The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 122 A Blind Date Is Just a Process

Chapter 122 A Blind Date Is Just a Process
Xiao Yunyun, who practiced at home every day and held back a holiday, was in a good mood today, so she went out for a walk and wanted to relax.

Unexpectedly, when I was shopping, I found Ling Huohuo sitting in the coffee shop.

Through the window button, I found that there were no other cups on Ling Huohuo's table, and it seemed that there should be no companions.

"Coincidentally, it seems that we are quite destined."

Xiao Yunyun didn't know what she thought of, she took a slight step, and walked into the coffee shop. When she was about to go up to say hello, a girl sat down opposite Ling Huohuo before her. Xiao Yunyun raised her eyebrows and hid On the table behind the girl, the chair in the coffee shop is very high, just enough to completely block the eyes behind her.

Xiao Yunyun casually ordered a cup of coffee, concentrated, and began to eavesdrop on the conversation at Ling Huohuo's table.

And this scene also fell into the eyes of Mother Ling and the group. Mother Ling and Father Ling showed ambiguous smiles.

But Ling Tian and Ling Miao are black threads, always feeling that their parents are planning something.


While Ling Huohuo was swiping his phone boredly, a girl suddenly sat in front of him.

Ling Huohuo raised his head curiously.

When seeing the girl's appearance, Ling Huohuo showed a surprised expression.

The other party looked underage, very youthful, but it could still be seen that she was a beauty, about the same height as Xiao Yunyun, with twin ponytails.

He was wearing a blue coat and had cotton gloves on his hands, which he took off when he sat down.

high school student?Junior high school student?
Ling Huohuo was surprised for a while.

"That..." Just as Ling Huohuo was about to open his mouth, the girl on the opposite side spoke first.

"You should be Aunt Zuo Lu's son."

The girl said with certainty.

Ling Huohuo nodded.

Why do you feel a little strong?Ling Huohuo thought to himself.

"My name is Lu Sisi, a high school student, your blind date today, don't you want to introduce yourself?"

Blind date? !Xiao Yunyun, who was sitting next door, froze for a moment when he heard this word, the hand holding the coffee cup couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Ah, my name is Ling Huohuo, a freshman, that... you said you were a high school student."

Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"That's right." Lu Sisi nodded, and continued: "Don't worry, you will be adults after the new year, let's get to know each other first."

"Wait!" Ling Huohuo hurriedly stopped, suddenly feeling a little panicked.

Not yet of age?What kind of kiss is that?This is against the law!Is this a plan designed by my mother to send herself to prison?This situation should not be closed for too long.

" it..."

Ling Huohuo scratched his head.

Lu Sisi blinked her eyes, as if she understood something, she said blankly: "Why, do you look down on minors? Although I am a minor, I can already do what I can. Do you want to try?"

Ling Huohuo felt a little broken, girl, do you think I haven't been locked up long enough?

Suddenly, the table next to the two made a bumping sound, which startled the people in the coffee shop. Ling Huohuo and Lu Sisi also turned their heads curiously.

Then Xiao Yunyun slapped the table with one hand and stood up.

"Xiao Yunyun?"

Ling Huohuo was a little surprised.

Xiao Yunyun turned to look at Ling Huohuo, pointed at Lu Sisi, and asked Ling Huohuo angrily: "Ling Huohuo, please give me an explanation!"


Ling Huohuo looked bewildered.

The guests in the coffee shop watched the scene in front of them.

"What's going on here?"

"Maybe there was a quarrel."

"This is obviously the battlefield of a shipwreck. The boy stepped on two boats. This time he sneaked out to date one of the girls, and was caught by another girl. As a result, the boat capsized. It seems that they are not very old. Young people now."

"Really? How do you know?"

"The more you see it, the more you can see it."

"May I ask where your high school is?"

"No, what Zhuo, a reporter from Zhonghai newspaper, a part-time private investigator, and an emotional expert, is talking about."

"Oh, I've been looking forward to it for a long time."

"you are welcome."


"Ling Huohuo, explain to me who she is! What's going on with you two?"

Xiao Yunyun pointed at Lu Sisi.

"Ah, what's the real deal, she..."

When Ling Huohuo was about to explain, Lu Sisi frowned and looked at Ling Huohuo.

"You have a girlfriend?"

"Ah, no, we don't have that kind of relationship!" Ling Huohuo hurriedly waved his hand, looking a little flustered, Xiao Yunyun's face turned red, and Lu Sisi saw the reaction of the two of them, and turned his eyes around.

At this time, the employees of the coffee shop also came to stop the three of them, and the coffee shop is forbidden to make loud noises.

After apologizing, Xiao Yunyun sat opposite Ling Huohuo, feeling like an interrogation, while Ling Huohuo sat with Lu Sisi.

It wasn't until this time that Xiao Yunyun formally took a look at Lu Sisi. With double ponytails, she was about the same size as herself, and looked relatively young. Because of the cover of the coat, she couldn't tell the other person's figure, but it should be that petite type. .

Xiao Yunyun suddenly thought of the type of girl she heard that Ling Huohuo liked, and couldn't help being a little nervous, but from what the two of them just said, they should not be familiar with each other.

When Xiao Yunyun looked at Lu Sisi, Lu Sisi also started to look at Xiao Yunyun.

He is about the same size as himself, and looks a little more mature than himself, with long black hair.

When Lu Sisi's gaze fell on Xiao Yunyun's chest, she snorted disdainfully, took off her coat, and revealed the two little rabbits that she had bought, which had already begun to take shape. The close-fitting sweater perfectly set off their shapes .

When Xiao Yunyun saw Lu Sisi's chest, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and touched his own chest.

Xiao Yunyun straightened his face.

"Okay, Ling Huohuo, explain to me who she is." Xiao Yunyun asked.

"Didn't anyone teach you that you shouldn't introduce yourself before asking others?" Lu Sisi interrupted suddenly.

"You!" Xiao Yunyun gritted his teeth and finally snorted.

"My name is Xiao Yunyun. I'm Ling Huohuo's classmate and Ling Huohuo's friend...a very good friend." Xiao Yunyun emphasized at the end.

"My name is Lu Sisi, as you can see," Lu Sisi suddenly stuck to Ling Huohuo's arm like a bird, making Ling Huohuo's body stiff.

"I'm Ling Huohuo's blind date!"

Xiao Yunyun glanced at Hua Lifu who was lying on the side, and asked him for confirmation.

Walliver yawned and nodded, proving that Lu Sisi was right.

"Hmph, it's just a blind date. There's no need to get so close."

Xiao Yunyun said unhappily.

"Oh? The blind date is just an excuse, and it's just a process. In fact, the marriage contract has already been settled."

Lu Sisi said lightly.


Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun looked shocked at the same time.

Even the sluggish Walliver looked up.

(End of this chapter)

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