The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 181 Ten thousand evil spirits are on the way

Chapter 181 Ten thousand evil spirits are on the way
Just when Xiao Yunyun was about to explode, there was finally movement in Qunying Building.

I saw more than ten people coming down from the second floor of Qunying Building.

More than a dozen people were divided into four groups. The first group to come down was led by a young man. Behind him were four people, three men and one woman. All five of them were wearing suits. They looked like urban white-collar workers from the outside, but eight hundred Remind that these five people are all people of the fourth level.

"Datang, Li Hao."

"Datang, Li Qu."

"Datang, Wu Youyou."

"Da Tang, Wang Daosheng."

"Datang, Yu Wentian."

The second group consisted of four people. The leader was a young girl, followed by an ordinary youth, a literary youth, and a second-rate youth. The four were also at the fourth level.

"Shu Han, Liu Xiaomeng."

"Shu Han, Guan Canglan."

"Shu Han, Zhang Zhuo."

"Shu Han, Zhuge Wuxin."

The third group consisted of four people, the leader was a tall red-haired woman, followed by three men, and the four were also at the fourth level.

"Da Zhou, Ji Yueling."

"Da Zhou, Jiang Sheng."

"Da Zhou, Jiang Tianran."

"Da Zhou, Cao Guang."

In the end, only two people came down, a man and a woman, both of whom looked somewhat similar, both of whom were at the fourth level.

"Yin Shang, Yin Liang."

"Yin Shang, Yin Su."

Seeing the fifteen people coming down, the others stood up and went to say hello, the whole hall became empty, only Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun continued to sit there.

Hmm, very embarrassing.

"Ling Huohuo." Xiao Yunyun seemed to think of something.

"What's wrong?" Ling Huohuo said while chewing the kelp.

"Don't you think the names of their forces are a bit weird?"

"Oh?" Ling Huohuo thought for a while, connected these names, and his face changed, "These names seem to be..."

"That's right, it's the name of the dynasty." Xiao Yunyun nodded.

"Did they discuss it when they named it?" Ling Huohuo said jokingly.

"Eh... probably not." Xiao Yunyun's expression also changed, thinking of them discussing the name, he felt that the picture was too beautiful.

"But it seems that the four groups who just came down should be powerful people, at least stronger than the group who just sat on the first floor." Ling Huohuo looked at the four groups who were being flattered by the people on the first floor said the man.

"No matter how big the organization is, I know that if they don't take action, the group of evil spirits outside will come in." Xiao Yunyun looked at the wandering souls who were about to completely transform into evil spirits at the door and said.

Ling Huohuo also turned his head. In his line of sight, the outside had turned blood red at this time, and his eyes were densely packed with wandering souls that were about to be completely transformed into evil spirits.

"It shouldn't matter, there are so many fourth-level people here."

"I just don't know if they have the means to deal with souls."

The four groups who came down also found Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun, the two "heterogeneous", but they did not come over. Except for the four people from Shu Han, the others felt that they had lost their status in the past, let alone these two were a magician. A "regular person", there is no need to deal with them.

"By the way, why are they going out to deal with the wandering souls outside now?" Ling Huohuo yawned.

"I don't know." Xiao Yunyun threw the last peanut into his mouth and put down his chopsticks.

Countless roars came from outside, and when Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun looked out again, at this time, the wandering souls outside had completely turned into evil spirits, and their blood-red bodies looked extremely evil.

Looking at the evil spirits outside, Ling Huohuo suddenly felt that they seemed much stronger.

"From wandering souls to evil spirits, their level has not changed, but their strength has been enhanced, so they feel that the other party has become stronger." Babai explained.

"Do you know how many evil spirits there are outside?" Xiao Yunyun asked.

"It looks like tens of thousands." Ling Huohuo said uncertainly.

"No, it's exactly 1000 million." Yabai said.

"What?" Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun were startled.

"If you look at it from the outside now, you will find it even more spectacular." Babai said.

"Why are there so many?" Xiao Yunyun said with an ugly expression.

"You ask me, who am I going to ask? These are all floating up from the ground, and I can't see what's underneath after being sealed. Don't keep asking me what's going on. I'm not a local sword. I tell you to be quiet. Isn't it just to get a better understanding of this city?" Although Babai is sealed, the main reason is that it was sealed voluntarily, otherwise with Xiao Yunyun's strength, it would be impossible to seal it, and it would not dare to seal it at all. If you use too much force, you may accidentally break through the seal.

After hearing Babai's words, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun were speechless for a while.

And the evil spirits that appeared outside also interrupted the chatting of others.

"It seems that the evil spirit has appeared." Li Hao's eyes froze.

Then he walked out of Qunying Tower with others, and a group of people stood outside the door. Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun looked at each other and followed them out.

"Are these thousands of evil spirits?" Looking at the overwhelming red figures outside, Xiao Yunyun sighed.

At this moment, the outside seemed to have turned into a red world. At a glance, the buildings in the distance could not be seen at all, and they were all blocked by evil spirits.

Seeing the "magnificence" in front of them, everyone gasped, and the four groups who came down from the second floor also had serious faces. Although they were very confident in themselves, they also had a lot of heart when they saw the dense crowd of evil spirits. pressure.

"Not much to say, we are here today to help Boss Qin block these evil spirits, and leave the direction of the main entrance to Datang." Li Hao said.

"Then we Shu Han will go to the east." Liu Xiaomeng said.

"Da Zhou is in charge of the west side," Ji Yueling said.

"Yin Shang, back." Yin Liang said.

"Then it's hard work for everyone." Li Hao nodded, and nodded to the people behind him.

The four groups soon separated and walked towards the direction they were in charge of. The people on the first floor also separated and followed behind the deceased.

The Tang side had the most people left behind, the Da Zhou was about the same as the Shu Han, and the Yin Shang had the least. Only three people followed, the middle-aged man and his two disciples.

"Where are we going?" Xiao Yunyun looked at Ling Huohuo.

"I'm a young girl." Ling Huohuo replied without thinking.

"Are you a pervert?" Xiao Yunyun looked at Ling Huohuo with contempt.

"Then where are you going?" Ling Huohuo asked back.

"Stay at the front door."


"Because there are many people at the main entrance, it is the safest."


I saw Li Hao and others waved their hands, and various weapons appeared in their hands. They looked at each other, and both rushed towards each other at the same time, fighting together, and the weapons of Li Hao and others were against the evil spirit. The spirit did quite a bit of damage.

"What's the situation?" Ling Huohuo looked at the weapons that suddenly appeared in everyone's hands, but couldn't react for a while, because some people even changed their clothes.

"Some are weapons taken out of storage items, while some emerged from their bodies," Yabai said.

"Storage props." Ling Huohuo was a little envious. If he had storage props, he wouldn't have to carry the sword box behind him everywhere he went, and the sword box was quite heavy.

(End of this chapter)

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