The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 150 The Battle of Zhonghai University

Chapter 150 The Battle of Zhonghai University

Zhonghai University.

Ling Miao and Lao Liu fought together.

At this time, Ling Miao's appearance has undergone many changes from before. Although her body and face are still the same, she looks a little more evil, and she is no longer the nobleness she used to have in battle.

At this time, Ling Miao was naked from the upper body, wearing a pair of worn-out trousers on the lower body, black air was wrapped around her body, her arms were covered with dark red patterns, her hair became very long, reaching her waist, and there was a golden dragon-shaped imprint on her forehead It became clearer, more and more like a dragon, the pupils of both eyes turned into golden vertical pupils, indifferent, without a trace of emotion, and scale-like patterns appeared on Ling Miao's cheeks.

But Lao Liu did not change much, but there were countless blood-like things around him, forming a blood pool under his feet, from which bloody monsters in the shape of humans or beasts appeared continuously, attacking Ling Miao .

Every time Ling Miao punches, there will be a piercing sound, which can crush a bloody monster, which shows that Ling Miao's body is extremely powerful at this time.

Moreover, Ling Miao can also control the four elements of earth, wind, fire, and water at the same time.

However, at this time Ling Miao did not have the upper hand. The blood-colored monsters that emerged from the blood pool were not weak, and they appeared extremely fast and in large numbers. Although Ling Miao could defeat them, it was difficult to form a counterattack, and Ling Miao But he couldn't control the earth and air around Lao Liu at all.

He opened his mouth, spit out a mouthful of flames, and wiped out a large group of bloody monsters. Ling Miao took a step back and looked at Lao Liu with a serious expression.

At this time Ling Miao also knew that he did not have the upper hand, and there was Lao Liu standing there, who did not do it himself, so he did not know if he had other means.

Who the hell is this, Ling Miao thought secretly.

Old Liu cracked his mouth open, revealing a mouthful of withered and yellow teeth.

"Boy, I have to admit that you are really interesting." Lao Liu said, "The body and strength are all extremely top-notch. It is not an exaggeration to say that you are invincible at the same level. If you reach the same level as me It won't be your opponent at all, but now you and I are a big difference in rank, and it is still a watershed between mortal gods, you can't beat me." Old Liu shook his head.

"I'll give you a choice, surrender to me." Lao Liu twisted his neck and made a cracking sound, and then countless bloody monsters crawled out of the blood pool again, surrounding Ling Miao in the middle, threatening obvious.

Ling Miao didn't speak, a layer of golden armor loomed on the surface of his body.

Ling Miao punched the ground, and the ground cracked around Ling Miao as the center. Now most of the bloody monsters on the ground fell into the cracks and were crushed into pieces by the mud. Ling Miao's move instantly killed a large area of ​​bloody monsters. monster.

Seeing Ling Miao's actions, Lao Liu shook his head in disappointment, "What a pity."

As soon as Lao Liu waved his hand, more bloody monsters appeared and attacked Ling Miao, and then Lao Liu looked in another direction.

"Another person came to die."

I don’t know when, three more blood pools appeared beside Lao Liu, plus the previous ones, the four blood pools lined up between Lao Liu and Ling Miao, and more bloody monsters appeared from them, surrounding alumni Lin up.

Yin Ya and Xiao Yunyun also rushed to Alumni Lin and saw Ling Miao who was fighting the bloody monster.

"Ling Miao?"

"It's really Ling Miao!"

The two gave a low drink.

Xiao Yunyun stared at Ling Miao with a look of surprise on her face. She already knew that Ling Miao was a bloodline awakener, and she had seen Ling Miao fighting through Ling Huohuo, but it was not the same as now. It seems that something happened to him.

Suddenly, Xiao Yunyun smelled a fragrance, she couldn't help but took a deep breath, it was so fragrant...uh... Then, Xiao Yunyun rolled his eyes, passed out, and didn't know anything.

Yin Ya hugged the fallen Xiao Yunyun, with apologetic eyes.

Although Xiao Yunyun is his best friend, but she is just an ordinary person, it is better not to let her see these things in front of her.

So Yin Ya used her ability to stun Xiao Yunyun.

At this time, a lotus-shaped imprint appeared on Yin Ya's forehead at some point.

With a wave of Yin Ya's hand, a lotus flower appeared at Xiao Yunyun's feet. Afterwards, the lotus closed and wrapped Xiao Yunyun in the middle. After spinning twice, it disappeared.

Under Ling Miao's guidance during a winter vacation, Yin Ya was able to skillfully use her abilities at this time.

"Ling Miao, I'll help you."

Yin Ya stood up and rushed to where Ling Miao was. With a wave of her hand, countless lotus flowers fell from the sky and exploded after touching the blood-colored monster, killing the blood-colored monster in an instant.

Seeing Yin Ya coming, Ling Miao nodded to her, and Yin Ya showed a smile.

Due to the particularity of Lin, an alumnus of Zhonghai University, various organizations in Zhonghai City quickly organized personnel to come to support him. At this time, dozens of people rushed to Lin, an alumnus of Zhonghai University, and saw Ling Miao and Yin Ya who were fighting.

"That's... Ling Miao from ONE PEACE? Didn't he disappear before?" Someone shouted in surprise, obviously, he recognized Ling Miao.

"Why is he here? And he's still so powerful now?"

"Who's the woman next to him?"

"It seems to be a bloodline awakener."

"My friends from ONE PEACE explain."

Everyone looked at the ONE PEACE people in the crowd. When Ling Miao disappeared, various organizations sent people to look for them, but there was no result, and ONE PEACE also notified the various organizations that they don't need to look for them, and then nothing happened. Now Ling Miao suddenly appeared, and his strength has improved a lot. With the performance of this battle, Ling Miao's performance is not weaker than the leaders of various organizations.

Moreover, although ONE PEACE has always been in Zhonghai City, it has never appeared in front of other organizations. It suddenly appeared last year and naturally encroached on the interests of other organizations. Therefore, although the relationship seems to be good, the people of each organization are not How do you like the organization of ONE PEACE? Now that their organization suddenly has such a powerful force, this is something that other organizations do not want to see.

Moreover, after Ling Miao disappeared, she had such a powerful strength when she reappeared, which made other people have to think about it, feeling like they were being tricked.

A total of five people came to ONE PEACE, the first one was the bun-headed girl who had misunderstood Ling Huohuo before, and behind her were four muscular men.

The bun-headed girl looked at Ling Miao with a complicated expression. Ling Miao touched the taboo of their organization, so it should be considered that the organization has been sentenced. However, there has been no conclusion within their organization, so it has never been announced that Ling Miao has been sentenced to the organization. Therefore, when the girl saw Ling Miao, her emotions were a bit complicated. She didn't know whether to continue treating him as one of her own or treat him as a traitor.

As for explaining to other organizations, it does not exist, the ONE PEACE organization is not at the same level as you, okay, otherwise, would you have discovered us until now?Working with you is to give you face, why don't we have to explain?

The bun-headed girl ignored them. After all, it is not a good thing to argue with them now. However, the four strong men behind her did not have so many worries. They looked down on people from other organizations. Now our friends are fighting there. You still want us to explain?Believe it or not, we will slap you with big mouths?
Then, not only did they think so, they did so.

(End of this chapter)

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