The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 170 Deliver to My Room Tonight

Chapter 170 Deliver to My Room Tonight

The crisis in Zhonghai City came to an end, the hood that was locked outside Zhonghai City disappeared, and all the skeleton soldiers besieging the city died, leaving only a space channel in the air.

The troops who came to support finally entered Zhonghai City and began to carry out the aftermath work.

At this time, the abilities of some ability users will show their effect.

Since the citizens gathered together, the ability users uniformly modified their memories, and the photos and videos in the electronic devices were also deleted by hackers, and the space channels in the sky were also shielded with special abilities. I can't see that there is a big black chrysanthemum in the sky.

Li Yinman threw Master Mu back from the space passage, not to say she was the Holy Mother, but Master Mu paid enough to buy her life, and Li Yinman felt that it didn't matter whether Master Mu chopped it up or not.

Looking at the things in his hands, Li Yinman felt that he had gained something this time.

Xiao Yunyun stood up and showed a smile. Although her appearance remained the same, her temperament became a little weird. The donkey demon and its magic book had disappeared, and a brand new magic book appeared in front of Xiao Yunyun. Yun Yun took a look, then put away the new magic book and Walliver's magic book by the way.

"Okay, it's time to find Ling Huohuo, this time I'm going to surprise him."

The bun-headed girl lying on the ground groaned, opened her eyes, a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes, and looked at Xiao Yunyun who was standing aside.

Seeing the bun-headed girl wake up, Xiao Yunyun pulled the long hair around her ear, and smiled at the bun-headed girl, "Are you awake?"

Ling Tian and the Twelve Demon Generals gathered together at the base of the Demon King, looking at the shell of the sealed source of fire... a joyful feeling of a farmer's harvest emerged in their hearts, and they couldn't help smiling. They felt that they This is the person who gained the most from this incident.

And Ling Miao, who was hiding in the dark, studying the core of the source of fire while recuperating, couldn't help smiling.

Lu Sisi's family returned to their martial arts gym, only to find that the gate of the martial arts hall had been broken open.

"Father, what's the matter?" Lu Sisi's mother asked.

"Yes." Lu Sisi's father looked serious, "You stand behind me."

Then Lu Sisi's father led his family into the martial arts gym carefully. Seeing that the traces were pointing to the training ground of the martial arts hall, they also walked into the martial arts hall.

When they saw the figure inside, Lu Sisi's family members all stared wide-eyed.

At this moment, Lu Sisi tied her hair behind her back, and sat there cross-legged with her eyes closed, a long sword lying across her lap, and her hands resting on the long sword.

With Lu Sisi walking, it was difficult for her to find his parents, so Lu Sisi went directly back to the martial arts gym and waited for the rabbit.

"Sisi?" The members of the Lu family exclaimed, looked at Lu Sisi who was sitting there, and then at "Lu Sisi" who had been following behind everyone with a smile on his face, a chill appeared from under everyone's feet.

Sitting cross-legged there, Lu Sisi opened her eyes, looked at another "Lu Sisi" standing behind her family, and showed a gentle but chilling smile.

"How dare you attack Miss Ben, tell me, how do you want to die?"


The army began to patrol Zhonghai City, counting and searching for missing persons, and all the people who were captured by Ying before were also found.


"what happened?"

"A naked man who passed out was found in front!"

"What? Naked man?"

The team stopped.

"I'll go over there right away to see what's going on."


When the team gathered around and turned the naked man over, everyone could clearly see what the naked man looked like - Ling Huohuo.

However, the people in the team didn't know Ling Huohuo.

Looking at the naked Ling Huohuo, the team leader twitched the corners of his mouth, did he come out when the big sword came out?

No matter what happened to this naked man, he should be saved or saved.

"Put on the stretcher!" said the team leader, "Take a photo of him and send it back to check his identity and find his family."


"What's wrong?" A pleasant voice came from behind the team.

Hearing this voice, the entire team stood up straight, turned around and looked at the person behind them, swallowing at the same time.

She is dressed in a military green military uniform skirt, with a graceful figure, a pure and seductive face, long black hair, a slender waist, slender legs, black leather boots, and white arms exposed Like jade.

However, no one dared to underestimate this "beauty" in front of them, and they were even very afraid in their hearts.

"What's the matter?" The red lips parted slightly, and the visitor asked again.

"Report to Instructor Ding, we found a naked man who has passed out!" The squad leader stepped forward and said with courage.

"Oh? Let me see." With graceful steps, the visitor walked towards Ling Huohuo.

Seeing the way Instructor Ding walked, the others swallowed in unison again.

Instructor Ding, whose full name is Ding Ning, is the person most feared and loved by the entire military region!
On the first day when Instructor Ding came, because of his appearance, some people teased him and refused to listen to his orders. Then, these people were discharged from the hospital at the beginning of this month.

At the same time, with his appearance, Instructor Ding has become the dream lover of most people in the entire military area, even though everyone knows that this instructor is a man!
However, as long as it is cute, it doesn't matter what gender it is, and isn't it normal that it must be a boy if it is so cute?
Some people even doubted Instructor Ding's sexual orientation, but no one dared to ask. After all, not everyone wants to go to the hospital to lie in bed for half a year.

If Ling Huohuo opened his eyes now, he would definitely find that this instructor Ding was his college roommate—Ding Ning!
When Ding Ning saw Ling Huohuo clearly, his eyes moved.

"Why is he here? He's still like this. Could it be...during my absence, he has awakened some extraordinary attributes?" Ding Ning was thinking inwardly.

"What are you going to do?" Ding Ning asked.

"Ah, send him to the hospital, verify his identity by the way, and then notify his family."

Ding Ning nodded, knelt down, checked Ling Huohuo, and found that there was nothing wrong with him, then stood up, since he met someone he knew, he couldn't get rid of him in the usual way, and waved his hand.

"Send him to me."

"What?" The captain was taken aback.

"Didn't you hear me?"

"I hear you clearly, I hear you clearly."

"Yes, yes, I will send it to you immediately."

"En." Ding Ning nodded, and walked away with his hands behind his back.

It wasn't until Ding Ning walked away that the others reacted.

"Captain, could it be..."

"I know what you are thinking, as long as you know it yourself, don't talk nonsense about this matter."

The team members sighed and looked at Ling Huohuo complicatedly.

"But, captain, this is against the rules."

"In the army, Instructor Ding is the rule." The captain said blankly, "Don't hesitate, just carry it away."

The two team members nodded, stood up and lifted the stretcher on which Ling Huohuo was lying. The other team member thought about it and took out a white cloth to cover Ling Huohuo. It would be indecent to be so naked.

The two team members carried Ling Huohuo forward, and people from other teams passing by looked at them suspiciously.

"Where are you going?"

"Delivery to Instructor Ding."


Then, some bad rumors arose in the army.

(End of this chapter)

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