The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 180 The First Floor of Qunying Building

Chapter 180 The First Floor of Qunying Building

Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun were silent for a while, and sure enough, other people in the Qunying Building made moves.

I saw the shop waiter walking into the hall and cupping his fists to the surroundings.

"The Qunying Building is in trouble tonight. We can only drive here tonight. It's inconvenient. I hope you don't mind. It's not too late for you to leave now."

After finishing speaking, the waiter stepped aside and pointed to the door behind him.

"What did you say, brother?" A big man stood up and clasped his fists around him, "Wu Feng is in Wuying, Xianan District, and tonight is here to help Boss Qin on behalf of Wuying."

Hearing what the big man said, the others also hurriedly got up.

"Liu Jun, who is in the Houhan camp in the Lower West District, is here to help Boss Qin on behalf of the Houhan camp tonight."

"Li Qi at Tang Camp in the Lower North District, tonight..."

"Jihu Zhouying after the Lower East Side, tonight..."



Except for Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun, everyone else stood up to express their views.

"Should we say anything?" Ling Huohuo felt awkward sitting just the two of them.

"What can I say? Will the university monk come to help Boss Qin tonight?" Xiao Yunyun said.

"No need." Babai's voice sounded, "The group of people below are all sent by small forces, and they are the third level with the highest strength. There is no need to work with them. The people who really solve the problem are all on the second floor. See if an ordinary person in the shop is not so polite to them, just wait and see what happens."

Ling Huohuo and the two nodded, then lowered their heads again and continued to eat. It has to be said that the food in Qunyinglou is delicious, and they both ate the side dishes with relish.

The shop waiter kept smiling and looked at the people from various forces who introduced themselves on the first floor. Seeing Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun who were still eating there without any movement, their eyes moved.

Although he is an ordinary person, he can ignore most of the forces here by relying on the Qunying Building, because although the Qunying Building has only one building, it is also an extremely high-ranking organization in the entire capital, and they cannot afford to mess with it.

What's more, Qunyinglou has already prepared to deal with it tonight. There are not many of them, and there are many of them. The reason why they came is to make a good impression in front of their boss. Look awkward.

However, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun, two unfamiliar diners, made him a little confused. Facing the situation at this time, the person who can still sit comfortably and eat food is either a lunatic or a lunatic. rely on.

Seeing a lot of people, the waiter knows what to do and what not to do. Although Ling Huohuo and the two of them didn't say anything, the waiter would not provoke them for no reason, so he pretended not to see, let alone open the door for business , and he can't drive him out, not to mention he's given money, so he can't control what happens afterwards.

The waiter warmly clasped his fists to the surroundings, "Then thank you all for coming. After tonight, if Qunying Building is fine, then there will be a generous gift. I am an ordinary person, so I won't stay here any longer. Farewell."

After finishing speaking, the waiter trotted back to the back kitchen. As an ordinary person, there was Qunying Building as the backstage. Although he was not afraid of the people in the hall, the group of monsters outside didn't care so much. When he thought of a group of monsters outside the door, he There was a burst of fear in my heart.

With the departure of Xiao Er, the hall returned to calm again. People from various forces did not talk much, and it seemed that they were not too familiar with each other.

The table where Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun did not speak became the focus of everyone's attention in the hall, and their seats were awkwardly located near the middle of the hall.

In a corner of the hall, three people were sitting there, drinking tea, one was a tall middle-aged man, the other was a handsome boy, and the last one was a petite girl.

"Master, who are those two people?" the petite girl asked.

The middle-aged man shook his head, "I don't know, I haven't seen it before, but these two people feel very dangerous to me. That girl should be a fourth-level senior magician. As for that boy, he is more dangerous than that girl, at least also a fourth-level magician." He is a strong man of the second level, but I don’t know the specific occupation, he is carrying a sword box on his back, so he should be good at using swords.”

The boy and the girl gasped. Their teacher has a special ability to feel the general strength of the other party. This is not the ordinary way to feel the other party's strength, but no matter how deep the other party hides, he can feel it. Out of the opponent's approximate strength.

It's like their perception of Ling Huohuo. Boys and girls can feel the magic fluctuations when they look at Xiao Yunyun, but the other party hides it intentionally, and the specific strength cannot be seen clearly. Looking at Ling Huohuo, they can only feel that Ling Huohuo is more energetic. No matter how you look at other aspects, Ling Huohuo is just an ordinary person.

Their teachers can feel the strength of Ling Huohuo, not to say how strong their teachers are, their teachers are just third-level warlocks, but their teachers are born with a special ability, this ability It’s called—mysterious sense. Mysterious sense can not only detect other people’s abilities, but also sense something that is about to happen. This feeling is also called the ability from the long river of fate.

Hearing the middle-aged man's words, the expressions of the boys and girls became quite surprised, because from the looks of it, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun should be about the same age as them, but their strength has surpassed their teacher, surpassed those present everyone.

In their circle of extraordinary people, most professions can be divided into five levels, and the fifth level is the pinnacle. There are no more than a hundred people in the world who have reached this level, and most of them are old antiques, and many of them are hidden. , Tier [-] is generally the leaders of various forces, and Tier [-] is the pillar of various forces, and they can be considered strong.

For example, their teacher reached the third level of strength at the age of more than 30, which can already be called a very good talent. As for the two of them, the boy has only cultivated for a short time and is only at the first level. They are only at the second level. As for Ling Huohuo and the two of them reaching this level of strength at this age, apart from special methods, the talents of the two of them must also be at the monstrous level.

Looking at Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun, the middle-aged man frowned. Which power do they belong to?
For Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun, the middle-aged man was not too surprised. Although he himself was only at the third level, he had seen a lot and knew more. Having such abnormal strength at this age is not considered It's rare, but it's just that they rarely appear in the circle of my two disciples. After all, they are not at the same level, and they can't play together. The middle-aged man is interested in Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun. Their identities, and they actually appeared here at this sensitive time, with their strength, people have to think about it.

Feeling the glances sweeping over their bodies, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun were extremely uncomfortable, especially Xiao Yunyun, she was a girl, and she was very upset with these gazes, if Babai told them not to move around, Watching the play aside, Xiao Yunyun had already stood up and took out his magic wand to kill the group of people.

(End of this chapter)

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