The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 191 I Think Your Grandpa May Have Made a Great Achievement

Chapter 191 I Think Your Grandpa May Have Made a Great Achievement

"That, I don't understand." Ling Huohuo said awkwardly, how could Xiao Yunyun's grandfather say such a thing?Maybe I got it wrong.

"If I'm not mistaken, Xiao Yunyun is still a virgin." Xiao Yunyun's grandfather continued.

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth with a dull expression, this is considered sexual harassment, right?
"Um, probably." Ling Huohuo scratched his head, how would I know?I haven't tried it again, bah!We are just friends!
"Little Yun'er looks good, right?"

"Looking good." Ling Huohuo nodded. In terms of looks alone, he was indeed good-looking.

"You two are always together."


"Then why don't you do it? Isn't it because you can't do it?"

Ling Huohuo suddenly felt that there was something wrong with Xiao Yunyun's grandfather's brain circuit, and there was still a big problem.

"we are young……"

"Nonsense, Xiao Yun'er and I have her mother in the [-]th century, let alone you, even though you gave birth so early, there are many people living together, it's not because of you."

Ling Huohuo looked depressed, a man must never admit that he can't do it!But I really don't have that kind of relationship with Xiao Yunyun!
"There's a reason for this..."

"Oh? Tell me? Are you sick?"


Ling Huohuo held back for a long time, "Because...because...because..."

"Hahaha!" Xiao Yunyun's grandfather laughed loudly, and patted Ling Huohuo's shoulder, "Boy, you understand it very well!"

"Uh...haha." Ling Huohuo also scratched his head and laughed.

Soon, Xiao Yunyun came back after shopping for groceries.

Ling Huohuo took the initiative to ask to cook the meal. Looking at the delicious food, Xiao Yunyun's grandfather looked at Ling Huohuo in surprise. There are not many men who cook now, and Xiao Yunyun has eaten Ling Huohuo didn't feel anything about the food he cooked.

The three finished their lunch in a harmonious atmosphere, then Xiao Yunyun and Xiao Yunyun bid farewell to Xiao Yunyun's grandfather and drove away.

While driving, Xiao Yunyun secretly looked at Ling Huohuo with a bruised nose and swollen face.

"Laugh if you want to." Ling Huohuo said.

Xiao Yunyun twitched the corners of his mouth, but finally held back, and couldn't help asking: "What happened to you and grandpa?"

"I... nothing?" Ling Huohuo wanted to cry, "What did your grandfather do before? What the hell is this attack power?"

That's right, after Ling Huohuo said that he disliked Xiao Yunyun's small chest, Xiao Yunyun's grandfather suddenly became violent, and rubbed Ling Huohuo on the ground.

Grandpa Xiao Yunyun's speed is not like that of an old man who is over half a century old. Ling Huohuo had no time to react, and was ridden under Xiao Yunyun's master. What's more frightening was that Grandpa Xiao Yunyun's fist was aimed at Greeting on the face, punching to the flesh.

Moreover, what makes Ling Huohuo even more palpitating is that Xiao Yunyun's grandfather is extremely strong. With Ling Huohuo's current physical strength, even if a strong adult man punches him with all his strength, it will hurt, but it will not leave serious wounds. Even if there are bruises and wounds, they will recover quickly and automatically. However, Xiao Yunyun's grandfather beat him up. It has been two hours, and he still has not recovered, and in front of Xiao Yunyun's grandfather He didn't dare to use the spiritual energy in his body to recover, so he could only hold out like this for two hours.

"I heard that my grandfather was a soldier and also practiced Kung Fu." Xiao Yunyun thought for a while.

Ling Huohuo was silent for a while, then patted Xiao Yunyun on the shoulder, "I think your grandfather has already accomplished a great deal."

Xiao Yunyun rolled his eyes, "Don't talk about it, let's go quickly, you take advantage of this time to recover."

Xiao Yunyun also knew about the recovery ability of Ling Huohuo's body. She was also very surprised that her grandfather could beat Ling Huohuo like this. Could it be that, as Ling Huohuo said, her grandfather was really a miracle? Done?

Xiao Yunyun's grandfather watched Xiao Yunyun and Ling Huohuo drive away, and shook his hands, "This kid has really tough bones."


Ling Huohuo returned to normal, and then went to buy daily necessities with Xiao Yunyun. Ling Huohuo also bought a bunch of comic books to pass the time, and then the two returned to Capital University.

After two days of peace, other students on Ling Huohuo's level also arrived one after another. They were all students from Zhonghai University, and there were also two classmates of Ling Huohuo.

Due to the dormitory next door, Ling Huohuo still hoped that the roommates would come soon.


Ling Huohuo slammed the comic book in his hand.

"Why don't I have a roommate!"

That's right, on the entire sixth floor, only Ling Huohuo has a dormitory for one person!
In a building far away from Ling Huohuo's apartment, two figures stood on the roof, looking in Ling Huohuo's direction.

It was Leah and Iljes from the Twelve Demon Generals.

"Is this really good? Humans live in groups, and isolating His Highness Ling Huohuo alone may have an impact on His Highness Ling Huohuo," said Iljess.

"A misfit like you would say that people live in groups? Don't you think it's against the law?" Leah looked at Iljes.

"Sorry, I'm a demon."


Silence for two seconds.

"It's okay, it's mainly for His Royal Highness Ling Huohuo. He doesn't want other people to know about him. In order to benefit His Royal Highness Ling Huohuo's life, he is allowed to live alone." Leah explained.

"How did you do it? You controlled the people at Capital University?"

"The fat house of Sadasbet has recently studied the knowledge of hackers, so I asked him to help change the information of His Royal Highness Ling Huohuo."

"What about the roommates of His Highness Ling Huohuo? Have you dealt with it?"

"Don't make it so scary, I didn't attack them, I just asked Sadasbet to change their borrowing school."

at this time.

In an office in the economic building, three boys were looking at the notifications on their mobile phones in bewilderment, while Liu Chuan was sweating profusely playing with the computer.


Soon, it was time to start classes on Monday.

The students borrowed from Zhonghai University were not classified as a separate class, but were scattered and inserted into other classes.

The Department of Economics of Capital University, Ling Huohuo, has ten classes. Originally there were 80 borrowers, exactly eight students in one class. Three of them were transferred to other schools for unknown reasons, so Ling Huohuo intervened. There are only five people in my class.

Class ten, Ling Huohuo's class.

During class on Monday, the school distributed books and school rules to them.

Because the schools are different, even in one department, most of the textbooks are different, so Ling Huohuo and the others can only use the newly issued textbooks.

But even if I wanted to use the original book, it was impossible, and it had already been burned by a fire.

Fortunately, the cost of these books was reimbursed by Zhonghai University, so Ling Huohuo and the others no longer had to spend money on books.

(End of this chapter)

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