Chapter 143 Luck is unreliable

Soon, Ling Huohuo stopped the operation of "Sword Code", because the golden light from Guo Xiaoyu was too dazzling, and his dog's eyes hadn't been inlaid with titanium alloy, so he looked down upon it.

However, the "Sword Code" in Ling Huohuo's body began to operate uncontrollably, and a fighting spirit emerged from his body. Then, Ling Huohuo covered his eyes and knelt on the ground. Huohuo saw the golden light again, and his eyes were stimulated again.

Ling Huohuo hurriedly began to control the "Sword Code", and soon, the fighting spirit subsided, and Ling Huohuo also regained control of the "Sword Code". After feeling that there was no problem, Ling Huohuo stood up again, Even when I opened my eyes, I couldn't see the golden light.

This is the first time that "Sword Code" is out of control and runs on its own. Although it usually runs on its own, the speed is not fast, and it has no effect on the usual Ling Huohuo. will stop working.

Ling Huohuo looked seriously at the direction where the ancient tree was. What was there? Not only aroused his fighting spirit, but also made his "Sword Code" out of control. What's more, the seemingly ordinary justice turned out to be There was also an abnormality. Although Zhengyi has regained his calm again now, Ling Huohuo knew that it was not an illusion just now, and Zhengyi definitely conveyed a message to himself.

Looking at Hua Lifu's shocked expression again, Ling Huohuo felt that Hua Lifu must know something. Perhaps, with these, some secrets of "Sword Code" could be unlocked.

Although Ling Huohuo has been practicing "Sword Code", the more he practiced, the more he felt that something was wrong. According to what he dreamed when he was a child, the sword god was invincible from the time of practice to Shattering the Void, but he has never felt invincible since he practiced himself. However, even a car may kill him, so it can be said that he is very weak and abnormal. Walliver has also confirmed this with him, which is really shameful.

Soon, all the dust fell, and Ling Huohuo could see clearly what was going on inside.

At this time, the old tree has disappeared, and the bricks around the old tree have also disappeared, exposing the soil underneath, and at the place where the old tree used to be, a flower bud half a person's height appeared, which is braving green light.

Ling Huohuo approached the flower bud carefully, and Walliver also recovered, and followed behind Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo stretched out a finger to poke the flower bud, and found that the flower bud was very soft, but it was very elastic and felt very resilient.

"Guo Xiaoyu?" Ling Huohuo asked the flower bud. Guo Xiaoyu's voice came from here before, but now there is no one from Guo Xiaoyu, so she can only be in the flower bud.

"What are you doing?" Guo Xiaoyu's voice came from the bud.

"Uh... are you okay?" Ling Huohuo asked worriedly. Although Guo Xiaoyu was off-line, she was his friend after all. No, it was just a good relationship, definitely not a friend!Because the relationship is good, Ling Huohuo is still a little worried about Guo Xiaoyu. At this time, Guo Xiaoyu's state reminds Ling Huohuo of some carnivorous plants. Ling Huohuo thinks that Guo Xiaoyu may be digested in the next moment.

"Ah, it's okay, I feel good now." Guo Xiaoyu's voice came from the flower bud.

Ling Huohuo looked at Hua Lifu, "Hua Lifu, did you know what's going on?"

Walliver nodded.

"I have some guesses."

Guo Xiaoyu couldn't help but speak when he heard Hualiver's voice, and asked, "Is there anyone else outside? Who is it?"

However, Ling Huohuo didn't care about Guo Xiaoyu, but continued to talk to Hua Lifu, because he felt that if he explained to Guo Xiaoyu, with her IQ, he could explain it for a day.

"Tell me what's going on."

Walliver nodded, groaned for a while, and said, "In every world, there is a real existence, but something that can only be felt in the dark. This kind of thing is called luck!"


"That's right, luck has a great influence on everything. Some people have bad luck, and some people go out to pick up money. These are all manifestations of luck. For practitioners, if luck is strong, they can practice well." Get twice the result with half the effort, have endless adventures, be able to be reborn from a desperate situation, as long as you don’t kill yourself, you will do something.” Speaking of this, Walliver felt a little emotional, luck is really against the sky.

"Then as long as you get a lot of luck, wouldn't you be invincible?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

Walliver shook his head.

"Luck can't be collected casually. Even the will of the world can't control luck. Only in special periods will people with great luck appear, and there are no rules for people with great luck to appear. Each period is different. The amount of luck in each world is fixed. Even if some people can use some special methods to increase their luck, it is temporary and will dissipate soon. , I just felt a lot of luck attached to Guo Xiaoyu's body, and Guo Xiaoyu's current state should have encountered an adventure."

"That's it." Ling Huohuo scratched his head, a little disappointed that he couldn't collect luck casually, and then looked at Guo Xiaoyu enviously. Is this stupid people have stupid blessings?

Seeing Ling Huohuo's eyes, Walliver sighed.

"Master, being lucky is not necessarily a good thing."

Ling Huohuo looked at Hua Lifu suspiciously, this is different from what you said just now, just now you said how awesome luck is, why did you change your mind?

"Humans have a saying that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. A person with great luck has his own mission. No matter how he grows, he will eventually face his own mission and cannot escape it. If he can complete his mission Fortunately, if the mission is not completed, there will be many people who died on the way."

"Is luck so unreliable?"

"It's not unreliable, luck only affects a person's luck, and it can't directly improve a person's strength, it just makes it easier for people to improve their strength, and even if a person with luck is dead, these luck At worst, it’s just a matter of changing someone, so it’s said that people who are lucky with iron will be people with flowing water.”

Ling Huohuo scratched his head, hearing Hua Lifu say this, this luck is a bit bad.

"Besides, there can only be one or two people with great luck in each world. Most of the strong people's luck is very ordinary, but if the strength is improved, it will increase luck, such as invisible luck. Few people believe in things that cannot be touched, so it is better to practice step by step."

Ling Huohuo was stunned, can't see or touch luck?Then what happened to the bunch of light spots and golden light I saw?Isn't it luck?And the news just came from Justice, it was about the "son of luck", could it be that Guo Xiaoyu is a person with great luck?

Ling Huohuo thought for a while, didn't ask any more questions, but touched his chin, Hua Lifu said that when people with great luck appear, it is a special period, and now this period is special... well, now it is the end of the world , lack of a savior, hold the grass!
Ling Huohuo was shocked, and looked complicatedly at Guo Xiaoyu, who was still in the bud and kept asking "Who is Hualiver?" Sure enough, such things as luck are unreliable.

(End of this chapter)

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