The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 161 This is a question to send a sister

Chapter 161 This is a question to send a sister


Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun looked around, but the surroundings were empty.

"Um, hit a ghost?"

"Maybe it's an auditory hallucination." Xiao Yunyun said with some uncertainty.

"Hey, I'm here, bow your head." The childish voice came again.

Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun hurriedly lowered their heads, and there was a bun-headed girl lying on the ground. At this time, she was closing her eyes and seemed to be still in a coma. Besides the bun-headed girl, there was also a Hualiver magic book, Ling Huohuo The long sword of justice, as well as another long sword and two short swords, these three swords are the three swords born spiritually in Ling Huohuo's hidden sword room.

"Huh?" Ling Huohuo touched his head, and it seemed that there was no one who could speak just now.

"Could it be that she's awake?" Xiao Yunyun pointed to the bun-headed girl on the ground.

"Probably not." Ling Huohuo said uncertainly, the bun-headed girl was lying there, Ling Huohuo could feel that she hadn't woken up, but Ling Huohuo was not sure, because he felt that his feeling was impossible So keen, at the same time, Xiao Yunyun didn't know, so...

Xiao Yunyun bent down and pushed the bun-headed girl.

"Hey, wake up, there's no need to pretend."

The bun-headed girl didn't move.

"If you pretend to be me again, you won't be polite."

Xiao Yunyun pushed her again.

The bun-headed girl still didn't move.

clap clap.

Xiao Yunyun pulled the bun-headed girl up by her collar, and slapped her three big mouths in return.

The bun-headed girl's pink face swelled instantly, and Ling Huohuo felt pain just looking at it. However, the "badly injured" bun-headed girl still didn't really open her eyes.

Ling Huohuo bent down, "Maybe she hasn't woken up yet."

"It should be." Xiao Yunyun nodded calmly, without any sign of being embarrassed by accidental injury, and let go of the hand that was holding the girl with a bun.

Ling Huohuo hurriedly stretched out his hand and supported the girl with the bun head again. If she was allowed to lie down like this, she would definitely hit her head, and then slowly laid her flat on the ground.

"Who the hell is that?" Xiao Yunyun frowned.

"Hey, I'm here." The childish voice came again.

This time, following the sound, Ling Huohuo and the others set their sights on a long sword.

"Justice?" Ling Huohuo was surprised. The one who made the sound just now was the long sword that fell from the sky and was named by Ling Huohuo as Justice.

"The sword has spoken." Xiao Yunyun was not too surprised, because when she was learning magic with Hualiver, she also heard it introduce some weapons or equipment that can generate their own life, talk, and have their own thinking. At that time, these weapons and equipment are no longer simple items, but can be called life. In some worlds, there are even races of this life form.

It is not so easy for a dead thing to give birth to its own thinking, and there must be conditions for its birth, but no matter what, as long as a dead thing gives birth to its own life, no matter its material or appearance, it will become something extraordinary.

And right now, this is the case with the long sword that is speaking.

"Hmph, that's right, I'm the one talking, but I'm not called justice. My name is Babai. It's one of the series of long swords produced by Fengshenlu. The number is Babai. The owner is Kuang Gushuo Jin Zhentian Invincible within the Jedi, ranked sixth, handsome, unrestrained and gentle as jade, the sword god who is single in 12 years, so, you two, give me some respect."

A triumphant voice came from the eight hundred long swords, but because the voice had a childish feeling, it sounded a bit cute.

Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun tugged at the corners of their mouths. Although they couldn't understand, they somehow felt that it was very powerful.

But Ling Huohuo grasped a key word, Sword God? !

"You are... the sword of the sword god?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Of course!" The triumphant voice came again.

"Why do I suddenly feel very uncomfortable, and why does that sword god have such a long string of prefixes?" Xiao Yunyun said.

"What do you know? This is an expression of respect for Lord Sword God. Lord Sword God is an existence worshiped by all swordsmen inside and outside the universe. His name has long been spread throughout the heavens and worlds."

"But I haven't heard of it." Xiao Yunyun said bluntly.

"..." Babai was silent for a while, "Hmph, is the title of Lord Sword God something that mere mortals like you can hear?"

"Hehe, don't you think this sentence contradicts what you said before?" Xiao Yunyun said mockingly, "Besides, Ling Huohuo, have you heard of it?"

Xiao Yunyun looked at Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo touched his head in embarrassment, "I heard."

"What? How did you hear that?"

"Because, the inheritance I got is the sword god." Ling Huohuo said.

"What?" Xiao Yunyun opened his mouth, "Could it be that you have to use such a long string of prefixes when introducing yourself in the future? Don't you feel weird?"

"Wait, I didn't say I wanted to have such a long prefix." Ling Huohuo waved his hand hastily. He felt a little ashamed when he wanted to add such a messy prefix to him. Why do single dogs have to say it? Ah, and it's still in such a conspicuous position!
12 years, is it really good to be so specific about the year?

"Hmph, that's right, you are the inheritor of Lord Sword God, there are only two people in and out of the universe, and you are one of them!"

Yabai made a sound again.

"Then hearing you say that, I always feel that I have grown taller." Ling Huohuo touched his chin.

"Of course, everything related to Lord Sword God is very high!"

"Are you too?" Xiao Yunyun asked.

"Of course, as one of Lord Sword God's sabers, I am very strong. Let me tell you, there are nine hundred and ninety-nine others as powerful as me!"

"It really is a mass-produced product." Xiao Yunyun pouted again.

"I'm not a mass-produced product! We are a thousand brothers and sisters who were built at the same time."

"Isn't that still a mass-produced product?"

" flat chested!"

"What?" Xiao Yunyun was taken aback.

"I said you are flat-chested, a disgrace among women! No man wants a flat-chested one!"

"I...I," Xiao Yunyun blushed, "I'm not really flat! There's still something to squeeze!"

Ling Huohuo rubbed his nose in embarrassment, it's not good to say this in front of his face, and for some reason, he always feels that the relationship between the two of them is not good for no reason.

"Hehe, that's why no man wants it. It's because of you guys with flat chests that Sword God can't find a wife."

"That sword god of yours can't find a wife, it's because he's too good-for-nothing, don't blame the flat chest, we won't take the blame for this, apologize to the flat chest all over the world, and...and," Xiao Yunyun secretly said Glancing at Ling Huohuo, "Ling Huohuo!"

"Ah?" Ling Huohuo, who was on the sidelines, was taken aback for a moment, why did he get involved again?

"Do you want me!"

Ling Huohuo grinned.

This is a question of giving away a younger sister!
(End of this chapter)

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