The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 133 Hello everyone, I am Lao Liu, an old man

Chapter 133 Hello everyone, I am Lao Liu, an old man

"Sure enough, do you still want to continue fighting?" Ling Huohuo sighed. He didn't expect that with his current strength, he was still no match for the opponent. For some reason, his physical strength was very intense. After a while, his physical strength was almost exhausted. , Now that Walliver has renewed his physical strength, he doesn't know how long he can last.

Walliver looked at Ling Huohuo, who was slightly out of breath, and frowned. During the battle just now, he discovered that Ling Huohuo's physical strength was very abnormal. Ling Huohuo used to be able to fight monsters at the seaside very quickly. For a long time, but now Ling Huohuo will soon die after fighting with this group of talents.

Walliver has already ruled out the possibility that the group of people surrounding Ling Huohuo attacked secretly. Although there are some people with strange powers on the other side, such as the girl who talked to Ling Huohuo, there is no one who can consume other people's physical strength. capable people.

And according to the current consumption rate of Ling Huohuo's physical strength, it won't last long.

Walliver looked at the group of people rushing over, he couldn't beat them, so let's withdraw.

"Master, have you ever ridden a donkey?" Walliver asked suddenly.

"Oh?" Ling Huohuo, who was on guard, was surprised when he heard Hua Lifu's words. What does it have to do with riding a donkey now?
However, he soon learned what it was like to ride a donkey.

The donkey demon who was lying on the ground suddenly emerged from the ground under Ling Huohuo, put Ling Huohuo's legs on his neck, and tried to stand up, but staggered.

Walliver grabbed Ling Huohuo's arms and threw out two runes again.

Then a burst of white light appeared from the donkey demon's body, soaring into the sky, and flew into the distance.

"No, they're going to run!"

But the group of people on the ground didn't have the ability to fly, so they could only rush to nothing, and finally looked up their necks, watching Ling Huohuo and the others fly into the distance.

After Ling Huohuo and the others completely disappeared into the night sky, the group of people below looked at each other in blank dismay.

"What should I do?"

The girl who talked to Ling Huohuo before had a serious face, and she seemed to be the leader of the group.

"The news here may have been leaked. When you go back, notify the people behind you. Send more people over during this time. There must be no mistakes here..."

clap clap clap...

Just as the girl was talking, there was a sudden clapping sound.


The girl shouted angrily, and everyone turned to look aside.

The old man Ling Huohuo had met before came out of the darkness.

"Master doorman?"

"Old Liu?"

The old man showed a smile.

"It was really a wonderful battle."

"Where are you from? What are you here for? Were you always nearby?" Someone asked sharply.

According to what Old Liu said, he had been watching the battle in secret before, but everyone here didn't notice it. It can be seen that this Old Liu is not simple, he just doesn't know whether it is an enemy or a friend.

"What am I here for?" Lao Liu smiled and narrowed his eyes, "Guess~"

The girl who took the lead suddenly felt bad. Ling Huohuo said the same thing before, but she could feel the feeling of being played with, but with the same words, Lao Liu made her hair stand on her head.

Just when the girl was about to remind the people around her to be careful, countless bloody waters suddenly burst out from the ground, instantly submerging these people, and they were completely wiped out by the bloody water before they could struggle.

Covered, then pulled into blood.

After everyone was pulled into the bloody water, the bloody water seeped into the ground, as if it had never appeared before, and this group of people disappeared.

However, the ground damaged by the battle just now was filled up, as if nothing had happened.

Lao Liu patted the non-existent dust on his clothes, and looked in the direction Ling Huohuo was leaving.

"It's almost time."

The purpose of Lao Liu coming to Zhonghai University is to break the seal of the things sealed under Lin Xia, alumnus of Zhonghai University.

But the alumni forest has always been guarded by people sent by various organizations. Although Lao Liu is not afraid of them, but the time has not come, and he does not want to scare the snake, so Lao Liu can only come to see it when he is on patrol.

However, news came from his companion recently that he could start working, so Lao Liu planned to start lifting the seal today.

Out of caution, he patrolled around first to see if there were any troublesome people nearby, and then met Ling Huohuo, but he didn't see what power Ling Huohuo had. He thought he was an ordinary person, so he didn't Take it to heart.

But when he came back, he found that Ling Huohuo had fought with a group of people guarding the schoolmate Lin, and he couldn't help cursing himself for being blind, but fortunately, it seemed that Ling Huohuo's strength was not strong.

Then the donkey devil came over, and then the donkey devil ran away with Ling Huohuo.

Seeing everyone gathered together, Lao Liu came out from the darkness and wiped out everyone.

Now, Lao Liu is about to start preparing to lift the seal.

However, due to the strong seal, Lao Liu had to lift it for a while.

"let's start."

Old Liu shook his neck, made a clicking sound, then walked into the dark alumni forest and disappeared completely.



Ling Huohuo was taken to the old town of Zhonghai City by the donkey demon.

The history of Zhonghai City can be traced back a long time ago, so there are many houses and even historic sites in the old city.

The place Ling Huohuo went to was an ancient courtyard that had been protected. It had been sealed off and there were no other people there. The guards would only patrol outside and would not enter the courtyard.

Ling Huohuo, who escaped, lay down on the ground with big characters, panting heavily, while the donkey devil passed out.

Walliver flapped his wings and flew up. He didn't know what he did to the donkey demon. It turned into a puff of black smoke and disappeared.


"I sent it back to its spellbook," Walliver said.

Ling Huohuo sat up, looked around, and found that there was no danger, he let out a sigh of relief, and patted his chest with some fear, "Fortunately, he ran out, what should we do next? Should we go back and wait for them Calm down and have a good talk with them to clear up the misunderstanding?"

Ling Huohuo looked at Walliver.

"Master, if we resolve the misunderstanding, there will be two situations."

"Which two?"

"Because the master is not a powerful person, the first situation is to join one of their organizations, but in the future, he may be involved in disputes between various organizations."

"Hmm..." Ling Huohuo thought for a while, then quickly shook his head, "It's too troublesome to get into disputes, what about the second one?"

"That is to be killed by them. After all, they are very nervous about the things in the woods, and it is impossible to let you, who knows the secret, ignore it."

Ling Huohuo twitched the corners of his mouth. Although he could promise not to say anything, it was impossible for them to believe him if it was not because of their relatives.

"What should I do?"

"So, master, I suggest you hide for a while, and then I will go out to see what these organizations are doing, and then it is not too late to make plans."

"OK then."

Ling Huohuo nodded.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of Chasing Dream の Shadow Old Iron, and thank you for your recommendation ticket support! smile~ After that, the rhythm will speed up!
(End of this chapter)

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