The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 144 Want to live a good life

Chapter 144 Want to live a good life

Ling Tian is very upset now, very upset!
A few days ago, my second child... the second child in the family disappeared, and in the past two days, I found that my other brother was also missing?This must be looking for trouble for me!
Because Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao have disappeared one after another, although they can feel that their lives are not in danger through the means left before, but they are not alive, they cannot detect the specific situation on their side, and their specific location cannot be found. It made Ling Tian feel a little flustered.

Therefore, Ling Tian had to make a difficult decision - to skip work. This was the first time that Ling Tian did not go on a working day without any reason. In other words, his full attendance for this month was gone.

But this is not the point, the point is that Ling Tian is very upset, so he decided to take revenge. As for who to take revenge on, there are so many forces in Zhonghai City, as well as the dead who appear, no matter who it is, beat them again, just like they did back then The same as before, in the end they will always beat the real doers, and maybe they can find their clues, and finally rescue them.

As for accidental injury, it does not exist!Ling Tian said, Lao Tzu is the devil king, he can beat anyone he wants, I can do whatever I want!

So, after setting a big flag, Ling Tian started his beating plan.

First of all, for the sake of Ling Huohuo and Ling Miao, the group of people on the third floor of NG and the people from "ONE PEACE" were placed last, and the others were beaten first.

Ling Tian knocked on the table in front of him.

"Go ahead and ask where my two incompetent younger brothers are. If you don't cooperate... kill his whole family."


The twelve generals nodded, turned and walked out of the room together, closing the door behind them.

Ling Tian wasn't worried about his Twelve Demon Generals. Although their strength could only be used to a small extent, and some of them couldn't even teleport, each of them was once capable of suppressing a world, not Zhong Hai. Those in the city who have never even stepped out of their own world can deal with it.

Although there is still a brave man wandering outside, there is only one brave man, while there are twelve demon generals. It does not mean that they are not afraid of the brave man if they are tied together, but... the brave man cannot chase twelve people at the same time, at least he can run If eleven are lost, the remaining one will always have a way to revive him.

Ling Tian flashed and appeared in a space, the space was pitch black, only the thirteen figures in it shone with faint purple light.

Twelve figures in robes sat cross-legged in a circle with their eyes closed. Although they couldn't see their appearance clearly, they could be seen by their figures to be the Twelve Demon Generals!

A figure sits cross-legged in the middle, not covering up his appearance, which is exactly the same as Ling Tian, ​​but his body is stronger than Ling Tian's.

The lights on these thirteen figures flashed in a peculiar rhythm, echoing each other, and every time they flashed, the purple light would grow stronger.

Ling Tian quietly looked at the scene in front of him without saying a word. After watching for a while, Ling Tian disappeared into the space.


Four days have passed since Guo Xiaoyu "cracked" the ancient tree.

On the same day, Guo Xiaoyu came out of the bud very quickly. According to Guo Xiaoyu, she should have received the inheritance of the ancient tree. Those two hits just killed Gu Shu, and then Gu Shu hit GG, the power in its body was transferred into Guo Xiaoyu's body by chance, Ling Huohuo felt like killing monsters and exploding equipment.

The power in the ancient tree is extremely gentle, and Guo Xiaoyu easily absorbed it successfully. While Guo Xiaoyu inherited the power of the ancient tree, she also knew part of the memory of the ancient tree. This part of the memory pointed out to her the method of cultivation and direction, and the use of various abilities.

This made Ling Huohuo feel unbalanced. As expected of someone with great luck, he got a inheritance when he went out for a casual stroll, and it was the kind with an instruction manual. Looking at himself, although the "Sword Code" has a great history, but The sword god boss forgot to insert the manual, what should I do?
Guo Xiaoyu came out looking the same, except that her hair had turned green.

Looking at Guo Xiaoyu's green hair, Ling Huohuo smiled, feeling a little balanced in his heart, wanting to live a decent life, but on his head... Cough cough, anyway, it seems that Guo Xiaoyu's future life will be very good.

But Guo Xiaoyu didn't feel anything, but was very happy that her hair changed color without dyeing it.

Although Guo Xiaoyu is careless, but Ling Huohuo is telling the truth, Guo Xiaoyu can be regarded as a beauty, and she has a special flavor with green hair, provided that she does not speak or do anything.

After the communication between Ling Huohuo and Guo Xiaoyu, Ling Huohuo also understood Guo Xiaoyu's ability.

Guo Xiaoyu's ability can be said to be in line with the position of the nanny profession. The ability in her body has a strong recovery function. Although it cannot directly heal creatures, it can speed up the recovery of herself and others. If she cooperates with others, it is very Easily boosts the sustain of others.

Thanks to Guo Xiaoyu's ability, Lu Sisi got out of bed the next day after being cured by her. Although she was not able to exercise vigorously, it did not affect her normal life.

Is Guo Xiaoyu going to develop into a healing girl?Ling Huohuo thought in his heart.

Then there is another ability of Guo Xiaoyu. After she has green on her head, she can communicate with plants, and according to her, she can even control plants to attack at a later stage of cultivation.

During these four days, Guo Xiaoyu came several times, and Ling Huohuo paid for Guo Xiaoyu to buy food for a month, of course not those potatoes and cabbage.

And within four days, Ling Huohuo also used Guo Xiaoyu's phone to contact Xiao Yunyun. Although she was not found, she didn't dare to come out easily, because there are still people monitoring Zhonghai University.

Although Xiao Yunyun was fine, Ling Huohuo heard a piece of news that worried him - Ling Miao was gone!

When he just heard the news, Ling Huohuo almost couldn't hold back and rushed out of the general's mansion, but in the end Hualiver stopped him. Hualiver felt that Ling Miao was an organized person, so he shouldn't be like this It's easy to get into trouble, maybe his organization arranged for him to go to other places.

In the end Ling Huohuo reluctantly let go and stayed in the general's mansion, but his mood was no longer so happy.

After Lu Sisi recovered, she also understood the cause and effect of her appearance, but she couldn't think of anything worthy of being killed, nor could she think of who might have done it.

However, Lu Sisi didn't think about it anymore, but pulled Ling Huohuo to ask him to change his job to a magical girl, because no matter what the specifics were, he would know when he found the other party and beat her up.However, Ling Huohuo did not agree, and finally Lu Sisi agreed to let Ling Huohuo teach her sword skills.

While Ling Huohuo was teaching Lu Sisi, he also happened to divert his attention and study the "Sword Code" by the way.

Lu Sisi already had a foundation in martial arts, she learned swordsmanship very quickly, studied hard, and her strength improved every day.

In this way, the two spent more than half a month peacefully in the General's Mansion, and Guo Xiaoyu didn't bother them anymore, but Zhonghai City was not at all peaceful...

(End of this chapter)

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