The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 165 You guys back off, it's time for me to pretend to be 13

Chapter 165 You guys back off, it's time for me to pretend to be 13
Hearing the voice behind them, the three of Ling Miao repelled the monster in front of them, turned their heads, and looked behind them.

I saw a small eDonkey driving towards the three of them, but the driver's seat of the small eDonkey was shrouded in mist, and a shadow of a person could be vaguely seen.

Beep beep beep...beep.

The little eDonkey stopped in front of the three of them.

The three of Ling Miao looked at each other, then frowned and looked at the person who got off the e-Donkey. They became vigilant secretly, not knowing whether it was an enemy or a friend, and it was better to be careful.

Ling Miao looked at the cloud-shrouded figure with surprise in his eyes, the momentum was so strong!When did such a character appear in Zhonghai City?Although he couldn't see the other person's face clearly, he felt inexplicably familiar.

Jeffet Rose was also a little surprised. He couldn't see his strength, but he didn't think he looked very strong, and the "cloud" around the opponent turned out to be pure aura condensed!However, in Jeffet Rose's impression, there is no such person in Zhonghai City. Could it be that they came from outside?But...why do you feel that his breath is somewhat familiar?

Yin Ya looked at Ling Huohuo's figure, smiled politely, walked with wind, and looked very powerful at first glance.

Ling Huohuo was a little excited when he saw Ling Miao, but when he saw Yin Ya and a person he didn't know, he suppressed his emotions and didn't make a sound. Instead, he observed Ling Miao secretly, although he seemed to be It's a little strange, but it's really not a big problem, it's just a little weak, maybe it's a little too much consumption.

As for Yin Ya and Jiefei Telos, Ling Huohuo didn't pay attention. With Ling Miao on the side, Yin Ya didn't need to care about him. As for the other one, who knows who he is?It has nothing to do with me.

"I don't know who you are?" Ling Miao spoke first. Although she couldn't see the other person's appearance clearly, Ling Miao could feel that the other party's gaze had been on her body. She had watched it from head to toe several times. Ling Miao couldn't help but tighten her back.

"Ahem." Ling Huohuo coughed twice, looked away, adjusted his voice, changed his voice, and made his voice more magnetic.

With Ling Huohuo's current strength, it is still very easy to change his voice, because since the awakening of his blood, he has found that he has stronger control over his body.

"It's just an unknown passer-by. You can call me Jian, the sword of Baojian. I don't know what's going on here?" Ling Huohuo didn't reveal his identity. There are outsiders here. What if my brother's identity is revealed?Now that the end of the world is approaching, with so many powerful people, it is better to leave the matter of saving the world to others. It is better to keep a low profile, otherwise what should I do if someone pulls me to save the world?It always feels like it will never come back.

Hearing Ling Huohuo's words, the three of them had different ideas.

"Sword? It should be a pseudonym, and this voice has never been heard before. Who is he?" Ling Miao thought.

"The name is fake, and the voice is fake, but it doesn't look like an enemy." Jeffet Rose nodded secretly.

"The voice is so nice, my ears are getting pregnant..." Yin Ya rubbed her ears, and couldn't help but look at Ling Huohuo more.

Ling Miao simply explained the situation in front of her to Ling Huohuo.

"It means to destroy these monsters." Ling Huohuo took a step forward.

"That's right, but since we don't have the power to purify the filth, we can only find the cores one by one and destroy them." Ling Miao said standing behind him.

Ling Huohuo nodded, looked at these monsters, and suddenly remembered that he had encountered them before, once at the seaside, and once near Zhonghai University. These monsters should be the same as those two, even if they are different, Ling Huohuo I'm also afraid, because Yuyi has the ability to purify filth!

"But Ling Miao and I have already exhausted our strengths. Now only Mr. Chechen has the strength to fight. I hope Mr. Jian can help us." Yin Ya said with a wry smile.

Jeffet Rose didn't say much. In fact, he can easily destroy these monsters. With one big move, they will all die, but he is not going to do this, because there is a stronger monster below, and he needs to To deal with it, you can't waste power here, and he is also worried that if it causes damage to the ground, it will speed up the recovery of monsters and the appearance of these monsters infected with filth.

"No problem, just leave it to me." Ling Huohuo nodded, suddenly a little excited, he has become stronger, and he hasn't fought a good battle yet, just to try his current strength, and this is in Ling Miao Install 13 in front of you!
Ling Miao has always been perfect and excellent in the eyes of outsiders, and Ling Huohuo has always thought so. From childhood to adulthood, Ling Miao's academic performance was among the top in the whole school year, he was also very good in life, and he was also good at sports. Very good at it and has always been popular with girls.

Moreover, Ling Huohuo is Ling Miao's twin brother. Outsiders always compare the two. The better Ling Miao is, the more the gap between Ling Miao and Ling Huohuo will be highlighted.

Even the awakening of the bloodline is also Ling Miao's stronger, not only the awakening time is earlier, the development is stronger, but also the ability to awaken is to control the four elements, not a single one of Linghuohuo.

It can be said that Ling Huohuo has always been overwhelmed by Ling Miao. He is obviously the elder brother, and the majesty of the elder brother is as poor as the young lady's breasts.

Although Ling Huohuo didn't care, it always made people feel uncomfortable.

Ling Huohuo can only comfort himself, this is probably the boss template, it is incomparable.

In the past two years, the only thing Ling Huohuo beat Ling Miao was the college entrance examination!And it was copied.

But now, Ling Huohuo felt that he was finally going to show his elder brother's majesty once again!Although Ling Miao didn't know it was him, it didn't matter.

"Be careful not to damage the ground." Jeffet Rose reminded, and he also wanted to see what the sudden arrival of the man was doing.

"Understood, please back away." Ling Huohuo waved at the three of them.

Jeffet Rose sent out a blow, repelled the monster, cleared an area, and then retreated behind Ling Huohuo with Ling Miao and the others, looking at Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo under the aura mist showed a smile, and didn't care about rushing towards his own monster, but first took out a cigarette, lit it with a lighter, took two puffs comfortably, and the smoke from the burning tobacco entered him Breathing out from his nostrils, Ling Huohuo, who hadn't smoked for a long time, couldn't help but trembled comfortably, and let out a moan. As the saying goes, a cigarette afterward...cough cough.

The pack of cigarettes and the lighter were brought by Ling Huohuo from the shops on both sides on the way here. Anyway, there was no one there, and the camera couldn't see his face clearly. What are you afraid of?And also specially selected good smoke.

Hearing Ling Huohuo's groans, the three of Ling Miao couldn't help but have black lines on their heads, probably because they were taking drugs.

Of course, Ling Huohuo's smoking has an element of pretending to be 13, but the most important thing is to use his own strength.

Ling Huohuo still can't control his abilities better, and he needs an introduction when setting fire, for example, a burning cigarette butt.

Instead of being too intoxicated, he flicked out most of the cigarette in his hand, and flicked it towards the monster rushing in front of him.

A fire dragon devoured the monster in front of Ling Huohuo.

(End of this chapter)

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