Chapter 192

"Hello, everyone. My name is Ling Huohuo. I'm from Zhonghai University. I will live with you as your classmate for a period of time in the future. I hope you will take care of me."

After Ling Huohuo finished his self-introduction, he bowed to the classmates in front of him, and then sat back in his seat.

"Hi everyone, my name is Xiao Yunyun, I'm from Tunghai University, please give me your advice."

Xiao Yunyun became more indifferent, and sat back in her seat after speaking, her seat was beside Ling Huohuo.

Afterwards, the other three students in the class also introduced themselves, two girls and one boy, one of the girls was Xiao Yunyun's classmate, and the other two didn't know each other.

After a few people introduced themselves, Class Ten just started class, and then Ling Huohuo suddenly discovered something embarrassing for him——

"What is this? What the fuck is this? What the fuck is this?"

Ling Huohuo looked at the book with dull eyes, he knew every word, but he couldn't understand it together.

At this time, Ling Huohuo realized, what study?I haven't studied hard for a day in college for so long!
All the learning tasks are undertaken by Hualiver, and even the exams are given by Hualiver after finishing the answers. Now that Hualiver has gone back, what should I do next?
Ling Huohuo suddenly remembered Xiao Yunyun. If he remembered correctly, Xiao Yunyun didn't seem to have studied much.

Then Ling Huohuo looked at Xiao Yunyun who was at the side first, only to find that she was resting her face on one hand while taking notes with the other, showing a carefree appearance.

"Hello." Ling Huohuo stood up the book and called Xiao Yunyun in a low voice.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Yunyun looked at Ling Huohuo.

"Will you?" Ling Huohuo continued to ask.

"Why not?"

"Have you studied?"

"No, I just learned it."

"Then why do you know it as soon as you learn it?"

"Magicians exercise their spiritual power, and what they enhance is their soul power, which will also enhance their memory and analysis ability. Magicians learn more and more complicated things, so this knowledge does not cause me too much difficulty. , even if you don’t understand it, just keep it in your mind and look for relevant information when you have time, I can even spend time memorizing all the textbooks, but this way I can’t learn the knowledge in the book.” Xiao Yunyun said as a matter of course.

Ling Huohuo looked at Xiao Yunyun enviously, "Then is there still time for me to change my job as a magician?"

"Are you sure that the inheritance in your body can be transferred? I think Yaobai might hack you first."

"Uh... let's forget it then."

"Actually, it's not impossible." Xiao Yunyun curled his lips as if thinking of something.

"What way?" Ling Huohuo asked hastily.

"It is said that a 40-year-old virgin will evolve into a magician, do you want to try?"

"What I want is not an urban legend!"

"Students over there, don't talk during class time!"

"I'm sorry, teacher." Ling Huohuo hurriedly closed his mouth.

Xiao Yunyun smiled happily.

The day's class ended quickly. Today, Ling Huohuo and the others only have a morning class, and there is no class in the afternoon. Everyone can relax in the dormitory or go to the library for self-study.

As for borrowers like Ling Huohuo and the others, they needed a meeting this afternoon.

It was their counselor Liu Chuan who held the meeting for Ling Huohuo and the others, and Ouyang Rou led a few students from the student union to chair the meeting.

First, Ouyang Rou introduced the school and the college, listing the school's recent activities and some regulations.

Although Ling Huohuo and the others are borrowers, they can also enjoy the rights that the students of Beijing University can enjoy. Similarly, they must also be responsible for the responsibilities they have to bear.

Ouyang Rou has always performed perfectly, coupled with her good looks, she quickly gained the favor of all the borrowers in the School of Economics, but ever since it was rumored from someone that Ouyang Rou is still single, the borrowers at the University of Some boys and some girls who are looking for true love changed their eyes when they saw Ouyang Rou.

As for the rest of the boys, they were either not interested in the opposite sex and wanted to pursue true love, or their girlfriends and themselves were assigned to Capital University, where they were stared at to death.

