The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 139 The Demon King and the Brave Had Fun Together for a Day

Chapter 139 The Devil and the Brave Had a Fun Day Together

In the old city, a cold drink hall near the General's Mansion.

At this time Ling Tian was sitting opposite Li Yinman, drinking a cold drink.

Ling Tian, ​​who was worried about Ling Huohuo, also started to look for Ling Huohuo himself. Due to the need to restore strength, some abilities of Ling Tian and the Twelve Demon Generals could not be used at this time, such as the ability to use divine sense to detect the surroundings.

When Eisfeldt first arrived in Zhonghai City, his spiritual sense could easily sense every move of everyone in Zhonghai City, but now, he can only perceive a small part of the situation, so all the magic It will only be possible to search in one area and one area. Fortunately, they all have many search methods.

At this time, Ling Tian had already searched almost the entire old city, leaving only the General's Mansion.

Unexpectedly, when he was preparing to search the General's Mansion, he ran into Li Yinman who was shopping nearby, and then the two entered the cold drink hall.

"What are you looking at!" Seeing Ling Tian looking at her, Li Yinman blushed a little, and shouted at Ling Tianjiao.

Ling Tian, ​​who was distracted, came to his senses, apologized, lowered his head hastily, and drank from the cup.

"Huh," Li Yinman snorted, suddenly thought of something, his eyes were a little erratic, and he turned his head away, "Then...well, we are just pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend, don't think about anything else."

Ling Tian smiled awkwardly, "Yes, yes, I'm sorry for other thoughts."

Hearing Ling Tian's answer, Li Yinman's expression became stiff, and an unknown fire rose in his heart. The hand holding the cup became even stronger, and then he stomped Ling Tian under the table resentfully.

Ling Tian yelped in pain, hurriedly withdrew his foot, rubbed it with his hand through the shoe, and looked at Li Yinman unhappily, "What are you doing?"

Li Yinman stirred the cold drink in the quilt with a straw, looked out the window, expressionless, "It's nothing, I'm happy."

"..." Ling Tian twitched his lips, stared at Li Yinman for a while, and suddenly asked, "You look a little tired, what's wrong?"

Li Yinman was taken aback, then turned around, looked at Ling Tian, ​​and sighed: "Recently, I met some people I really don't want to meet."

According to the demons she saw on TV before, Li Yinman guessed that there might be forces of the demons in this world, and since she planned to restore her strength, she was ready to face the demons again. , not long after she began to recover her strength, the puppets of the Demon Race began to attack him, but their strength was not strong.

However, although the strength of the demon puppets is not strong, there are quite a few of them. Coupled with the people who control the puppets behind the scenes, Li Yinman, the demon power in this world, does not dare to underestimate them.

And Li Yinman has always been very careful when fighting, paying attention not to reveal his identity, his identity has not been revealed, but he has another identity, that is, a writer!The pen name is "The Hero of the Worker", and he wrote "The Last Days of the Demon King and the Twelve Demon Generals". There are many things about the Demon King and the Demon Generals written in that book. If this book reaches the hands of those demons, By following the clues, they can easily discover their true identities. At that time, they will no longer be able to live an ordinary life, and their family and friends may also be in danger!Therefore, Li Yinman had to recover his strength more quickly.

I don't know what happened in Zhonghai City recently, and it's not peaceful. Li Yinman feels that many people who are not weak are searching for something in the city, and recently she encounters demon puppets more frequently, and they seem to be looking for something. What, she had to ensure that her identity would not be leaked out during the fight, which made her feel very tired during the fight.

Li Yinman glanced at Ling Tian, ​​wondering what his expression would be when he knew that he was the legendary brave man.

Ling Tian shook his head. Since Li Yinman didn't want to talk, he didn't follow up with the question. He felt that would be impolite.

"You seem to be having a bad time recently. Are you tired from work?" Li Yinman asked. When she met Ling Tian today, she found that Ling Tian's expression was very serious, and when she was chatting with herself His brows were always furrowed, as if something bothered him.

