The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 138 Ling Huohuo, you...have timed too?

Chapter 138 Ling Huohuo, you...have timed too?
Although Lu Sisi knew some kung fu, she was still an ordinary person in essence. She hadn't eaten for a long time, and her body became very weak for unknown reasons. In the end, the stimulation brought to her by Ling Huohuo made her faint again.

Ling Huohuo looked at Lu Sisi who lost consciousness again, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Did I go too far?"

Walliver gave Ling Huohuo a sideways look.

"as long as you are happy."

After checking again, it was found that Lu Sisi was fine except that she was a little weaker, so Ling Huohuo was relieved. As for whether there were any psychological and spiritual problems, Ling Huohuo could not check.

Standing in front of the bed, Ling Huohuo looked at Lu Sisi, who was lying on the bed, losing consciousness, as if he was picked by the king, and sighed up to the sky-does he feel sorry for this opportunity if he doesn't do anything?
Then Ling Huohuo bent down... and sat cross-legged on the ground, yes, Ling Huohuo finally gave up.

As for Lu Sisi's situation, Ling Huohuo had already learned about it through Hua Lifu.

Lu Sisi turned out to be carried by another Lu Sisi!As for what happened, Walliver didn't know.

The other Lu Sisi tied up the fainted Lu Sisi, sealed his mouth with tape, and threw him into a dry well in the ancient city, obviously wanting Lu Sisi's life.

However, Hualiver bumped into her. Because he had seen Lu Sisi before, Hualiver rescued her casually and threw her behind the old tree. As for the purpose of Hualiver saving her, Ling Huohuo did not know I got it, but because Hualiver has been behaving normally, Ling Huohuo is more at ease with Hualiver for the time being, and he can't think of any other purpose for Hualiver.

After Ling Huohuo listened to Hualiver's words, he thought for a while. If this is the case, the Lu Sisi next to him is real, then there must be something wrong with the other Lu Sisi. Purpose.

Moreover, Ling Huohuo didn't know much about Lu Sisi's other situation, and he couldn't guess at all. In the end, he could only ask after Lu Sisi woke up again.

Ling Huohuo put justice across his lap, put his hands on his face, closed his eyes, and started to practice again.

The long night is long, with only the sword as a companion...

A sound came from Ling Huohuo's stomach.

In fact, the main reason is that I can't sleep because I'm hungry...


Probably because of hunger, Ling Huohuo woke up naturally after not practicing for a long time, and it was just after dawn.

Ling Huohuo stood up, rubbed her belly, turned her head, and found that Lu Sisi's face was a little pale, but her breathing was still steady.

"Waliver, can you tell when Lu Sisi will wake up?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Based on Lu Sisi's situation, she should be able to wake up soon, and her spirit has not been harmed." Walliver said lightly. In fact, there are still some things she didn't say. Originally, Lu Sisi's spirit is fine. , It's just a little tired. As a result, Ling Huohuo was so stimulated last night, and Lu Sisi's spirit became a little bad.

Ling Huohuo chatted with Hua Lifu for a while, then walked out of the room, started to move his body, and began to practice swordsmanship outside.

After a while, Lu Sisi, who was lying on the bed, moved her eyelids and opened her eyes.

"Hmm~" Lu Sisi groaned, and wanted to move her body, but her body became weak for a while, as if all her strength had disappeared.

Sensing the abnormality in her body, Lu Sisi frowned.

What's wrong with me?
Although she was a little nervous, Lu Sisi managed to maintain her composure, and began to look around, only to find that it was a strange place.

"Huh?" Lu Sisi was a little surprised, she was actually in an antique room, the room was still very clean (cleaned by Ling Huohuo), as if it had been occupied all the time, and she also heard the rustling outside. Lu Sisi, who runs a martial arts gym at home, can naturally hear the sound, which is very similar to the sound of dancing swords.

"I'm... transmigrated?" This was Lu Sisi's first reaction, and then, Lu Sisi suddenly felt a little familiar. He seemed to have been here before, and met a system, and something happened that made her hard to tell. , and then... She didn't know anything.

Lu Sisi was silent for a while, as if recalling what happened last night, her face was a little ugly, although she didn't know what was going on with her system, but... it should be a dream, yes, it must be a dream!
But thinking about what happened last night, Lu Sisi still felt a little uneasy. After hesitating for a while, she called softly, "System?"

After waiting for a while, seeing that there was no answer, Lu Sisi breathed a sigh of relief and showed a relaxed smile. Sure enough, it was indeed a dream, and all systems were fake!

After letting go of the burden in her heart, Lu Sisi returned to normal, and began to think about how to face the difficulties in front of her.

First of all, it is very likely that I have time-traveled!Because in modern times, how many people live in this medieval building?And it looks very new here, there is no trace of the years at all!
Thinking of this, Lu Sisi suddenly became a little excited. After living for so long, she never thought that she would catch up with time travel one day. Although she was quite reluctant to part with her parents and friends, since they are here, let's face it well.

Lu Sisi forgot that there is a word called renovation, and this is called a house that was originally used as a hotel for tourists to live in. It was built after other buildings in the General's Mansion, so it didn't exist for a long time.

But Lu Sisi didn't know.

After thinking wildly for a while, Lu Sisi finally began to think about the situation in front of her.

Which dynasty did you belong to?See if you can tell from the architectural style...damn, there is nothing iconic, nothing.

Is there someone dancing swords outside?It seems that there is still martial arts here. Have I traveled to the world of martial arts?Then the explanation is clear, my current situation must be acupuncture!

What is your relationship with people outside?Thinking about it, he shouldn't be a friend, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get acupuncture points here, so what is his identity?What are you going to do to control yourself?
Ling Huohuo practiced swordsmanship for a while, and after moving his body for a while, he stopped, turned around and walked to the room, wanting to check on Lu Sisi's situation again.

Just as Lu Sisi in the house was making a self-rescue plan, suddenly, the door of the room opened.

Lu Sisi looked up at the door, wanting to see what kind of person came in?Is it male or female, handsome or ugly, and what kind of clothes.

Just as Lu Sisi was expecting a man in ancient clothes with a sword to enter the house, Ling Huohuo walked in wearing jeans and a small shirt, carrying justice.

After seeing Ling Huohuo clearly, Lu Sisi opened her mouth wide.

Ling Huohuo raised his head and saw Lu Sisi looking at him with his small mouth open, he was overjoyed, "Lu Sisi, you're awake."

After a while, Lu Sisi choked out a word.

"Ling Huohuo? You... also time-traveled?"



time travel?What the hell?Didn't you play this meme last night?
 warn!The savior has appeared!Everyone can guess who it is, it has already appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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