The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 156 The Scarlet Ying Will Become Dregs

Chapter 156 The Scarlet Ying Will Become Dregs

Zhonghai University.

The beautiful campus of Zhonghai University in the past has disappeared, and there is no intact building. No, it should be said that all the buildings have turned into gravel and mud, spinning in the sky, and the mud on the ground is still being sucked in continuously in.

Looking at the magnificent scene at this time, the four strong men couldn't help swallowing, and retreated a certain distance again.

"Here, why is Ling Miao's strength so strong?"

"This may be genius."

"Young people today."

"Fortunately, there is no one, otherwise there will be heavy casualties."

"Then what do we do?"

"Let's get out, it's not something you and I can interfere with. Go and call the leader and elder brother over here. By the way, look for Lingling nearby. She doesn't have that much power, so she shouldn't be able to teleport too far," said the strong man D. .

"it is good."

"Then I'll go find someone, and you go back and call someone." The strong man B said, his sense of smell is the most sensitive, just right for finding someone.

"Then you are alone and pay attention to safety."

"rest assured!"

Bang bang bang!
Ying has already been drawn into the sky.

The gravel, soil, and wind in the air are constantly attacking him. It would be fine if it was ordinary gravel, but at this time these gravel and soil are infused with special power, and the attack will cause great damage. The dragon formed in the sky Juan was crushing Ying like a millstone, and within a short while, Ying was seriously injured.

Fortunately, Ying did not give up. Ling Miao's strength was not strong before, but now he suddenly displayed such strength. Obviously, Ling Miao should have used some things to forcibly increase his strength.

Ying knew that the forceful increase in power like this would not last long, and it would inevitably have great side effects. The more strength you increase, the stronger the side effects. Therefore, Ying knew that as long as she persisted until Ling Miao's forceful increase faded, Then he is the final winner!
Ling Miao stared seriously at Ying who was struggling in mid-air.

Ling Miao had indeed forcibly improved his strength, which was one of his previous gains. Moreover, in the previous adventure, he also knew a lot of things that he didn't know, and he knew the true face of this world.

Seeing Ying's tricks against Yin Ya just now, he knew that Yin Ya should be trapped in a space, and those mysteriously missing people, including Ling Huohuo, might also be trapped there, and the portal that controls the entry and exit of the space It's Ying!
Ling Miao learned that this kind of space can be roughly divided into two types, one is developed by oneself, and the space will collapse with the death of the owner, and the other is the use of an independent space. The door will be opened for a period of time, and the people inside can come out naturally.

And with Ying's conditions, he should be the latter. First of all, his strength is not enough, and secondly, he does not have the power of space, so it is impossible for him to open up space by himself.

Ling Miao knew that she couldn't last long, so she had to kill Ying within this time. Although she would not be powerless in the future, she would definitely not be able to defeat Ying.

At this moment, the battle between Ling Miao and Ying has become a rally, and it depends on who can bear it first.

Ying's body sprayed blood mist again, forming a set of blood-colored armor on the body surface. However, the blood-colored armor was quickly shattered, and Ying had no choice but to spray blood mist again. At this time, Ying had no chance to fight back, so she could only continue to Passive defense, he can't even sneak into the blood shadow, and the blood armor is his strongest defense method.

Ling Miao gradually began to breathe heavily. Controlling such a large tornado and injecting strength into it was a burden on his spirit and strength, and his physical strength was even more exhausted.

Finally, Ling Miao couldn't hold on anymore, he used his last strength to control all the earth and rocks, and attacked Ying together.

The blood-colored armor on Ying's body broke instantly, and it was too late to form the armor again. Ying was submerged in the mud, and she couldn't help letting out a scream.

In the end, all the gravel and soil fell from the sky and fell to the ground, making a booming sound, like a natural disaster. Finally, all the gravel and soil piled up in one place, forming a small mountain.

Panting heavily, Ling Miao half-kneeled on the ground.

At this time, the original shadow of Zhong Hai University could no longer be seen, only a small hill made of gravel and soil stood there alone.

Looking at his "masterpiece", Ling Miao had some disbelief in his eyes.

"This kind of power is like moving mountains and filling seas!" Ling Miao murmured.

"Jie Jie Jie, if you are really at that level of strength, I might have confessed here today, but this time, I won!" A hoarse voice came from behind Ling Miao.

Ling Miao's eyes widened, and she turned around instantly, only to find that Ying appeared behind her.

At this time, Ying's condition was not good, her body was seriously damaged, only half of her body, one arm, one leg, and even half of her head remained, and the remaining eye was staring at her. holding Ling Miao, and the rest of the unshared ones are crooked and damaged.

If it was an ordinary person, he would have died like this, but Ying is not a human being, she is a kind of undead. As long as the core supporting him is not broken, he can continue to move forward, and even recover as before.

There is a blood shadow under Ying's feet, and he came out from there.

Ling Miao stood up, mobilizing the last strength in her body.

"No need to struggle, hahaha, but don't worry, I like you very much, I will not kill you, but will transform you into my subordinate, hahaha...uh, hiccup."

Ying, who was laughing maniacally, stopped suddenly, as if someone was choking her neck, yes, he was being choked by someone right now.

Jeffett Rose pinched Ying's neck with one hand and smiled.

"My friend, what is so funny, tell me about it."

Ying fell into the ice cellar, when did he come here?Why didn't you find it at all?Moreover, he couldn't feel his specific strength!
Jeffet Rose had arrived a long time ago, but the tornado caused by Ling Miao was too dangerous, so he didn't dare to get close, but squatted aside and watched until Ying came out to harm Ling Miao, then he appeared and restrained Ying , Looking at Ying in his hand, Jeffet Rose felt a little nervous. He didn't expect that there would be a sixth-level undead in the city. I don't know if there will be a second or third one. No, I must report it later. My lord, let others return to Zhonghai City to support them.

Jeffet Rose glanced at Ling Miao without leaving a trace, but he didn't expect that it was really His Highness Ling Miao. He had to sigh, the young people nowadays are getting more and more powerful.

"Well, what should we do with him?" Jeffet Ross asked Ling Miao.

"Kill it!" Although Ling Miao felt that Jeffet Rose looked familiar, he didn't say much, but sentenced Ying to death without hesitation.

Under Ying's horrified eyes, Jeffet Rose used it for himself, and directly shook Ying into powder, and died so badly that he couldn't die anymore. Seeing Jeffet Rose's hand, Ling Miao's pupils shrank violently, Being able to suddenly appear behind Ying, he already knew that Jeffet Rose was not an ordinary person, but he didn't expect him to be so strong.

Now for Ling Miao, Jeffet Rose didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend, so he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

However, before Ling Miao could ask, with Ying's death, the door of the Blood Shadow Space opened, and the blood shadow under Ying's feet expanded rapidly, and then dozens of figures emerged from it...

(End of this chapter)

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