The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 132 Contracts can't be written too rigidly

Chapter 132 Contracts can't be written too rigidly

Just as Ling Huohuo was thinking about countermeasures, Walliver suddenly said, "Here we come."


Before Ling Huohuo had time to think about it, something suddenly fell in front of Ling Huohuo and hit the ground violently.

Caught off guard, Ling Huohuo was shocked and sat on the ground. He hurriedly blocked the front with his arms, and countless gravels flew past him.

And among the people surrounding Ling Huohuo, a figure descended from the sky and stood in front of Ling Huohuo, stirring up a cloud of dust.

They obviously didn't expect such a thing to happen suddenly. Not only were they taken aback, but they also felt a little unstable as the ground shook.

When the dust dispersed, everyone finally saw clearly what had fallen from the sky.


Everyone exclaimed, they didn't expect that it was a donkey that fell from the sky?

But everyone didn't relax because it was a donkey, because first of all, it seemed abnormal for the donkey to fall from the sky, and the donkey's state at this time was obviously abnormal!

The donkey turned out to be standing upright with big muscles all over its body, and its lower body was wearing a pair of shorts, but it was stretched tightly.

And from the opposite side of the donkey, you will find that the eyes of the donkey are bloodthirsty red, and the tongue sticks out from the mouth like a dog, and the saliva flows out along the tongue.

The one who came was the donkey demon who had been controlled by Hualiver!

Seeing this strange situation, the people around Ling Huohuo didn't dare to act rashly, which gave Ling Huohuo a chance to breathe.

"This is..." Ling Huohuo looked at Walliver.


Ling Huohuo took a breath, is this the rescuer?donkey?
Seeing Ling Huohuo's doubts, Walliver continued: "It's also a demon, but it's under my control for the time being."

Ling Huohuo nodded, that's why.

Later, Ling Huohuo saw Hua Lifu throw a few beams of light on the donkey demon, and then the donkey demon turned around and threw the light balls on Ling Huohuo again.

Ling Huohuo felt that something was integrated into his body, and his physical strength and energy recovered a lot in an instant, even the scratches on his body were completely recovered.

"What is this?" Ling Huohuo stood up and looked at his body.

"It's the buff runes I made, which can restore physical strength, mental strength, and injuries, but they are all the lowest, because my current strength has been imprisoned a lot, and I can only do this." Walliver explained road.

"Then why don't you just give it to me? Why do you have to go through that demon." Ling Huohuo looked at Walliver with eyes that looked mentally retarded.

"Impossible. The contract stipulates that demons can only use buff magic on demons, and cannot directly give demons any props, including runes, so I can only use the hands of the donkey devil who is also a demon." Walliver shook Shake your head.

Ling Huohuo twitched the corner of his mouth, who wrote this contract?Be sick!But is this a bug?It seems that I have to study the contract carefully in the future, but suddenly I feel that Hualiver is really good to me. Could it be that Hualiver is a good demon?

Good devil?It doesn't exist, if it weren't for the pressure from the devil and the heavens, Hualiver would have liked Ling Huohuo to die here now!

And what Ling Huohuo didn't know was that this contract was written by Hua Lifu himself, and it was impossible to find loopholes from the direction of the devil envoy, all the loopholes were useful to Hua Lifu.

For example, the demon can’t directly give the devil’s props a rule, because many props are deceiving people. If the devil can use it casually without the demon’s consent, the demon can easily be taken by the dog, and then the soul is taken by the demon. Take it away, so, in order to appease the fragile hearts of most devils, I added this one, which is also a kind of protection for devils. Most devils have this clause in their contracts, only Ling Huohuo Demon envoys who don't understand will think there is a problem with this treaty.

But this doesn't mean that the devil has no choice, I can't give it to the devil, I can let Superman be the devil's messenger!Therefore, most of the loopholes in the devil's contract are for the devil. As for the loopholes for the devil's envoy, only a few of the devil's contracts have it. For a big devil like Walliver, its devil's contract has long been constantly During the deduction, tinkering was made to plug all the loopholes that might be facing the Demon Envoy.

Walliver has always been very satisfied with his devil contract, until it met Ling Huohuo, it knew that it is a way to directly improve the strength of a person who has already blocked himself. What a pain in the ass, so now it can only save the country through the curve, and found two mediators, Xiao Yunyun and the donkey devil.

But what makes Hualiver angry even more is that even if Hualivuo wants to give Ling Huohuo better equipment, he can't do it, because Ling Huohuo has never traded with Hualivor, and Hualivor even opened his own storage transaction. There is no room for supplies, because it needs to use the items traded for the first time as a medium to open up the space, and the lustful part that Walliver picked up and separated from Ling Huohuo can only be temporarily stored in his own Molly on the ass?As for this mass of lust, because it was picked up, Hua Lifu can return it to Ling Huohuo, but in the face of the current situation, what's the use of it!
Walliver carried some blood crystals with him, because these crystals are not only good magic materials, but also very comfortable to carry on his body. After all, the environment of the human world and the demon world are different, and the demons will feel uncomfortable if they stay for a long time. It is much more comfortable to carry props such as blood crystals, but blood crystals are not available to everyone, only noble demons like Walliver are eligible to enjoy them, although only noble demons care about this, after all, for For most demons, although staying in the human world for a long time will make them feel uncomfortable, they can still bear it. The demons of the lower level are more inclined to absorb magic materials such as blood crystals to improve their own strength. Blood crystals can indeed improve their strength. But not for humans.

Therefore, you can only do the equipment yourself, but Walliver positions himself as a knowledge-based demon. The main transaction is to provide knowledge to the contracted demon envoy. When it wrote the contract back then, it limited its own strength. , although its own strength will increase with the strength of the demon envoy, but it will not be so strong. Even if Ling Huohuo can do some things to enhance his strength, he can only do the lowest.

For the first time, Walliver felt that such a thing as a contract should not be written too rigidly. What if there is an accident?Like now...

When Ling Huohuo asked Hua Lifu, the people around Ling Huohuo also reacted, and began to discuss.

"It's the devil!"

"Demon? Doesn't sound like a good thing."

"Well, it does look like a demon. This thing is very common in the West. I don't know much about it, but I heard that they are very cunning, and they are divided into combat types and non-combat types."

"This one looks like it should be fighting, but why does it feel a little weird?"

"It's a magic circle, and it belongs to a demon. Who the hell is he? Someone from the Western forces?"

"Hmph, no matter who it is, don't you know if you grab it and torture it!"

"Yes, let's go!"

Seeing Ling Huohuo and the donkey devil, everyone rushed up again.

"Waliver, how strong is this donkey devil?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Not so good."

Walliver shook his head. The donkey demon was originally the lowest level demon with limited potential. Even if he absorbed a blood crystal, his strength would be limited.

Sure enough, the donkey demon was quickly knocked to the ground.

Ling Huohuo was surrounded in the middle again.

(End of this chapter)

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