The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 166 One small step for me, Jeffet Ross, is one giant step for the entire Demon Army

Chapter 166 One Small Step for Me, Jeffet Ross, One Giant Leap for the Entire Demon Army
The sparks on the cigarette burned instantly, turning into a ball of flames, and then the flames turned into a huge fire dragon, directly surrounding all the monsters in front of Ling Huohuo, and began to burn them continuously, the flames danced, and it looked like Like a giant dragon tearing and attacking these monsters, at this time, most of Zhong Hai University was covered in flames, and the high temperature generated by the flames roasted Ling Miao and the three of them.

Seeing Ling Huohuo's move, Yin Ya's face beamed with joy, this man is so strong!
Ling Miao has a serious face. This person's flames are so powerful. Although he can control the flames, even in the past heyday, he couldn't create such flames in an instant, let alone control them so flexibly. Although he can now , but they did not come from self-cultivation. Sure enough, there are others.

Jeffet Rose raised his eyebrows, good attack, but not enough...

Seeing that one of his moves had attacked all the monsters and caused heavy damage to them, Ling Huohuo was overjoyed, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

However, Ling Huohuo soon realized something was wrong.

Although these monsters were severely damaged, they did not die, but slowly recovered.

"Is it the power that needs to be purified?"

Ling Huohuo stretched out a hand and reached into the fire dragon in front of him.

These fires are created by Ling Huohuo, and they will not cause any harm to Ling Huohuo at all. If he wants, Ling Huohuo can even shield the temperature of the flames. Moreover, Ling Huohuo can absolutely control the flames he created. Such as arm command.

Ling Huohuo drew out the power in the feather coat in his body.

Since Yuyi has been assimilated by the power in Ling Huohuo's body, although there will be some changes, his ability has not changed.

There was no conflict when the purification power in Yuyi was integrated into the flame. With the fusion of purification power, the orange flame gradually turned milky white.

The monsters in the fire dragon let out a scream, as if snow met hot water, it melted quickly, leaving only the core in the body, and the core also persisted for less than a second before it exploded , was completely destroyed.

In a blink of an eye, there was no longer a monster in the entire Zhonghai University, only the milky white flames were burning fiercely.

"It's amazing!" Yin Ya couldn't help saying.

Ling Huohuo smiled, and with a wave of his hand, most of the flames returned to his body, replenishing the power that had just been consumed in his body. Only the cracks on the ground were attached to the flames to prevent any more monsters from rushing out.

"This fire, not bad." Ling Huohuo thought in his heart, but he also understood that this was due to the restraint of the attributes, so it had the consequence of a full second move. If it encountered fire resistance, it might not have such a big effect up.

"Okay, it's all gone." Ling Huohuo turned around and said.

"Thank you, Mr. Jian." Ling Miao and Yin Ya thanked Ling Huohuo.

"I can't relax yet, the big guy below is about to wake up, and I can feel its breath becoming more and more active." Jeffet Los said with a serious face.

"What's down there?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously. He had heard that there was a powerful guy down there before, but no one told him what it was.

Jeffet Rose and Yin Ya looked at Ling Miao. According to Ling Miao's previous reaction, he should know what's going on below.

Seeing all three of them looking at him, Ling Miao smiled wryly, "I do know what's below."

"What is it?" Yin Ya asked curiously.

Ling Miao raised her head, looked at the sky, organized her words, and said.

"The things below have existed a long time ago. The organizations in Zhonghai City, whether they are in the open or in the dark, know that there is a terrifying thing below, but they don't know what it is. In the end, they sent people to monitor it. Various identities are guarded here, which is why there are many capable people in Zhong Hai University.”

"The organization I belong to is a secret organization, and I have no communication with other organizations. No, it can be said that they have never discovered the organization I belong to. The organization I belong to also knows that there is something here, but they also don't know what it is. , and finally decided to send people here to monitor like other organizations, and Qi is the one who was sent to monitor."

"Because the legend of the thing below has been circulating for a long time, everyone only knows that it is terrifying, but they don't know how powerful it is. However, I have had some adventures recently, and I also know what the thing below is."

Ling Miao looked at everyone and said slowly: "I wonder if you have heard of the elements that make up the world?"

After hearing Ling Miao's words, the others were taken aback.

Jeffet Los is not a local, rolled his eyes, who knows what elements make up this world?However, he has some guesses about the true identity of these elements.

Ling Huohuo thought for a while, I'm sorry, I believe in science, remember that in chemistry it is... the periodic table of elements?

Yin Ya said quickly: "This, is it the five elements? It was said in the ancient Taoist books in my family."

Ling Miao shook her head.

"Although there are many theories about the elements that make up the world, the main ones that can be determined must include water, fire, and earth, and the ones below that are the origin of fire."

Jeffet Ross narrowed his eyes, the source, sure enough.

"The source of fire? What is that?"

"In the legend, the first fire in the world, and the world was created by all the sources. It is said that if you collect all the sources, you can become the master of the world." Ling Miao explained.

Wait, Ling Huohuo suddenly reacted when he heard Ling Miao's words, this setting can't be...

The core of the world!

Ling Huohuo and Jeffett Rose confirmed the answer in their hearts at the same time.

Ling Huohuo looked at his feet. He didn't expect that there was a piece of land under his feet. He suddenly felt that this piece of land was very valuable.

Jeffet Rose narrowed his eyes, unexpectedly hearing the news from the core of the world.The Twelve Demon Generals have been inquiring about the core of the world, because as long as they control the origin of the world, the world is not easy to grasp. However, the legends on the earth are too messy, and there is no clue at all. Unexpectedly, it is now in Ling Miao's Hearing the news of the core of the world from his mouth, it can be said that he is worthy of being the Lord's younger brother, and he has already made great contributions to the Demon King's Army before he joined the Demon King's Army.

Jeffet Rose looked at his feet, I must get this piece of world origin for the Lord!This is one small step for me, but one giant leap for the entire Demon King's army!

Ling Miao glanced at Jeffet Rose calmly, seeing his gaffe, but didn't express anything, because he also had his own ideas.It's normal to lose your composure when you hear about this kind of thing. As for other thoughts, it's all human. If Jeffet Rose doesn't express anything, then Ling Miao must be more careful, because if something abnormal happens, it will be inevitable. There are monsters!

"Is the source of fire dangerous?" Yin Ya, who didn't know anything, didn't have so many thoughts, but continued to ask about danger.

"Very dangerous!" Ling Miao nodded.

"Is it conscious?" Jeffet Los returned to normal and asked.

"No." Ling Miao shook her head.


"Because there is no consciousness, it is more dangerous!"

(End of this chapter)

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