The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 172 Actually, I'm still wearing a pair of NK, do you want to see it?

Chapter 172 Actually, I'm still wearing a pair of NK, do you want to see it?
The Lu family's martial arts gym is not small, but rather large.

The front is the martial arts hall, and the back is the living place.

Father Lu and Mother Lu walked towards the bedroom.

"It's not good for you to scare her like that," Father Lu said.

"Hehe, it's okay, anyway, I was born, so why can't you let me play around." Mother Lu covered her mouth and smiled.

"As expected of a best friend, your thinking is exactly the same as Zuo Lu's."

"That is."

"It's really hard for a few children." Father Lu said pitifully.

"Aren't you having fun too?" Mother Lu rolled her eyes.

"By the way, what happened to the marriage contract you made with Zuo Lu? You two contacted to discuss this matter again in the past two days."

"We decided to arrange a blind date, don't you think it's very interesting?" Mother Lu showed a wicked smile.

"You guys... well." Father Lu shook his head, "Remember to call me when the time comes."


"By the way, did you succeed in your attack just now?" Father Lu asked suddenly.

"Hmph, that's of course, and I don't want to see who did it." Mother Lu took out a special mobile phone from her clothes, tapped it twice, and a radar-like screen appeared on the screen. A spot of light is constantly moving, Mother Lu actually installed a tracker on the fake Lu Sisi just now.

"Yeah." Father Lu nodded, "Clean up and chase after me. It seems that it won't take long to make a move. The world has forgotten the prestige of a male and a female. How dare you make a move on my daughter."

"Well, it happens to go early and return early, and when I come back, I have to arrange a blind date between Sisi and Ling Huohuo." Mother Lu said relaxedly, not caring at all, as if what the two of them were about to do was as simple as drinking water.

"Don't be careless, the enemies this time may all be people with special abilities."

"Are you afraid of life? If my father hadn't calculated for Sisi when she was young, saying that although she had many disasters and disasters, she would not die young, and she would die well. I would have taken him down a long time ago, and let him run away." Lose?"

"What do you know? I mean prepare the treasure hunters and bags. They should be an organization. The thieves don't go to waste. We can't let go of a treasure."

"Wow, I didn't expect that."

"That's right, I don't even look at how my ancestors got rich!"

"By the way, the world is so chaotic recently, we have to make arrangements for our daughter before we leave." Father Lu said suddenly.

"Don't worry, I have already made arrangements..." Mother Lu showed a weird smile.


"Hmm..." Ling Huohuo groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

"Where am I?" Ling Huohuo's eyes flashed with confusion.

Ling Huohuo found himself in a strange room at this time, lying on the bed, covered with a pink quilt, the decoration of the room was very girlish, and there was a pleasant fragrance in the air.

"In the end, what happened? By the way..." Ling Huohuo suddenly remembered that he had been attacked by the source of fire, and hurriedly checked his body with his consciousness, and found that not only was there no problem with his body, but it was exceptionally good, and there was nothing wrong with it. With missing arms and legs, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're awake." A pleasant voice sounded from Ling Huohuo's right side.

Ling Huohuo hurriedly looked to the right, and saw a person lying beside him, leaning against the head of the bed, with his lower body under the quilt, and his upper body exposed, revealing his smooth and tender skin, with long soft hair flowing from his shoulders. Hanging down, covering the imaginative part of the chest, one hand pinches a burning cigarette for women, the smoke wafts in the room, but it is not choking, but has a strange fragrance, a delicate The small face was facing him, looking at him with a smile.

Is this... time for a cigarette?

Ling Huohuo was so frightened that he sat up all of a sudden, but found that he was naked at this time, and hurriedly lay back.

"Who are you? What did you do to me?" Ling Huohuo asked the people around him, bad thoughts appeared in his mind, but when he thought of the other person's beauty, he felt excited, this must be an illusion !That's right, an illusion!

Hearing Ling Huohuo's question, the man was stunned for a moment, brushed his hair with his hands, revealed his whole face, and said with a smile, "Ling Huohuo, it's me, I'm Ding Ning."

"Ding Ning!" Looking at this familiar face, Ling Huohuo finally remembered that this was his roommate, but he was a man.

Mom, I was raped by my roommate, what should I do?
Seeing Ling Huohuo with an even uglier face, Ding Ning showed a puzzled expression, but looked even more charming.

Once, Ling Huohuo also shouted, as long as she looks cute, gender doesn't matter. However, after knowing that it really happened, Ling Huohuo felt... so fucking exciting!

"Are we... really... that kind of relationship?" Ling Huohuo asked in a deep voice, his thoughts were three parts nervous, three parts excited, three parts shy, and the last part was given to melancholy.

Why do you feel that this ratio is a bit wrong?

Ding Ning was taken aback for a moment, then he understood, shook his head in a funny way, and rolled his eyes, "Of course not, you don't think I'm willing."

For some reason, Ling Huohuo suddenly felt a little lost.

"What about my clothes?"

"I don't know, you were naked when I found you, and I don't have any clothes for you to wear, so you can only continue to be naked."

Ling Huohuo soon figured it out. Although he was not afraid of fire, his clothes were ordinary clothes. The high temperature should turn into fly ash.

"Where is this?" Ling Huohuo continued to ask.

"this is my room."

"Then why are you on the bed? Still naked?"

"This is the only bed in the room. Where can I sleep if I don't sleep on the bed? As for being naked, do you wear clothes when you sleep?"

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth.

"Don't worry, I didn't take it all off, there is still a pair of underwear, do you want to see it?"

Ling Huohuo shook his head hastily, he was afraid that he really couldn't help it, this was not a joke.You know, every time Ding Ning went to the bathhouse to take a bath, Ling Huohuo and the other three would accompany him as "flower protectors".

"By the way, didn't you go to the army?" Ling Huohuo thought of something.

"That's right, this time when the army came to Zhonghai City for an exercise, I came here and found you."

Ling Huohuo nodded. The army should have come to deal with outside affairs, but it was impossible to tell Ding Ning the truth, so they used the excuse of a drill.

Looking around the room, "Is the treatment of your army so good now? Are the rooms exquisite?"

"Of course not, this is a reward from my military service army."

Ling Huohuo suddenly felt that this army seemed a bit dishonest. It was the first time I heard that the military industry rewarded such things. Why did I always feel that something was wrong?
"Okay, now that you're up, go out to eat with me, and then I'll take you for a physical examination." Ding Ning got out of bed after finishing speaking, ready to get dressed, Ling Huohuo hurriedly covered his eyes.

Although he knew that the other party was a man, Ling Huohuo couldn't pass the test in his heart. Not only him, Lynch and Lawrence had never watched Ding Ning put on and undress openly. I can know.

Looking at Ding Ning in a military skirt, Ling Huohuo wiped away the blood from his nose.

"Ding Ning."


"You're a female soldier, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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