The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 174 Ling Tian: I'll just quietly watch your drama

Chapter 174 Ling Tian: I'll just quietly watch your drama
"Brother Biao, thank you." Ling Huohuo turned around and waved at Brother Biao's car.

"It's okay, it's okay, go home quickly, hahaha." Brother Biao said with a smile.

"Then drive safely."

"I know."

Just when Ling Huohuo was hesitating about how to come back, he met two brothers Biao who had just returned from fishing outside on the road. There was true love, and then he asked for Brother Biao's mobile phone number, planning to treat him to dinner in the future.

Seeing Ling Huohuo returning home, Brother Biao sat back in his seat, smiled at the people next to him and said, "Tuo, let's go back, this time we caught two big fish, go back and clean up, let's have a drink Dot, it's just beautiful."

"Brother Biao."

"What's wrong? Tuo."

"Why are you so kind to pull him today?" A Tuo said hesitantly, he felt that Brother Biao had changed a little recently.

"Sigh." Brother Biao sighed, "I don't know either. Recently, I always feel that I forgot something, but I just can't remember it, so I decided to do something good. Please feel at ease. I haven't seen it for the past two days and I will take you out fishing. Do you want to relax?"

A Tuo nodded, "I also feel this way, maybe it's because I'm too tired recently."

"Haha, well, let's go, let's go back."


"By the way." Brother Biao said suddenly, "Are the RV and shelter ready?"

"It's all ready."

"Well, let's prepare more, so that we can help others more then."


The two of them lost their memories of three days ago, but they still kept their previous memories, and they were still preparing for the evacuation, guarding against the arrival of "zombies".


Ling Huohuo stood in front of the door of his house, just about to knock on the door, but suddenly hesitated.

If Ling Tian and Ling Miao asked me what I did these two days, how should I answer?What kind of reason should I make up?Otherwise... just tell the truth.


Ling Huohuo suddenly remembered something. When chatting with Brother Biao, he found that they didn't know what happened three days ago. When he asked Ding Ning, he didn't know what happened three days ago, and Zhong Hai No one in the city seemed to be affected by what happened three days ago, so...someone must have done something to make everyone forget what happened three days ago.

It's just that I don't know if those with special powers are not included, but I think this group of people with special powers should still remember, and they may be the ones who succeeded.

Ling Huohuo tapped his hand, there is nothing wrong with such a reasoning, please call me Edogawa Huohuo!

If this is the case, can I also pretend to have amnesia?Seems to work!And it can be said that I forgot about the half month of disappearance. After all, it is not impossible to clear the memory for another half month with a flick of the hands of the person who did it.

Moreover, Ling Miao should be one of the people whose memory has not been erased. He doesn't know his own strength, and he can't see it. In his impression, he and Ling Tian should be the ones whose memory has been erased. In this case, Just deal with Ling Miao alone!
Simply perfect!
After making up his mind, Ling Huohuo rang the doorbell.

"who is it?"

Ling Miao's voice came from inside.

"It's me, Ling Huohuo."

"Second brother!"

There was a voice of surprise from Ling Miao inside, and then Ling Miao hurriedly opened the door.

When Ling Huohuo saw Ling Miao, he found that Ling Miao had changed back to his usual appearance, he was still the warm man, wearing the same style of red silk glasses as himself... wait, glasses!

Ling Huohuo's heart trembled, his glasses had already turned into ashes together with his clothes, and after his blood awakened, he was no longer nearsighted, so he forgot about it.

And Ling Miao obviously discovered this too.

"Second brother, where are your glasses?"

"Ah...well, I lost it, ahem, I lost my wallet, mobile phone, and ID card together."

Ling Miao was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "That's it, I'll go out with you and get another pair later, come in first."

Ling Miao moved away, and pushed his glasses by the way. Because his blood had awakened early, he was no longer nearsighted, but in order not to let others see it, he always wore a pair of glasses without prescription. That's why I was able to find out that Ling Huohuo didn't wear glasses at a glance.

Looking at Ling Huohuo's back, Ling Miao was a little surprised. Although Ling Huohuo's appearance had not changed, he seemed to be a different person. Could it be the contrast of taking off his glasses?

Ling Huohuo nodded and walked into the room. Don't look at his calm face, but he was still a little nervous.

When Ling Huohuo entered the house, he found that Ling Tian was also at home, sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Brother, you didn't go to work." Ling Huohuo asked.

"Ah, you're back, no, it's my turn to take a break in the company today." Ling Tian said with a smile, he was really taking a break from the company, and absolutely no special means were used.

The three brothers sat on the sofa, looked at each other, and were silent for a moment.

"Second brother, where have you been these two days?" Ling Miao asked first. Ling Tian didn't need to ask. In his impression, Ling Tian was just an ordinary person, and he still stayed at home. Where did Huohuo go? He disappeared for half a month before the incident happened, and disappeared for three days after the incident. During these three days, he often went out to look for Ling Huohuo, but he found nothing. The fire came back by itself.

Although Ling Miao has always respected her two elder brothers, but you Ling Huohuo is an "ordinary person" and you don't need to save the world. Why do you always disappear when you have nothing to do?Ling Miao felt that she had to ask clearly, otherwise next time you suddenly disappeared, where would I go to find you?I almost lost my life looking for you this time, if this continues and you are fine, I might just GG first.

Hearing Ling Miao's question, Ling Huohuo has already considered this point, and he has also figured out how to deal with it, so he pushed Ding Ning out, anyway, you can't go to the army to verify, even if you Ling Miao has great powers and really goes in I have found Ding Ning, and I have nothing wrong with saying that.

Hearing Ling Huohuo's words, Ling Miao frowned. He didn't have a good impression of the military. Now Ling Huohuo's disappearance seems to be related to the army, and there is indeed an army stationed outside the city. Ling Miao I feel that I may have an enmity with the military.

"By the way, tell me what happened recently." Ling Huohuo asked, he wanted to know what happened recently.

Then, after some explanations from Ling Tian and Ling Miao, I can sum it up in two sentences - everything is normal, I don't know.

Ling Huohuo glanced at Ling Miao cryptically, so you can continue pretending, but it's good that you don't see my problem.

"By the way, Zhonghai University was caught in a fire and burned, so all the students in the school are on vacation now. As for the compensation and other matters, we will not be notified in two days."

Ling Huohuo nodded, pretending to be very interested, and chatted with Ling Miao.

But something suddenly occurred to Ling Huohuo's mind, Lao Tzu's high-end computer!

Don't let me know who made it!

Ling Huohuo didn't know at all that the brother sitting in front of him was the culprit, and it was Ling Huohuo himself who caused all this.

Ling Tian took a sip of tea, looked at the two brothers who were "having a good chat" in front of him, and smiled.

Brother, I know everything, I just don’t say anything, I’m so happy to see the two of you playing together.

So, the Great Demon King deserves to be the Great Demon King.

(End of this chapter)

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