling Huohuo a little confused. According to their mother's personality, shouldn't they chase after and ask what's going on?Why did such a sentence come suddenly?
And Ling Tian also heaved a sigh of relief. He and Li Yinman are not a real couple. Before that, he pretended to be Li Yinman's boyfriend to stop her parents from urging her to marry him. If something should not be said, it will be another pile of troubles. It is better to admit it directly. If Ling's mother messes up at that time, push Li Yinman out and let her deal with Ling's mother. Now, it seems that Mother Ling didn't get to the bottom of it, and Ling Tian was relieved a lot, but Ling Tian was a little curious why Mother Ling did this all of a sudden.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

Ling Tian asked curiously, Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao also looked at her, and Ling's father seemed to think of something and wanted to laugh, but he held back, shook his head, ignored Ling's mother, and continued to eat own dishes.

"Then Ling Miao is also in love, right?"

Mother Ling looked at Ling Miao.

Ling Miao nodded with a flushed face, and Ling Huohuo twitched the corners of her mouth.

Do you want to find a time to tell Ling Miao the truth?Otherwise, I always feel cold behind me.

Finally Ling's mother looked at Ling Huohuo.

He wanted to speak, but he sighed first, and asked with some reluctance: "Ling Huohuo, do you have any?"

Ling Huohuo almost choked, what do you mean?I always feel that when I buy vegetables, all the good ones are picked out, and only the broken ones are left that no one wants, and I have to buy them.

I, Ling Huohuo, are no worse than Ling Miao and Ling Tian?

Ling Huohuo shook his head expressionlessly.


Mother Ling sighed.

Ling Huohuo felt a little stuffy.

"Forget it, I'll leave this good thing to you, don't mess it up for me."

Mother Ling shook her head and looked at Ling Huohuo worriedly.

I, Ling Huohuo, is this kind of unreliable person in your heart?Oh, my little temper.

"Don't worry, it's absolutely perfect!" Ling Huohuo patted his chest and said confidently.

Father Ling sneezed when he heard Ling Huohuo's words, but he still couldn't hold back and laughed.

"That's what you said." Mother Ling showed a weird smile.

Ling Huohuo looked at Ling's father who was holding back his laughter, and suddenly felt something was wrong, but he nodded reluctantly after saying all the words.

But Ling Tian and Ling Miao looked at them curiously and doubtfully.

Then Mother Ling handed Ling Huohuo a note with a name, some information, and a location on it.

The three of Ling Huohuo looked at Mother Ling suspiciously.

"Go to this address for a blind date, and take down the girl above!"

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth wide and froze in place. Ling Tian and Ling Miao looked at Ling Huohuo sympathetically.

"Hahaha..." Father Ling laughed loudly and patted Ling Huohuo on the shoulder.

"It must be done perfectly!"

"Does it look good?" Ling Huohuo wanted to struggle one last time.

Father Ling shook his head and choked out two words.

"Not ugly!"

(End of this chapter)

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