Chapter 157 The Crisis Comes
Ling Miao stopped what she was about to ask, but looked at the people who appeared on the ground, which were the group of people who had disappeared before.

Seeing the people lying on the ground and appearing from the shadow of blood, Jeffet Los was a little surprised at first, but soon realized what was going on, nodded, and was just about to look at the people on the ground when he suddenly felt What, he turned his head abruptly to one side, his eyes widened, and he dodged to appear in another position. This is where his former alumni Lin was.

At the moment of Muku's death, Ling Tian seemed to feel something, turned his head to look in the direction of Zhonghai University, hesitated for a moment, but did not move, "I hope Telos can solve it." Then he looked at the sudden violent shaking again. The space channel that got up, "A big guy is coming out, I hope he has a brain."

Ling Miao didn't care about Jeffet Rose's strangeness, but stood in front of a lotus bud first.

The buds trembled twice, then slowly opened, revealing Yin Ya inside.

"Ling Miao, where are the enemies?"

"Dead, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Yin Ya said.

"That's good. Help me look at these people on the ground. Although their breath is weak, they are still alive. You can treat them."

"Okay." Yin Ya nodded, and with a wave of her hand, countless lotus petals fell and merged into the bodies of these people, their aura became stable, and the blood color returned to their faces, and then she summoned a flower bud , the petals opened and disappeared, Yin Ya supported the unconscious Xiao Yunyun.

Ling Miao also nodded to Yin Ya, then looked at the people on the ground around her again, stepped forward quickly, and began to look through them one by one.

"No, no, no..."

The further back, Ling Miao's face became more and more ugly, until Ling Miao saw all the people, his face had become extremely gloomy.

"What's wrong with Ling Miao?" Yin Ya noticed Ling Miao's expression was wrong, and asked while supporting Xiao Yunyun.

"My second brother, it's not here!"

"What?" Yin Ya was a little surprised, he didn't know anything about Ling Huohuo's disappearance.

"My second brother disappeared here with them, but he was not among these people."

Ling Miao said in a deep voice, and began to think about where Ling Huohuo might be.

"Mr. Chechen!" Yin Ya suddenly called out in surprise.

Ling Miao's thoughts were interrupted. He looked at Yin Ya and found that she was looking at the mysterious person before.

Effitelus turned his head, looked at Yin Ya, and showed a gentle smile, "Yo, it's Yin Ya, why are you here?"

"I didn't expect to see Mr. Chechen here." Yin Ya stood up, looking a little excited at Effietros.


Ling Miao's ears moved, and the name sounded familiar.

Then, he remembered that Chechen was the one who saved Yin Ya once before.

"Haha, what a coincidence."

"Mr. Chechen, you are..." Yin Ya looked at Chechen with some doubts. She was a little surprised that Chechen appeared here. You know, there was a battle here just now. When she came out, she found Zhong Hai The university has disappeared and has been absent-minded for a while, while Chechnya seems to be fine.

"Mr. Chechen saved my life just now," Ling Miao said.

Yin Ya opened her mouth in surprise and realized that, obviously, Mr. Chechen who saved her life was not an ordinary person.

"I didn't expect Mr. Chechen to be an ordinary person." Yin Ya sighed.

"Aren't you too?" Effiteros smiled.

"What should we do after that?" Yin Ya suddenly asked Ling Miao. Seeing Chechen's appearance, she obviously didn't want to talk more, and Chechen didn't look like an enemy, so she took the initiative to change the topic.

"I'm going to continue looking for my second brother." Ling Miao said with a frown.

"Then I'll go with you." Yin Ya said with some expectation.

"Yeah." Ling Miao nodded, one more person would give more help, and judging by the appearance of the Baozitou girl and the others, they were not against her in the organization, so there was no need to worry too much. Finally, after this battle, Yin Ya has also been exposed, there is no need for her to hide anymore, it is better to bring her with her.

Thinking of the Baozitou girl and the others, Ling Miao looked around worriedly. The Baozitou girl had been teleported to nowhere, and the four strong men had never seen them. I hope they are all right. .

Listening to the conversation between the two, Effitelus' eyes moved, has His Highness Ling Huohuo still not been found?But now is not the time for small talk.

"Both of you." Effitelos said, attracting Ling Miao's attention, "I think we should run away now."

"Huh?" Ling Miao and the two were surprised for a while.

"There's going to be big trouble here."

Ling Miao suddenly thought of something, "Could it be..."

"Yeah." Effiterus nodded, "The things below are coming out."

"Run!" Ling Miao shouted.

Although Yin Ya didn't understand, but out of trust in Ling Miao, she turned around and ran to the distance. When she saw other people lying on the ground, she hesitated for a moment, gritted her teeth, raised her hands, and everyone on the ground They were all supported by lotus flowers, and then Yin Ya waved her hand, and these lotus flowers dragged these people and flew into the distance.

In the previous battle, Yin Ya consumed a lot, and after treating other people, Yin Ya's power was consumed. Just now, she used all the remaining power to create these lotus flowers, and put the lotus on the ground. Send these people away from here. If she doesn't care, these people may be in danger again. She can only try to send them as far away as possible. As for what happens afterwards, it depends on their fate.

Seeing that Yin Ya was a little out of strength, Ling Miao picked up Yin Ya, whose legs were weak, and ran to the distance. As for Effiteros, in Ling Miao's mind, since he knew that there was something coming out from below, he would definitely do it too. Escape, and with his ability to suddenly appear behind Ying, escape is definitely not a problem.

Being hugged by Ling Miao suddenly, Yin Ya was taken aback for a moment, then her face turned red quickly, and she lowered her head, not daring to look at Ling Miao.

The ground of Zhonghai University suddenly began to crack, and black air slowly floated out from the cracks. The clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and it became gloomy. Red light shone through the cracks in the clouds, which looked extremely strange. Into a dark.

Ling Miao ran forward, looked back, and stopped hurriedly, but Effiteros was still standing there!

"Run!" Ling Miao yelled at Chechen. He knew exactly what was under Zhonghai University, and because he knew it, he was afraid. In the face of the absolute gap, courage can only be empty talk.

Yin Ya, who heard the movement, also raised her head and looked at Effiterus worriedly.

Effitelus turned his head back, smiled reassuringly at the two, then squatted down, touching the ground with his hands, "Seal!"

(End of this chapter)

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