Hearing Li Yinman's question, Ling Tian shook his head, "I also met a person I really don't want to see, and some things happened at home."

Ling Tian now has a headache when he thinks about the brave man and Ling Huohuo. He has also read the information on the test of the brave man recently. Now the brave man recovers quickly. If this trend continues, if he does not recover his strength quickly In the future, if the brave is found, the group may be wiped out again, and the battle with the brave is inevitable.

The brave man reached that level later, and it wasn't that long, so it might not be clear, but Ling Tian, ​​as a veteran whose strength has reached that level, knows very well that all of this is a stone door... Bah, it's fate The arrangement is like magnetic poles of opposite sex attracting each other. No matter where he hides, the brave will find him. There will be a battle at that time. Either his side will be wiped out, or the brave will play GG. Apart from these two possibilities, Ling Tian thinks There is no result, and now it seems that there is a great possibility that the group on my side will be wiped out.

As for Ling Huohuo, Ling Tian felt that when he found him, he must teach him how to behave!
Thinking of this, Ling Tian communicated with the skull hidden outside and let it enter the General's Mansion to look for it.

A will-o'-the-wisp in the eye sockets of a skull hidden in the dark flickered, and then floated towards the general's mansion.

Just when the skull came out of its hiding place, Li Yinman's eyes changed and became serious.


"Ah, sorry, I'm going to the bathroom." Li Yinman said to Ling Tian with a smile.

"Yeah." Ling Tian also smiled and nodded, expressing that he didn't care.


The skull flew unsteadily to the back door of the General's Mansion, ready to inspect the General's Mansion from behind. Just as it was about to enter the General's Mansion, a long sword fell from the sky, pierced the skull and nailed it to the ground. After shaking, the will-o'-the-wisp in the skull finally went out, and it stopped shaking.

When the skull's will-o'-the-wisp was completely extinguished, Ling Tian, ​​who was sitting in the cold drink hall, changed his eyes, closed his eyes, and opened them after a while.

"It's the power of the brave!"

After receiving the last message from Skull, Ling Tian looked serious. Is the brave man nearby?
Then, Ling Tian quickly made a decision.

Wretched development, don't waste time, don't come here recently.

Li Yinman appeared beside the long sword, with armor on one hand, he pulled out the long sword stuck on the skull, and stepped on the skull into powder with one step.

Li Yinman frowned.

"What exactly are the demons looking for? But, I won't let you do what you want!"

Then, Li Yinman disappeared again.

According to Li Yinman's impression, the demons have never done anything good, so there must be some conspiracy. No matter what the demons are looking for, just destroy it!

In the cold drink hall.

Li Yinman wiped his hands with a tissue and walked to the table.

"I'm sorry, Ling Tian." Li Yinman said embarrassedly, after all, it took him a lot of time to go back and forth.

"It's okay." Ling Tian smiled and shook his head. He was thinking about the brave man, and he didn't care about the time.

Ling Tian and Li Yinman sat opposite each other again, and the two of them took a sip of cold drink together.

Ling Tian thought, the brave man is nearby, it's better not to meet each other, but to leave as soon as possible.

Li Yinman thought, killing a skull just now might attract other demons, so let's leave quickly.

"That..." Ling Tian and Li Yinman spoke at the same time, and they were taken aback.

"You talk first." Ling Tianqian gave in.

"Well, let's go shopping elsewhere." Li Yinman scratched his head.

"Ah, yes, yes." Ling Tian nodded hastily, Li Yinman's proposal can be said to be in line with his wishes.

Afterwards, the two left together, seemingly in a good mood.

In this way, the demon king who was avoiding the brave and the brave man who was avoiding the demons had a happy day playing together. Congratulations, congratulations.

 The savior will appear tomorrow!It's too cold in the Northeast, and the heating hasn't come on yet, and my hands are almost numb when typing. Then, thank you for the monthly pass from the book baby!

(End of this chapter)

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