The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 121 It's the season of the white album again

Chapter 121 It's the season of white albums again
Ling Huohuo was wearing a coat and abbreviated his neck, standing at the bus stop waiting for the bus.

Since Mother Ling gave Ling Huohuo a blind date task yesterday, Ling Huohuo also wanted to resist this evil habit of arranged marriages. However, he was no match for Ling Mother's lust after all. He was kicked out of the house and told him to hurry over to go on a blind date.

Ling Huohuo felt melancholy, not knowing what the other party looked like, judging from what his father said yesterday, he didn't seem to be that good-looking.

It's not that Ling Huohuo cares about his appearance, but that in a blind date, if he doesn't look good, it's hard to feel it, unless the other party has something that can attract the other party.

Although Ling Huohuo had been single in his previous life, it wasn't that he had never been on a blind date, but he was used to two-dimensional girls, and suddenly wanted to go on a blind date with a three-dimensional girl, which was very problematic.

Ling Huohuo was deeply touched by this point.

I still remember when Ling Huohuo went on a blind date for the first time...

"Minister, this is the girl I introduced to you. She used to be a school beauty, but this time she took the initiative. The other party likes the game you designed very much, so she asked me to introduce her to you. Go over and have a chat with her." .”

Ling Huohuo and his sister sat together. According to Ling Huohuo's normal vision now, the other party is indeed very beautiful and has a good figure. However, Ling Huohuo at that time...

"What do you usually do?"

"Going shopping, shopping..."

"Can you sing?"

"Huh? There are still some pop songs."

"I mean house music."


"Can you dance house dance?"


"Play cosplay?"


"Can you call Ohni-chan to me every morning in a sailor suit and wake me up?"

"Wait, this..."

"Sorry, we're not suitable."


Although Ling Huohuo has basically returned to normal in this life, he has hardly ever liked a girl, but he was attracted to Ding Ning before. Wait, I don't like girls with such a thing!

"Master, are you worried about something?"

Walliver asked.

"Ah, there are some, after all, they are going on a blind date."

"It's okay, the strong can have multiple women, don't worry."

"That's not what it means. Even if I am a strong man, I don't have the idea of ​​having several women first. I am worried about what the other party looks like."

"It's okay, once the lights are turned off, it's all the same."


"If the master doesn't want to be with the other party, it doesn't matter if you fail."


"Because I can feel that your parents don't seem to have much hope for you. After all, you have no advantage over your elder brother and younger brother."

"What? Are you saying I'm not as good as them?" Ling Huohuo was a little unhappy.

"Master, let's face the reality. In terms of temperament, your older brother and younger brother are more likely to be favored by others." Walliver spread his paws.

"Waliver, you've changed."


In infinite melancholy, Ling Huohuo got on the bus with Hua Lifu and went to the address given to him by Ling's mother.

What Ling Huohuo didn't know was that after Ling Huohuo got on the bus, a car followed the bus far away.

Ling Tian was driving the car, Mother Ling was in the passenger seat, and Father Ling and Ling Miao sat in the back seat.

"Quick, keep up."

Mother Ling patted Ling Tian on the shoulder, and Ling Tian nodded.

"Why do we have to follow behind him?"

"Of course I was afraid that he would sneak away!"

Mother Ling said with a face of course.

"Well, Mom, I think it's not good for Ling Huohuo to go on a blind date at this age." Ling Tian whispered to Ling's mother, holding back for so long, he felt that he should say something fair.

Mother Ling sighed.

"Isn't that because you have a girlfriend? I can't break you up, and this blind date is more complicated. One of you three must go."

Ling Tian was shocked.

"Don't you know how to trade us with others?"

"How do you know... Cough cough, of course not, anyway, it's very complicated." Mother Ling said with a smile.

I just guessed it right!Ling Tian roared in his heart, and suddenly felt a feeling of sorrow for the death of a rabbit.

"Then, what if the second brother fails?" Ling Miao raised her hand and asked.

"Failure? Then it's a failure. I didn't expect much from him. There is still a possibility for the two of you to pass, he, hehe."

Mother Ling shook her head. Although she was not always together, she still knew her three sons quite well.

Although Ling Tian has some minor problems, he is still very reliable when encountering things. He is handsome and has a leadership temperament. When he is serious, he is very attractive. I don't know how he cultivated it.

Ling Miao is the kind of warm-hearted man, gentle with others, a bit like his father, serious in work, excellent in all aspects, can be said to be comprehensively developed, and can easily win the favor of the opposite sex, but because he is very warm to everyone, So there have never been too close girls.

As for Ling Huohuo, although he is as handsome as Ling Miao, he has no temperament at all. There are a lot of problems, which are always worrying. He is still half an otaku. Hidden, but Ling Huohuo grew up watching him, so he already knew if there was any problem.

Moreover, Ling Huohuo didn't pay attention to his image in front of the opposite sex since he was a child. Have you ever seen someone who picks his nose in front of the opposite sex and bounces back and forth?This is what Ling Huohuo did when he was a child.

I just don't know if Ling Huohuo has made any progress in the past two years.

Ling Huohuo, who didn't know that the whole family followed him, soon arrived at his destination and found the place Ling's mother gave him, which was a coffee shop next to the window.

Then Ling Huohuo sat down.

The other party hadn't come yet, so Ling Huohuo played with her phone boredly.

Anyway, come here, let's see what's going on.

Mother Ling and the others were sitting in a restaurant opposite the coffee shop, watching Ling Huohuo through the window.

"It looks like the other party hasn't come yet."

Mother Ling looked around.

At this moment, Ling Miao suddenly gasped.

"What's wrong? Ling Miao."

Mother Ling asked.

"I saw a classmate."

"Student? Which one? The girl you like?"

Mother Ling showed Noye's smile.


Ling Miao pointed in a direction, and Xiao Yunyun was there.

"It's her, her name is Xiao Yunyun, um, she was very close to my second brother in school."

Mother Ling looked in Xiao Yunyun's direction.

At this time Xiao Yunyun was walking on the street, suddenly, she seemed to have spotted Ling Huohuo, showed a smile, and then walked quickly to the coffee shop where Ling Huohuo was.

At this time, a petite girl with twin ponytails also came into Mother Ling's sight.

Mother Ling looked at the two Xiao Yunyun, Ling Huohuo and the girl with two ponytails, and showed a weird smile.


(End of this chapter)

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