Ling Huohuo looked at Xiao Yunyun staring at him, and scratched his head incomprehension. Recently, he always felt that something was wrong with Xiao Yunyun, but Ling Huohuo didn't dare to ask more, because he felt that if he asked, he would definitely suffer. Beaten.

After explaining everything, the meeting draws to a close.

"There is one more thing." Ouyang Rou said standing on the podium, "The student union also welcomes everyone to join. If you are interested, you can come to me for consultation later. Alright, today's meeting is over. I wish you all the best in Beijing. The Faculty of Economics of the University is having a good time.”

As Ouyang Rou's voice fell, most of the students flocked to the podium. As for whether they went for consultation or had any special purpose, it was unknown.

And Ling Huohuo was dragged out by Xiao Yunyun.

"Where are you going?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"I'll make up the lessons for you." Xiao Yunyun said, "I'll explain to you today's knowledge first, so I can review it too, so that you won't be left behind too much and fail in the end, I will give you free time from now on. Supplementary lessons."

Ling Huohuo twitched the corners of his mouth, do you want to be so enthusiastic?

"Hey, there's a message from Guo Xiaoyu." Ling Huohuo looked at the message on the phone and said.

Xiao Yunyun moved his head closer.

A photo of Guo Xiaoyu surfing appeared in front of the two of them.


United States.

Although Ling Miao left "ONE PEACE", he still has some affection. "ONE PEACE" helped him with his study abroad. As for the expenses of studying abroad and other things, he can only rely on himself.

No, it should be said that Ling Miao, Xia Ri and Yin Ya are in charge together.

After arriving in the United States, the three of them took a short rest, and Ling Miao rented an apartment temporarily with his own and Xia Ri's savings. As for Ling Miao, who was supposed to live on campus, he didn't even report.

Applying for studying abroad is just to cover up his actions in front of his family. His real goal is the source of water that may exist in the Atlantic Ocean.

Ling Miao didn't tell Yin Ya much about the origin of water, and Yin Ya didn't ask too much. The relationship between the two was very strange at one time. They looked like ordinary friends, but there seemed to be something more.

And Xia Ri, who was sandwiched between the two, could only silently lower his sense of existence. He felt that he might have to practice invisibility if he continued like this.

As for Ling Miao's purpose, Xia Ri knew about it, and "ONE PEACE" also knew about it, but since Ling Miao deliberately concealed some key things, he didn't pay much attention to it, because "ONE PEACE" was established by its own organization. The mission and purpose that existed at the beginning will not be distracted by some news about the source brought by Ling Miao, and Xia Ri only knows that it may be dangerous to catch the source of water this time.

Just when Xia Ri felt that he was about to succeed in invisibility, Ling Miao finally took action.

The three came to the shore of the Atlantic Ocean and put on diving suits.

Due to the multi-day tsunami, the coast of the Atlantic Ocean was in a mess. Except for the team observing the Atlantic Ocean, not even the army was stationed here.

"Senior, shall we go directly into the sea?" Xia Ri said excitedly with the oxygen tank on his back, "I've never dived before when I grow up."

"Are you looking for death? There will be another tsunami here at any time, and no one will be able to save you if you get sucked into the bottom of the sea, so make some preparations first," Ling Miao said.

"Huh? Really? But... There are obviously people surfing there." Xia Ri pointed in one direction.


Ling Miao and Yin Ya looked surprised. In this situation, diving is very dangerous, but there are still people surfing?

Following the direction of Xia Ri's finger, the two saw a green figure undulating on the sea.

Because the sky was dark, the two didn't pay much attention to the distance before, but now they are concentrating, and they can easily see each other's appearance.

After seeing each other clearly, the expressions of Ling Miao and Yin Ya became very strange.

"Woman?" Yin Ya.

"That's... Guo Xiaoyu???" Ling Miao looked confused.


Guo Xiaoyu, who was wearing a bathing suit and lying on a huge leaf, took a selfie with her mobile phone. After thinking about it, she sent it to Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun. The three of them have been in touch all the time.

"Hey guys, I'm surfing the Atlantic right now, be jealous."

"666." Ling Huohuo.

"666." Xiao Yunyun.

(End of this chapter)

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