The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 179 8: Teachings from the Old World

Chapter 179 Eight Hundred: Teachings from the Old World
After hearing the young girl's words, the literary youth and the ordinary youth gasped.

"Could it be a deliberate imitation?" said the ordinary youth.

"No." The literary youth shook his head, "No one has the guts."

"That may be the descendant of that lord, or someone else who has a relationship with that lord."

"It is not easy to conflict, and be careful when dealing with it."

"A group of cowards." The second young man flicked his nails.

"What did you say?" The ordinary young man slapped the table, stood up, and glared at the second-handed young man. The literary and artistic youth hurriedly stopped him.

"What's the best opinion of the military adviser?" the young girl asked, still continuing to ignore ordinary youths and literary youths.

"The horoscope hasn't been written yet, and I'm scared before I make a sound."

"Then what do you say?" the ordinary youth asked.

The second force young man covered his eyes.

"I'll just pretend not to see it."

"..." young girl.

"..." Ordinary youth.

"……"Young artists.

You are more cowardly!
"Okay, don't think about it, let's keep it informed, don't conflict with these two people, let's complete Boss Qin's commission tonight before making any plans." The young girl said, and the other three nodded.

The beef ramen was served very quickly. When he saw the beef ramen, Ling Huohuo couldn't help swallowing. Not only was it delicious in color and flavor, but there was also a lot of beef.

"Look at your future." Xiao Yunyun looked at Ling Huohuo with disdain.

"Wipe your drool off before you say this."

At this time, the shop waiter served two more side dishes for the two of them. Under the doubtful eyes of the two, the shop waiter explained: "At this time, our boss gave it to you two. Thank you for coming tonight. It's not just the two of you. Everyone on the first floor has free side dishes tonight."

Ling Huohuo scanned around and found that other people's tables had the same side dishes as his own.

Nodding to the waiter in the shop, "Thank you boss for me."

"Okay, guest officer, please take your time." The waiter smiled, turned and left.

"Xiao Yunyun, do side dishes always come here? And why should we thank us?" Ling Huohuo asked Xiao Yunyun.

Xiao Yunyun frowned, "I don't remember, it's fine since the food was given as a gift. As for why we thank the two of us... Maybe the boss has lost his mind."

"Do you say that the boss's conscience won't hurt?"

"No, don't waste time, eat quickly, and have to find a place to live later."



"This side..." Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun's eyes widened, "It's poisonous... ah~"

Soon, the two wiped out the noodles and side dishes in front of them, drank the soup, put down the bowl, let out a sigh of relief, and wiped their mouths happily.

"I've never had such delicious ramen."

"Come back later when you have time."

"Let's go."

"Don't move yet." Babai's voice suddenly sounded in their hearts.

"This is……"

"Don't be surprised, this is a method of sound transmission, but now that I'm sealed in a box, this method still consumes a lot of energy."

"The reason why I told you not to move is that you will know it by looking outside."

Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun looked outside the door, and found that there was no change outside, it was still pitch black, Ling Huohuo started the "Sword Code", and when he saw the situation outside, his pupils shrank violently.

"Ling Huohuo, what's wrong?" Xiao Yunyun asked in a low voice after noticing Ling Huohuo's change.

"We are surrounded." Ling Huohuo's face was a bit ugly, "At this moment, the whole restaurant is surrounded by a bunch of strange creatures. These creatures are invisible to the naked eye, but they don't look easy to mess with."

Xiao Yunyun moved a few times in front of her eyes, and the pupils of her eyes turned purple. She didn't merge with the demon's eyes, they were still naked eyes. If she wanted to see things invisible to the naked eye, she could only rely on other means, such as the magic she was using now— - "The pupil of the devil".

This time, Xiao Yunyun finally saw the creatures outside. What he saw was a dense group of transparent creatures, and he could only see a rough outline. These creatures were of all kinds, but they were all humans or animals. There is red energy swimming, and the shredded tobacco of these creatures gradually turns red.

"It's a wandering soul creature." Babai explained, "The wandering soul creature is transformed from the soul. It is the most common soul body. They are pure soul power, which cannot be seen by ordinary naked eyes. No offensive power."

"What are you afraid of?"

"It's okay if they are pure soul creatures, but they have already begun to transform into evil spirits. Evil spirits specialize in souls and are immune to physical attacks. Only means that specifically target souls can destroy them. Now there are a lot of wandering souls outside. If If you both turn into evil spirits, it might be a little trouble for you two to get out of this restaurant."

"Can you interrupt their transformation?"

"No, this process is irreversible."

"Then what should we do?" Xiao Yunyun asked.

"Can you beat it?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Of course, you, a fifth-level swordsman, and a group of first- and second-level evil spirits, the highest is the third level, which one do you think is more powerful? The sword intent in your body can cause tons of damage to evil spirits, ants No matter how many there are, they are just ants, and Xiao Yunyun's demon magic should also be specially designed to deal with souls."

Xiao Yunyun nodded, not only yes, but many more.

"Then why are we still so cowardly?" Ling Huohuo was a little puzzled.

"Sit quietly for a while. The people in this restaurant are not simple. Didn't you see that they didn't leave after eating? Their strength is around the third level, and there are more than a dozen more in the dark. Powerful, they are all at the fourth level. They should all come here for the evil spirits that will appear outside. On the one hand, I ask you to stay a little longer to see what is going on, and to inquire about things in the capital from here. The capital of China, how can the capital be so simple, the strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snake, not to mention you two little dragons, on the other hand, the boss just showed his favor to you, you can't just pat your ass and leave after eating it all , help him once, make a friend, and he will be able to do activities in the capital in the future. Learn from it, this is the experience of the old world."

Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun opened their mouths, as expected of old Jianghu, they really thought a lot.

"Be low-key, don't worship brother, after all, brother is also a sword who has traveled through many worlds."

"..." Listening to Babai's immature voice uttering old-fashioned words, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun felt cute instead. Is this the so-called cuteness of contrast?

"Has this happened before?" Ling Huohuo asked Xiao Yunyun.

"No." Xiao Yunyun shook his head, "I think it's better to wait and see."

"Yeah." Ling Huohuo nodded, agreeing, "Xiao Er."

"Guest officer, do you need anything?"

"Two small dishes and two bottles of Coke."


"What are you doing? Didn't you eat enough?" Xiao Yunyun asked suspiciously.

"You have to bring popcorn to watch a movie. Why don't you just sit around for such a big thing?"

"..." Xiao Yunyun was speechless for a while, but felt that it made sense.

(End of this chapter)

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