The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 162 You are 13 awesome now, boy!

Chapter 162 You are 13 awesome now, boy!

The moment Xiao Yunyun asked the question, she regretted it a little, this question can't be asked here!So shy, if he wants it, should I give it or not?Wait, why does that sound weird.

And Ling Huohuo was also embarrassed, what is this?Send sister questions!But do I want it, or don't I?She may not give it if you want it, if you don't want it... Ling Huohuo looked at Xiao Yunyun's breasts, it seemed that there was nothing regrettable about it, but Xiao Yunyun was still pretty.

The sudden problem made Ling Huohuo's heart, which had been hungry and thirsty for more than 20 years, suddenly agitated.

Gritting his teeth, just as Ling Huohuo was about to agree, a long sword fell from the sky and stuck straight between the two of them.

"Hmph, I won't let you, a flat-chested woman, attack the successor of Lord Sword God!"

Xiao Yunyun clenched his fists, do you know how much courage I mustered up just now?
"Ah! Stop yelling flat-chested and flat-chested!" Xiao Yunyun yelled, stretched out his hand to hold Babai's handshake, and was about to pull it out, but Babai didn't move at all.

"Hmph, give up. My sword weighs seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven catties. If you want to swing me, you must be stronger than my weight, except for Lord Sword God and his heirs. It's a pity that you didn't That power."

"Okay, stop arguing, let's talk about the important situation first." Ling Huohuo hurried out to smooth things over and pulled Xiao Yunyun away.

"Hmph, for Ling Huohuo's sake, let me let you go." Xiao Yunyun snorted.

After such a commotion, Xiao Yunyun had returned to normal, but the way he looked at Ling Huohuo was a little strange.

Seeing Xiao Yunyun restored to his original state, Ling Huohuo sighed, sure enough, he still thought too much.

The two tacitly did not say what happened just now.

"Ah, then where do I need to start to explain." Seeing that Ling Huohuo and the others didn't talk any more, Babai also stopped in boredom.

"Let's talk about my problem first." Ling Huohuo nodded.

"Okay then, let's talk about your problem first. If I'm not mistaken, you should have cultivated to the fifth floor by now."


"Then let me tell you about the division of levels first. The "Sword Code" is divided into nine levels, which exactly correspond to the nine levels in the universe. As for the things inside and outside the universe, things are still too far away from you. I will talk about it later."

"Although there are many worlds and different ways to divide strength, in summary, they can be divided into four stages: mortal, extraordinary, metamorphosis, and transcendence. Fans are mortals, ordinary people, without any power, just like most creatures in this world, Extraordinary is the stage of possessing special powers. It is divided into five levels, which correspond to the first to fifth levels in the "Sword Code", and you are on the fifth level. As for the flat-chested woman next to you, she is in the fifth level. It looks like it's on the third floor."

Babai ignored Xiao Yunyun's murderous gaze, and continued: "Although he is extraordinary, he is just an ordinary person who lives with strength. The level of life has not changed. The division of levels is different for each cultivation system. The power he possesses is also different, and the strength is also different, but the division method is the same. Every time he reaches a level, his life breath and the fluctuations emitted by his power are different, which is also the basis for dividing levels."

Ling Huohuo and the two nodded. To put it simply, each level feels different, but because of different occupations, there will be gaps in strength.

"As for your current state, it was caused by the "Sword Code" running at a high speed. That's why the spiritual energy condensed into mist and surrounded you for a long time. As for the reason, it's because you have become stronger!"

Hearing Babai's words, Ling Huohuo patted his head, um, it's not bald, but it's getting longer.

""Sword Code" is an inheritance carefully crafted by Lord Sword God. My nine hundred and ninety-nine brothers and sisters and I also participated in the production process. I still know it very well. Its operation will be based on the qualifications of the owner And make adjustments, better aptitude can control more powerful power, otherwise it will easily hurt the body, well, this word seems to be a bit wrong, but it probably means this, it is a kind of protection for the inheritors, poor aptitude, strength Naturally, it is weak, and it can't exert too much power at all."

"Your inheritance sounds really bad." Xiao Yunyun said to Ling Huohuo.

"What do you know? Women have small breasts, short knowledge, poor aptitude, and limited future achievements. It's better to be an ordinary person and live a good life. Moreover, the "Sword Code" can also be called "Sword Code" among people of the same level. That’s fine, the rest is a personal matter.”

Xiao Yunyun clenched his fists, "I really want to beat it!"

"Then why didn't you find someone with good qualifications?" Hearing Babai's poor qualifications, although Ling Huohuo knew it was true, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

"This explanation is very complicated, but according to your words, this is life. To be honest, I was really shocked when I saw you for the first time. There are not many people with qualifications like yours, and It’s okay if you have poor aptitude, and you don’t work hard. Fortunately, you are still harmonious. If you are in a world full of chaos, you will not survive three chapters. This is why I didn’t talk to you before. Why? Because it’s too bad, I don’t want to talk say something."

"..." Ling Huohuo suddenly felt that he wanted to beat it too.

"Don't look at me like that. It's for your own good not to talk to you. With your aptitude before, you will be able to cultivate to the fifth level in this life. Your strength is still the worst. Before you saw it, you used me for a while Are you exhausted, if I tell you about this now, it will only increase your troubles."

"But it's good now, because your blood has awakened and your aptitude has improved a lot, so in order to adapt to your aptitude, the "Sword Code" has started to run at high speed, which has created your current appearance, and also allowed you to enter a state of epiphany, and your strength has improved It's not 01:30, with your current strength, it should be very difficult to meet opponents in this world, so you are now 13 bulls, boy."

Ling Huohuo nodded, he could feel that his strength was really strong at this time.

"After a period of time, once you get used to your own strength, you will naturally be able to return to your original state. Moreover, the "Sword Code" has its own shielding function. Those whose strength is lower than that of Lord Sword God can't see your specific strength. Such people can only Five."

Ling Huohuo suddenly felt very powerful.

"By the way, what happened to Hua Lifu?" Xiao Yunyun asked.

"It's a demon. I don't know much about it, but I know that it exists in this world through a contract. During the operation of the "Sword Code", all other forces around Ling Huohuo were assimilated or emptied. When the contract is broken, it will naturally return to its original place."

"That's it." Xiao Yunyun nodded, since she was practicing magic, it would be more troublesome if no one pointed her out. After thinking about it, she glanced at Hualiver's magic book on the ground without any trace.

(End of this chapter)

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