The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 171 Of's all about feeling!

Chapter 171 Of's all about feeling!

Mother Lu looked at the two of them, Lu Sisi, compared them, and then patted Father Lu on the shoulder.

"Husband, are you sure you didn't bring one back when I gave birth to two?"

Lu's father's many years of nourishing energy has enabled him to keep the ancient well quiet at all times. Faced with Lu's mother's question, Lu's father looked at her with contempt, "You gave birth to the child, you don't know how many you gave birth to?" .”

"Oh, yes." Mother Lu nodded suddenly, "Then what's going on?"

"Hmph." Father Lu snorted coldly, then rolled his eyes suddenly, "How do I know?"

"Is that so, oh, why do you suddenly feel familiar?"

"The real and fake Monkey King is also played in the same way in "Journey to the West"," Father Lu said.

"Yes, yes, yes, I saw it in the last two days, so which one of them is the real monkey?"

"He's not a monkey!" Lu Sisi, who had just stood up, yelled at the two of them.

Listening to the conversation between the master and the master's wife, the disciples couldn't help but get black lines, now is not the time to chatter!Shouldn't it be time to find out what's going on?
"Master, Master, let's ask what's going on." The elder brother really couldn't stand it anymore, and said to Father Lu and Mother Lu.

"That's right." Lu's mother suddenly remembered that there was such a thing.

"Ah! Enough is enough for the two of you!" Lu Sisi yelled at the two of them, waving the sword in her hand, "Get out of the way first, and I will explain to you after I kill her."

"Hmph, you're the fake!" said the other Lu Sisi, hugging her chest.

"Wait!" The elder brother said hastily, "Let's talk about what's going on first, otherwise I won't let you play wild in the martial arts hall."


"That's right!"

"We won't let you run wild in the martial arts hall!"

The other disciples echoed.

"Hmph!" Lu Si thought about it and put down the sword in his hand.

"Master." The elder brother looked at Father Lu with doubts on his face.

"Leave it to me." Father Lu said, as the museum owner and Lu Sisi's biological father, he had to speak.

"You two come here." Father Lu said to the two Lu Sisi.

The two Lu Sisi hesitated at the same time, then stood side by side in front of Father Lu, looked at each other and snorted, then turned their heads to the other side.

Looking at the two Lu Sisi in front of him, one holding his chest and the other with his waist, except for the clothes, Father Lu pinched his chin and watched carefully, looking at this one and that one at a time, while the disciple They also followed Father Lu's gaze and shook their heads from side to side.

"It's not easy, it's exactly the same." Lu's father sighed, while Lu's mother raised her eyebrows.

"How about this, I'll ask questions and you guys will answer." Father Lu said.

The two Lu Sisi nodded, and the disciples swallowed nervously.

"First question, what is Lu Sisi's three-dimensional figure!"

"Get out! Are you a pervert?"

"Don't take the opportunity to satisfy your animal desires!"

The two Lu Sisi shouted at the same time, Mother Lu was smiling, and blackness had begun to appear behind her, and the way the disciples looked at Father Lu also changed.

"Cough cough." Father Lu coughed dryly, "I was just testing the reaction of the two of you, there is nothing wrong with this reaction!"

"Please listen to the second question. When is Lu Sisi's birthday?"

"June 6." The two said quickly at the same time.

"Favorite food?"


"The most annoying thing?"

"Spiny fish!"

"favourite colour?"

"sky blue!"



Father Lu asked questions quickly, and the answers of the two Lu Sisi kept in sync all the time, which made all the disciples grow mouthful. What the hell is this?Are the two Lu Sisi real?
Really, Lu Sisi was also startled, what's going on?He couldn't help looking at the other Lu Sisi.

At this time, the other Lu Sisi also looked at her, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

At the moment when the two Lu Sisi just looked at each other, Father Lu who had been asking questions with a blank face suddenly moved. He suddenly raised his foot and kicked fiercely at the Lu Sisi who was hugging his chest. The Lu Sisi who was with them all the time.

The sudden change made this Lu Sisi unable to react at all, she was kicked on the softest belly, and her body flew backwards.

"Baby mother!" Father Lu shouted.

"Received!" Mother Lu's voice sounded from behind Lu Sisi who flew out, Mother Lu unexpectedly appeared at the place where Lu Sisi was about to fall.

"What?" Lu Sisi, who was flying in the air, widened her eyes and wanted to adjust her body, but Mother Lu took a step forward, her body pressed against Lu Sisi's body, one hand was placed behind Lu Sisi's back, and the other hand held Lu Sisi's arm.

"Turn the sky, make a noise!" Mother Lu snorted, and directly pushed Lu Sisi to the ground.

Everyone felt that the soles of their feet trembled, and they almost couldn't stand upright. Fortunately, everyone had kung fu, and their legs were much more stable than ordinary people, so they didn't make a fool of themselves. However, it was also possible to see how much strength Lu Mu used.

Lu Sisi, who was pressed to the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood, as if she had been seriously injured.

Until this time, no one could react.

"How is this going?"

"what's the situation?"

"Did something happen just now?"

Disregarding the disciples who were discussing, Lu's father stepped forward, and Lu's mother controlled Lu Sisi on the ground.

"Are you still pretending? A fake is a fake after all." Father Lu said.

"What, is this junior sister a fake?"

Lu Sisi was also surprised, how did her parents tell the difference?
"Hmph." Seeing that her identity had been discovered, Lu Sisi, who was pushed to the ground, snorted coldly, "How did you find out?"

"Of's all about feeling." Mother Lu smiled and said it as a matter of course.

This reason made everyone speechless for a while.

"Who are you?" The real Lu Sisi stepped forward and asked sharply.

"Hmph, why should I tell you?" the fake Lu Sisi said.

"You were caught by us."

"Catched?" The fake Lu Sisi showed a mocking smile, and then her body and clothes turned black, breaking away from Mother Lu's control like a ball of black mud, and rushed out of the martial arts hall.

"I will repay what happened today!"

A hoarse voice came from a distance outside the martial arts hall.

Lu Sisi was about to chase out with a sword in her hand, but Father Lu stopped her with a hand.

"Stop chasing, you can't catch up, and the other party is not an ordinary person, so it's hard to deal with."

Lu Sisi hesitated for a moment, and finally gave up the idea of ​​catching up.

"Okay, you guys clean up the martial arts gym and repair the broken parts. Don't spread this matter, just forget about it."

"Yes, Master." All the disciples nodded and agreed. Although they didn't do anything and kept eating melons, they could still tell the seriousness of the matter. Father Lu obviously meant that he didn't want them to participate in this matter.

"By the way, Mom and Dad, did you really recognize it by feeling?" Lu Sisi asked curiously.

"Yes." The two nodded.

Lu Sisi looked at the place where the fake Lu Sisi was pressed just now. At this time, cracks appeared on the solid floor. This is a dead hand!
"Then... what if you admit it wrong?" Lu Sisi asked weakly.

"Then admit your mistake." Father Lu replied.

"We won't admit our mistakes." Mother Lu added.

After finishing speaking, the two turned around and left the martial arts hall.

What the two said sent a chill down Lu Sisi's spine, and she suddenly felt that it was good to be alive.

(End of this chapter)

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