The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 173 Old iron, get in the car?

Chapter 173 Old iron, get in the car?

Chatted with Ding Ning for a while, and made up an excuse about his own affairs. Regardless of whether Ding Ning believed it or not, Ling Huohuo believed it anyway. He inquired about the situation outside and heard that everything was normal. The university was turned into ruins due to a fire and is being rebuilt, so the students in the entire school are on vacation at this time, and have not heard any news about the source of fire. Ling Huohuo thinks that the source of fire has not been sealed back , was taken away by the Chechen gang.

After a while, a soldier came over and gave Ling Huohuo a set of clothes, and the two ended their chat.

After getting dressed, Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning ate breakfast, checked their bodies, and then left the place where the army was stationed. I have to say that the things inside the barracks are different from those outside. Everything is very orderly and orderly. The way the soldiers looked at Ling Huohuo made Ling Huohuo feel very uncomfortable.

According to Ding Ning, he has been in a coma for three days, and it is time to go back. If he doesn't go back, he may be on the missing person notice again.

"I'm leaving."

"Well, go back and be careful."

"Do not worry."

Ding Ning sent Ling Huohuo outside the barracks, and watched Ling Huohuo leave until he could no longer see Ling Huohuo.

"Yo, sister-in-law is back." A frivolous voice came from behind Ding Ning.

Ding Ning turned his head, and a man in a white coat came over. He was a military doctor in the army, the doctor who had just drawn Ling Huohuo's blood.

"It's just a classmate." Ding Ning said with a smile, as if he didn't care, he was very familiar with the man who came, and he couldn't speak according to his ideas, otherwise he would easily fall into the trap of the other party.

"Hey, isn't there any rebuttal at all?" The man said with an exaggerated expression.


Ding Ning raised his foot and kicked the man between the legs. It is best to deal with such a skinny person directly.

The man covered the middle of his legs with his hands, knelt on the ground, his face was ashen, and he was sucking in cold air.

"Broken pieces……."

"Don't worry, a humanoid self-propelled cannon like you won't lose your body so easily. Then why don't you accompany your nurse sisters, what are you doing here?" Ding Ning said with a smile, as if nothing happened. same happens.

Seeing Ding Ning's smile, the man shivered behind his back for some reason, and suddenly regretted provoking Ding Ning.

"That, haha, sister-in-law...Some interesting things just happened to your friend's blood."

"Oh?" Ding Ning raised his eyebrows, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, is there something wrong with Ling Huohuo's blood?


"It's in the third analysis room."

"En." Ding Ning nodded, turned and walked towards the third analysis room.

"Wait." The man suddenly stopped Ding Ning.

"What's wrong?" Ding Ning stopped.

" me."

"Kneel down." Ding Ning walked away without looking back.

The man twitched the corners of his mouth. Now his legs are weak and it will take 10 minutes to recover. Do he have to kneel at the door all the time?What do people who have walked by this think?What if there are outsiders?
At this time, a group of soldiers came back from the outside, and it was the team that rescued Ling Huohuo. Seeing the man kneeling at the door, the team leader froze for a moment, then quickly recovered, and looked straight ahead. Then he led the team around the man and walked into the barracks.

"Hey, come and help me." The man shouted to the captain.

However, the team leader seemed to have not heard, and instead accelerated forward. A recruit who was kindly trying to help the man was caught by two veterans next to him, preventing him from passing.

"Bastard!" the man yelled.

When the team was far away, the two veterans put down the recruits.

"Captain, just now..." the recruit asked.

"That man is a military doctor."

"Did it not go well just now?" The recruit said hesitantly.

"It's okay, recruit, you have only been here for a short time. I don't know. He is very famous in the military area. He is nicknamed a dead hero. That person's brain is abnormal. He needs to be beaten very much. He has no memory. In his words, 10 minutes Afterwards, Lao Tzu became a good man again, which is the origin of his nickname. If you see him injured or suffering, don’t worry about him. He must have provoked the chief of the military region again. Helping him is against the chief. Let’s mess with the chief. Sorry, a military doctor is still okay." A veteran explained.

"Then what if we go to see a doctor at his place in the future?"

"It's okay. Although he has a problem with his character, his medical ethics are still very good. He won't do evil things when saving you because of this."

"That's right." The recruit nodded.

"Okay, let's go, it's time to go back and report." The captain said.



Ling Huohuo walked in Zhonghai City, looking at the same Zhonghai City and the clear sky as usual, he felt a world away.

"It looks like everything is back to normal."

Then a red light flashed in Ling Huohuo's eyes, and a "chrysanthemum" appeared again in the originally clear sky.

"Pretend I didn't say it." Ling Huohuo twitched the corners of his mouth.

"It seems that someone blocked it, but I don't know if the undead will fall out of it."

Shaking his head, Ling Huohuo put aside the thoughts in his head. He felt that his head was very hard now, and he didn't see if it was okay to let the source of fire spray a mouthful. The most important thing now is to solve his own affairs.

Because of being sprayed by the source of fire, not only Ling Huohuo's clothes, but also his wallet and mobile phone turned into fly ash.

It can be said that Ling Huohuo has no money on him now, and Ding Ning also forgot to pay Ling Huo the train fare, and the newly bought mobile phone is gone.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the military camp is outside the city!
Zhonghai City is not small. If Ling Huohuo wants to walk home, he thinks it may take two days to walk, as long as he doesn't get lost.

"Do you want to go back and ask Ding Ning for money?"

When Ling Huohuo was thinking, a horn sounded behind him.

Ling Huohuo turned his head, and a car stopped beside him.

"Hey, old man, do you want to get in the car?" Brother Biao lifted his head out of the car window.


Ding Ning looked at the scorched marks in front of his eyes with a serious face.

"Ling Huohuo's blood...did it spontaneously ignite just now?"

"No." A female researcher stood aside holding a board. "Specifically, his blood has the ability to make combustibles burn."

The female researcher pointed to a few scorched marks on the other side, and said: "When his blood was dripped on the test paper just now, the test paper burned. I just did a simple experiment. As long as it is a flammable substance, he The blood can be ignited, and the temperature of the burning flame is very high, and the other differences from normal flames need further research."

Ding Ning nodded. He didn't know what he was thinking. After thinking for a while, he said, "Don't let this matter out. I'll be responsible for the three-level encryption."


The female researcher nodded, turned and left.

Ding Ning looked at Ling Huohuo's blood in the test tube and smiled.

"It seems that some interesting things have happened to Ling Huohuo during this period. Do you want to go back to school? It's fine anyway, but what if Zhonghai University is gone?"

(End of this chapter)

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