The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 151 Walliver: Master, congratulations, you are going to be a father

Chapter 151 Walliver: Master, congratulations, you are going to be a father

Seeing Ling Huohuo being dropped suddenly, Hua Lifu reacted instantly, hurriedly controlled the donkey demon's whereabouts, caught Ling Huohuo, and Ling Huohuo was still holding the bun-headed girl in his arms.

The donkey demon put the two on the roof of a nearby building.

Walliver looked at Ling Huohuo with black lines on his head, you are really not suitable for going out, you will encounter trouble when you go out.

Ling Huohuo threw down the bun-headed girl, and sat down on the ground, panting slightly, her heart pounding.

The excitement of real chickens is comparable to that of bungee jumping, and it is the kind without ropes on the feet.

Ling Huohuo couldn't fly, and if he fell from such a height, the army of skeletons descending from the sky on the other side would be his example.

After a while, Ling Huohuo sat up, wanting to see who knocked him off.

From the back, it should be a girl. Turning over the person lying in front of her, and looking at her face, she is a beautiful woman, but why does she feel familiar?
Ling Huohuo rubbed his chin, probably... All beauties are familiar to men.

The bun girl and Ling Huohuo had only met once, and at this time the bun girl's hair was loose, and there was a mark on her forehead, so Ling Huohuo didn't recognize her.

Seeing the girl with her eyes closed tightly, Ling Huohuo patted her face.

"Hey, wake up."

However, the girl was still in a coma and did not reply.

"Waliver, what's going on?" Ling Huohuo pointed to the girl lying on the ground, and asked Walliver.

"Well, she did pass out, and she is a bloodline awakener. I can see that she must have passed out due to excessive consumption."

"Blood Awakener?"

"Yes, and you have met her."

"I met her? When?"

"During your winter vacation, the bun-headed girl you saw at the Ox Bone Bookstore and mistook you and your brother was her."

Ling Huohuo knocked on his hand, "Ah! I remembered that it was her, so it should be one of my own, but why did she fall from the sky?"

"Well... just now, I felt the fluctuation of space, she should have been teleported to the top of your head." Walliver tapped his chin and began to analyze.

"It was sent to my head? Could it be that someone gave me benefits?" Ling Huohuo was surprised for a while.

"No, master, this should be a random transmission."

"Random teleportation?" Ling Huohuo fell into deep thought. Could it be that I succeeded in smuggling and got out of Europe?Otherwise, why can the random teleportation be teleported to me?

I don't know what Ling Huohuo is thinking, Hua Lifu continued to explain: "Although it is said to be sent randomly, there are also influencing factors. It may be really luck, or it may be that you have something related to space. Able to affect space jumps."

"What it is?"

"This, I don't know the specifics, but I still have some guesses."

"Oh, then tell me."

"Remember Yuyi?"

"Remember." Ling Huohuo nodded, "But it's fused into my body now, it's been melted by the power in my body, and it can't be taken out at all."

"That's it, Yuyi has the ability to summon things. Although you can't summon things, it does have this ability. It is called summoning. The simple explanation is to establish a passage in space. This passage has two doors. Objects on the other side Go through the door on the other side, enter this passage, and then exit through the door on this side, and even if this passage is not used, it still exists.

I think this girl is not strong enough when teleporting randomly. After all, random teleportation takes more power than using a fixed space channel, so I accidentally used this channel of Yuyi, and now that Yuyi is on your body, it is also It is equivalent to one of the doors is on your side, and the other door is sealed, so she comes out of this door on your side, and then there are things after that. "

Walliver said a lot, and it took Ling Huohuo a while to understand what it meant.

"Is that so, then according to what you said, wouldn't anyone be able to come to me at any time as long as I find Yuyi's passage?"

"Theoretically, this is the case, but don't worry, first of all, to find Yuyi's space channel, you must have the ability to sense space and jump space, but space is a very advanced ability, and only the strong can master it. Not many, if you are strong, no matter what, you can't beat him, if you are not strong, you have a chance to seriously injure or even kill him the moment he appears, secondly, you have not yet fully controlled Yuyi, after you fully control Yuyi, you can close the door on your side at any time, so that others cannot pass through Yuyi's passage."

"That's good. It seems that I need to get acquainted with Yuyi." Ling Huohuo nodded. Although Yuyi has been transformed by his power, assimilation does not mean control. His familiarity with Yuyi is still too short. After all, this is A god, Shenfa, and Ling Huohuo is still a mortal, the gap between is not 01:30 points.

"Then what should we do now?" Ling Huohuo looked at the Baozitou girl again.

"You can transfer the power in your body into her body, just like you did to Lu Sisi, so that you can ease the injuries in her body."

Ling Huohuo nodded, stretched out a hand, placed it on the abdomen of the bun-headed girl, and began to transfer the spiritual energy in her body into the bun-headed girl's body.

Sure enough, the bun-headed girl's complexion became much ruddy.

However, just when Ling Huohuo wanted to stop, his face froze suddenly.

Just now... I seem to have a creampie... Bah!It was something in my body that entered the body of the girl with a bun head together with spiritual power!

Then, under Ling Huohuo's horrified gaze, the body of the bun-headed girl began to emit blue light, and Walliver also raised his eyebrows, obviously not expecting this situation.

"Waliver, this, this..."

Ling Huohuo looked at Hua Lifu in bewilderment, and it was not right to stop now, nor was it not to stop, he was tangled for a while.

Walliver sensed it, and looked at Ling Huohuo with a slightly different expression, "Master, did you really meet her once? Did you meet her behind my back! You also did some shameful things ?”

"What? No! Let me tell you, you can't slander me, I'm still a pure little virgin."

"Hmm...cough cough," Walliver coughed twice, "but, I feel that in her abdomen, there is a life mixed with your breath and her breath, and this life is still very vigorous."

"what do you mean?"

"To put it simply, master, congratulations, you are going to be a father."


Ling Huo Huo, petrification.

(End of this chapter)

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