The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 193 Ling Huohuo: Let Me Die If I Don't Study

Chapter 193 Ling Huohuo: Let Me Die If I Don't Study
University life with nothing to do always goes by extremely fast.

Before I knew it, two weeks had passed.

These two weeks have been extremely "full" for Ling Huohuo.

He spends most of his time studying with Xiao Yunyun. After his hard work, he can barely keep up with the homework now.

However, I don’t know when the rumors started spreading that “a couple from the School of Economics of Capital University came to study for the top spot or occupy the top two in the final list”. Later, the fact that Ling Huohuo was the provincial champion was also found out. Come out, the rumor seems to have become a fact.

However, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun didn't know anything about the rumors. They were busy studying, leaving early and returning late, and they didn't get along with their classmates. Even the classmates in the original class didn't have much communication, so naturally they couldn't know the rumors.

Regarding the matter of learning, Liu Chuan also talked to Ling Huohuo.

It's not that they are not allowed to learn, but because of a questionnaire.

In order to understand the learning and psychological state of students, schools often conduct questionnaire surveys.

In order to understand the situation of the borrowed students, the school conducted a questionnaire survey on the borrowed students one week after the start of the class, and then talked to the students for different problems.

One of the questions is this - "Question: How do you feel about studying at Capital University?"

Most of the students answered very normally, such as "I have gained a lot" and "I have met many new friends", and Xiao Yunyun was the same.

And Ling Huohuo replied - "Learning makes me happy!"

When Liu Chuan saw this answer, he felt that the answer was very spiritual, and then felt that the name "Ling Huohuo" was familiar, so he called Ling Huohuo to the office, wanting to get to know this "spiritual" student well.

When Liu Chuan saw Ling Huohuo, whose face was pale and eyes were red, as if he had been overdrawn, he actually refused in his heart.

"Student Ling Huohuo, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Chuan recognized Ling Huohuo when he first saw him, but he clearly remembered that Ling Huohuo was not like this before. What happened in the past two weeks?
"Can you... still study?"

"Study? If you don't let me study, it's better to let me die!"

Ling Huohuo wanted to cry right now, really wanted to cry.

He doesn't have Xiao Yunyun's perverted memory and comprehension, he can only memorize a little by rote, while Xiao Yunyun has become more and more powerful, and has begun to be unreasonable, and he is simply not regarded as a human being in terms of learning. , God knows what he went through.

Babai showed it to Xiao Yunyun, Xiao Yunyun's situation is a precursor to the end of the fusion, the negative factors left by the donkey demon began to explode, such as resentment, which affected Xiao Yunyun's mood, and when these factors dissipated, Xiao Yunyun's fusion will be completed Completely successful, she will return to normal.

This is also the reason why Ling Huohuo later took the initiative to pull Xiao Yunyun out early and return late, and prevented her from contacting other people. She was afraid that someone would accidentally provoke her, and she would directly shoot out a fireball to wipe out the opponent.

The only way Ling Huohuo could think of was to pull Xiao Yunyun to learn this method.

At night, when Ling Huohuo was lying in the dormitory alone.

He would suddenly think of the closed bedroom next door.

He didn't tell the other people on the floor about the dormitory. It's not that he didn't want to talk about it, but—every school has students who like to gather information.

The news about that dormitory has been spread for a long time, and the students on the entire floor basically know about it.

And several versions have been released.

This also caused a collective decline in the sleep quality of the students on the sixth floor, especially Ling Huohuo, who was the closest student, who was alone.

Although Ling Huohuo had killed ghosts, and Babai had persuaded him, but he couldn't help scaring himself, which made Babai feel ashamed.

The students have also complained to the school, and the school has opened the room to the students on the sixth floor. There is nothing wrong with the empty room, but can you tell me what the hell is that red spot on the ground?paint?What happened to the rope tied to the lamp?decorations?What's with the figure on the wall?mural?
Whether Ling Huohuo believed it or not, the others on the sixth floor did.

Originally, Ling Huohuo was ready to believe it, but that night Ling Huohuo heard movement from that room.

The voice was not loud, and Ling Huohuo hurriedly sensed it. However, his consciousness could not enter that bedroom at all, and Babai's consciousness was also blocked outside.

After that, Ling Huohuo couldn't sleep anymore.

Since Xiao Yunyun's state was still unstable, Ling Huohuo didn't tell her about it.

Another silent night.

Ling Huohuo lay on his bed, shivering under the covers.

Eight hundred sighed.

"It's okay, Ling Huohuo, don't worry, as the heir of Lord Sword God, if you encounter a crisis that is difficult to solve, I will take action, even if you risk the consequences of sword destruction and soul death, I will protect you well .”

"Eight hundred, you are too kind, woo woo woo~"

"Fuck, let go, don't hug me, don't kiss, don't mess with me, I'm a straight sword, not a curved one."

The bedroom next door to Ling Huohuo.

The walls of the bedroom are covered with runes, shining light from time to time.

Leah and Iljes sat on the ground, with a fire burning in the middle, and a small magic circle not far from them.

Yiljes looked at the fire with a serious face, fiddled with the fire with the stick in his hand from time to time, elegantly... roasting sweet potatoes.

Liya dropped the sweet potato in her hand to the ground, making a "pop" sound.

"I'm fed up with sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes every day. I've been eating sweet potatoes for more than a week. I want to eat potato chips!" Leah shouted, but the voice didn't come out of the room.

Iljes glanced at her and said, "Isn't that still a sweet potato?"

"No, it's potatoes."

At this time, the magic circle flickered, and then a fresh potato with soil appeared on the magic circle, and the atmosphere was very awkward for a while.

Lia silently picked up the potatoes, wiped them, and threw them into the fire.

"By the way, when can we go out?" Leah asked.

"When the Lord finds out that you and I have lost contact, they will come to look for them, and then they will naturally rescue you and me."

That's right, the second of the Twelve Demon Generals was actually trapped in this dormitory, living off the sweet potatoes that appeared from time to time from the magic circle, oh, and potatoes appeared just now.

Liya propped her face, pouted her lips, and said weakly: "How long is that?"

"I don't know, but what I'm more worried about is whether there will be enough sweet potatoes to eat." Il Jess said with a serious face.

"Oh~" Leah sighed.

Yiljes pulled out a piece of roasted sweet potato with a small wooden stick, broke it in half, and handed half to Lia.



The two took a bite of the sweet potato in their hands at the same time.

"Really tasty……"

(End of this chapter)

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