Chapter 164 Beep-beep-

Beep beep.

A small eDonkey was running at the fastest speed in the middle of the road in Zhonghai City.

Because the citizens of Zhonghai City were organized to evacuate, the roads in Zhonghai City were very smooth at this time, and there were still many cars parked on both sides of the road, which seemed a bit desolate.

Driving a small electric donkey is a man with fluttering long hair. The man is dressed in casual clothes, but surrounded by fairy-like clouds and mists. With his good looks, he looks like a handsome young man.

However, the two long swords crossed on his back and the two short swords pinned to his waist showed that this young man was not easy to mess with.

That's right, this person is Ling Huohuo!
After communicating with Babai and Xiao Yunyun for a while, he decided to go to Zhonghai University, because Xiao Yunyun told him that she met Ling Miao at Zhonghai University!

Moreover, there was a battle at Zhonghai University at this time, and the sound of the battle could be heard clearly even where they were. Ling Huohuo, who was worried about Ling Miao's safety, chose to come over to have a look without hesitation.

As for Xiao Yunyun, he didn't bring it, because Xiao Yunyun's strength is not that strong, and she still needs to take care of the girl with buns, so Ling Huohuo finally decided to come here alone.

When he got off the roof, he was out of the protective range of the formation, so he was discovered by Ling Tian, ​​but his class did not have Ling Tian's strength, and his bloodline development was not high, so he didn't feel Ling Tian and Ling Miao at all. position, even he is not proficient in using the ability after the awakening of his own blood.

Ling Huohuo's bloodline gave him only one ability, which is to transmit fire... Bah, it is to control fire. He can control the fire to attack. Although he can also generate fire by himself, but because he has just awakened, he is still ineffective. But if there are flames outside, he can guarantee that he will successfully display the flames.

Although the power brought by the blood to Ling Huohuo was not like Ling Miao's ability to control the four forces of earth, fire, feng shui, which made him a little unhappy, but he found that the power of the flame was not weak, which made him feel better.

The power to control fire appeared in his brain after he awakened his blood. This ability seemed to be engraved in his blood, as if it was passed down. As for other abilities, he didn't know.

With Ling Huohuo's speed, when he arrived at Zhonghai University, the sun would probably be setting, and the cucumbers in the bowl would be cold by then, so he had to find a means of transportation.

After going downstairs, he only found the key of the doorman's little eDonkey in the guard's duty room. As for the keys of the other cars waiting for Daben, he didn't see any of them. In the end, he had to ride the little eDonkey on the road, but fortunately, Although the appearance of this little electric donkey has not changed, the engine has been changed to gasoline by the uncle, and the running speed is not slow. I really don’t know how the uncle usually rides it on the road, so he is not afraid of being called gay by the traffic police?
However, Ling Huohuo couldn't control so much anymore, it was still important to hurry.

The wind blows head on.

Ling Huohuo seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly stretched out a hand, which was shaped like a claw, and the wind gathered on his hand...

Soft, comfortable, just the right size...

Ling Huohuo showed a satisfied smile, and couldn't help but press the horn of the little eDonkey...



Xiao Yunyun was guarding the bun-headed girl on the rooftop, feeling a little worried about Ling Huohuo.

"Strength, is it too weak?"

Xiao Yunyun smiled wryly and shook his head.

Although there is magic power in her body at this time, the magic power is only temporary, and it will be gone when it is used up. Because the magic circle is broken and there is no spiritual power in her body, she has lost the qualification to continue practicing magic.

But she is not reconciled, it's okay not to have power, but she once had it, and she doesn't want to give up just like that, and if she becomes an ordinary person, wouldn't she be inferior to that salty fish like Ling Huohuo? ?Moreover, people flock together and things divide into groups. After she and Ling Huohuo have nothing in common, the relationship will gradually become estranged, which is not good.

She couldn't help being a little envious of the bun-headed girl and Ling Huohuo.

"It would be great if I could also awaken my blood."

However, no one knows whether she has any blood inheritance.

"No, something has to be done."

Xiao Yunyun's gaze became firm, he must make good use of the remaining magic power in his body!Must overwhelm that salted fish of Ling Huohuo.

She looked at Walliver's magic book, but shook her head.

There is no spiritual power in my body at all, I can't summon Walliver, and I can't sign a contract with it.

Then, she looked at the bun-headed girl again, which didn't seem to help.

Finally, she looked at the donkey demon, a comatose demon, what can it do?Although its magic book is also on it, but I can't make a contract with it...Huh?Wait, there's a comatose demon here!Its spellbook is also there!

Xiao Yunyun suddenly thought of the magic she studied during the winter vacation - Lucifer's Hymn!

This magic is a forbidden magic that she saw when she was reading the back of Hualiver's magic book, the notes of Hualiver's previous demon envoy. This magic is very suitable for this situation!
She has long been worried that such a day will come, because after all, her strength comes from Ling Huohuo, so she secretly studied this magic during the winter vacation, and even Walliver didn't tell it, because this magic was simultaneously controlled by demons and demons. Angels can't stand it!This kind of magic is called divine forbidden magic.

After a winter vacation of research, Xiao Yunyun might be really talented in magic. In a winter vacation, she not only mastered this magic, but also improved it according to her own situation.

This is probably the boss.

And the main material of this forbidden magic is a demon and its magic book. Xiao Yunyun had no targets before. She didn't know where to go to catch the demon, and she couldn't beat Hua Lifu, and Hua Lifu was still impossible. Let her use this magic successfully, so this magic has been shelved by Xiao Yunyun.

Now, Walliver is not there, and there is a demon with a magic book in front of him who has no resistance, and other materials needed to cast magic are also stored in the storage magic circle in his hand.

Xiao Yunyun looked at the donkey devil again, showing a "kind" smile.

She suddenly had a bold idea!


Zhonghai University.

At this moment, the… well, the ruins of Zhonghai University were covered with cracks, and black gas emitted from the cracks. At the same time, countless monsters crawled out of the cracks.

If Ling Huohuo were here, he would definitely find that these monsters gave people a very similar feeling to the sea cucumber monster he met at the beach.

"Brother Ling Miao, do you know what's going on with these monsters?" Jeffet Rose said while destroying the monsters. These monsters are not weak, and there are a lot of them. If they spread out, it will be another disaster. .

Yin Ya also came over, obviously, she was also very curious about the identities of these monsters.

"Well, I know." Ling Miao nodded, "One of the missions of the organization I belonged to before was to eliminate this monster, which was produced by filth-polluted creatures and has been sealed in the leylines, but Recently, due to some reasons, the seal has loosened, and some came out, but we wiped them all out, but I didn't expect that this place was connected to the leylines, and the seal here was broken, and these monsters ran out of the seal on the leylines from here." Ling Miao With a wry smile.

"Is there a good solution for that?"

"In addition to having the power to purify the filth, we can only rely on strength to destroy its core. As long as the core of this monster is not broken, it can be reborn infinitely."

The three of them were silent for a while, none of them had such power, playing with snake skin?
And the big guy who was originally sealed here hasn't come out yet, if he comes out, then he will really be playing with snakeskin.

"It seems that we can only call for support."

Jeffet Rose thought to himself, then touched his trouser pocket, ready to take out his mobile phone.

At this moment, the sound of an engine came from behind the three of them.

beep beep beep beep...


(End of this chapter)

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