Chapter 145 The Dead Besiege the City, Ling Miao Returns
For the past half month, although ordinary people in Zhonghai City lived a peaceful life, the various organizations behind the scenes in Zhonghai City lived in dire straits.

Everyone was fine at first, but suddenly a group of lunatics came out of nowhere, directly visiting various organizations and asking, "Where are the missing people?"

The various organizations looked confused, we also want to know where the missing people have gone, I don't know either!But even if I knew, why would I tell you if you asked me?Where do you put my face?

Therefore, most organizations refuse to answer this question, and mock them by the way, despise them, and show off their sense of superiority.

Then, these organizations were beaten up so badly that people couldn't bear to look directly at them.

Until later, as long as someone came to ask, "Where are the missing people?", members of various organizations would tremble all over, making people doubt whether it would cause epilepsy after a long time.

In less than a week, these people visited all the secret organizations in Zhonghai City. No matter how deep your organization is hidden, even if it is in the sewer, you will be caught out and asked this question. If you can't answer it, you will be beaten.

Some people once thought of fooling them by just talking about a place, and then, these nonsense people never appeared again, and this group of mysterious people continued to visit the next organization in an orderly manner, and then no one dared to Nonsense.

After this group of people visited all the organizations, just when the members of each organization were about to breathe a sigh of relief, this group of mysterious and insane people liked to hear and see and carried out the "second brush".

Major organizations: "I have a sentence about MMP, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Mysterious man: "Improper speaking!"

Major organizations: "..."

And just when the major organizations felt that they were about to be shrouded in shadows again, the brave appeared.

It was not until this time that the various organizations knew the true identity of this group of mysterious people—the Demon Race!
With the emergence of the brave, when the major organizations felt that they could take revenge with the League of Braves, embarrassing things happened.

I'm not bragging with you, today I'm a brave man and I'm going to fight twelve!

Then the brave fought with the group of demons very happily, and did not bring the various organizations in Zhonghai City to play together. The organizations didn't even know the specific identity of the brave, only knew that he was a woman, and the others were with the group. Like the demons, they don't know anything.

The brave and the demons fought fiercely, but suffered from various organizations in Zhonghai City. You guys had fun fighting, but can you consider our feelings?Don't bulldoze our base casually!This is the third time I have moved this month!

In the past, every organization in Zhonghai City felt that even if their organization was not the best, they should be ranked first in the country. However, they didn't know what a father is until they met the demons and brave men!
Fortunately, the battle of the demon warriors did not cause any deaths, nor did it cause damage to Zhonghai City, so the various organizations were left by them. Can't I hide?

The appearance of the demons and brave men naturally attracted the attention of the country. The capital sent three or four powerful teams over to make contact with them. However, as before, as long as these teams jumped out, they would disappear mysteriously. Before Xiong Xinxin went to them, more than 50 people were missing in the country.

Eisfeldt and the others said that our demon clan is also short of people. The demon king has a total of twelve demon generals plus one demon man. Now that the twelve demon generals are entangled with the brave man, naturally the base cannot be empty, let alone let the Lord Demon King started to work. After all, he was so busy with work, so Eisfeldt and the others set their sights on the people sent by the country who jumped out, and then all these people were arrested by them, anyway, it was not It was the first time, and they were familiar with the road, and even the "ZERO" of the military were arrested as soon as they caught one.

In the end, this group of people in the country voluntarily or forced to start a life of working for the demons, and he started the work of the demon soldiers back then - logistics.

Although there are a lot of people, it can't handle too many tasks, such as cleaning, cooking, and game boosting.

Then, the country couldn't sit still, and directly sent the most powerful one, and then, it is said that that person is still in the base of the devil to help Lal "move bricks" in the game.

In the end, the country had no other actions, and Zhonghai City seemed to have regained its calm, except for the occasional wild brave men and demons fighting in front of their homes. Whenever this happened, the leaders of various organizations would calmly drink a sip of tea, Getting ready to move.

Half a month passed by in a flash.

Just when the various organizations were used to fighting the devil and the brave, something happened!
A group of skeletons and zombies surrounded Zhonghai City!

There was also a change in Zhonghai University. An old man who had been missing for a long time walked out of Zhonghai University's alumni forest. Then, the entire alumni forest was burned with black flames.

Although various organizations can't intervene when the demons and the brave are fighting, it cannot be denied that they are quite capable.

The various organizations reacted quickly and quickly organized the people in Zhonghai City to gather together for refuge, and all the teachers and students of Zhonghai University were transferred.

Xiao Yunyun looked at the black smoke from alumni Lin Burning in the distance, with a serious face. Although the magic power in her body was gone, she could still feel the ominous aura emanating from it.

And Yin Ya's complexion beside her was not very good. Obviously, she also felt something.

At this time, Yin Ya's eyes changed, because she actually saw Ling Miao!
At this moment, Ling Miao was walking towards the school against the crowd, and the direction was exactly the direction of alumni Lin!
"Ling Miao!" Yin Ya shouted, but Ling Miao ignored her, and disappeared from Yin Ya's sight in a flash.

"What? Ling Miao?" Xiao Yunyun looked at Yin Ya suspiciously.

"Well, I saw him just now, and he was walking towards the school!" Yin Ya nodded.

"It must be a mistake." Xiao Yunyun was a little suspicious, because she didn't see Ling Miao at all just now.

"No, no, there is danger there, I want to find her, Yunyun, you go first, I will catch up with you in a while." Yin Ya said anxiously, and then quickly ran to Xiao Yunyun without waiting for Xiao Yunyun's reaction. In the direction of alumni Lin.

"Hey!" Xiao Yunyun didn't stop Yin Ya, seeing Yin Ya's back going away, Xiao Yunyun gritted his teeth and chased after her.

There was a chaotic crowd, and no one noticed that two people were running back.

When Yin Ya ran to her alumni Lin, she saw the person she had been thinking about all along.

At this time, Ling Miao was facing Yin Ya with her back. Compared with a month ago, Ling Miao's hair was already hanging on her shoulders, and her long bangs covered half of her face, so she couldn't see her expression clearly. There was a lot of dirt, and an old man stood in front of Ling Miao. With his back to Ling Miao, the old man ignored Ling Miao, but looked at the burning alumni forest, as if it were some beautiful scenery, and indulged in it.

Yin Ya showed a smile, and just about to speak, Ling Miao spoke first.

Ling Miao made a deep voice: "It was you, my second brother was taken away by you!"

"Oh?" The old man turned his head, showing an ordinary face, and asked with a smile: "Which one?"

"It really is you!" Ling Miao clenched his fist, "Let my second brother go, otherwise, he will die!"

Ling Miao raised her head, a pair of golden vertical pupils appeared behind her long hair, noble and dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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