The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 196 A Beautiful Day Begins From Campus

Chapter 196 A Beautiful Day Begins From Campus

A good day starts on campus.

Ling Huohuo was lying on a bench in the campus, covered with a blanket, scratching his stomach with one hand.

Listening to the chirping and laughter of the birds in the morning, and smelling the fragrance of green grass and soil, Ling Huohuo woke up.

He sat up, stretched himself, stuffed the blanket into the schoolbag on the ground, and then took out the toiletries from the schoolbag.

Reach out, use a cup to get a glass of water from the fountain, squeeze toothpaste on it, and Ling Huohuo starts to brush his teeth.

I have to say that the water in the fountain of Capital University is indeed clean.

Brushing teeth, rinsing mouth, washing face, a set of movements that Ling Huohuo did so smoothly, as if he was in his own home.

After packing up his things and making sure nothing was left behind, Ling Huohuo walked towards the cafeteria with his schoolbag on his back.

Although there are a lot of things in the schoolbag, it doesn't look bloated, but it looks normal from the outside.The reason for this is because Xiao Yunyun has already modified Ling Huohuo's bag, and added a storage magic array to the interlayer of the school bag. Due to the limitation of the school bag itself, the storage space is not too large, only two cubic meters The volume is small, but it is enough for Ling Huohuo.

There are a total of three canteens in Capital University, and Ling Huohuo chose the one closest to him.

Since it was just after six o'clock, most of the students didn't get up. Although the meals in the cafeteria had been displayed in the window, there were not many people in the cafeteria.

Ling Huohuo chose a seat by the window, ordered two servings of porridge, and began to sit down and play with his mobile phone.

Because I don't live in the dormitory, it is not convenient for Ling Huohuo to charge, but Ling Huohuo is rich!He directly bought ten charging treasures, five of which he carried on his body, and five of which were handed over to Xiao Yunyun, asking her to help charge them. In this way, he could use them back and forth. If he had money, he could do whatever he wanted.

After waiting for a few minutes, Xiao Yunyun walked into the cafeteria with her schoolbag on her back.

At this time, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun have been living in Beijing University for more than a month, the capital has entered April, and the temperature has risen a lot. Ling Huohuo is wearing a small shirt, and Xiao Yunyun has also changed into a cool one. Clothes, revealing baby-like skin.

Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun had probably gotten used to the life in Beijing University, and Xiao Yunyun's integration was completely over.

Compared with Xiao Yunyun at this time a month ago, if there is any biggest change, it is that Xiao Yunyun has turned white!

After Xiao Yunyun successfully fused, Xiao Yunyun lost a layer of skin. Although her skin was fair before, it was not as white and tender as it looks now.

This made Xiao Yunyun excited for a long time.Then I spent a lot of money to buy a bunch of high-end cosmetics. It was just like that before, but now my skin is so good that I need to take good care of it.

But what made Ling Huohuo depressed was that he had to pay half of the money for cosmetics.

Xiao Yunyun said that the money must be paid by Ling Huohuo. Although Ling Huohuo didn't know the reason and the connection between Xiao Yunyun's skin and himself, under Xiao Yunyun's oppressive gaze, Ling Huohuo finally handed over his own money. Bank card.

As a result, two of the century-old school bricks laid on the ground by Capital University were lost, and at the same time, two gold bricks flowed into the market of Capital University.

Ling Huohuo: "Moving bricks makes me happy, moving bricks makes me progress, moving bricks makes me rich!"

After the fusion was over, Xiao Yunyun's strength was one step closer. The magic power in her body was doubled, but she still hadn't entered the fifth level. There doesn't seem to be any change in the chest, tsk tsk tsk.

But Ling Huohuo still didn't dare to say more, although Xiao Yunyun's personality has become much better, but it is still different from before, and his personality has become stronger.

Xiao Yunyun handed the charging treasure in his hand to Ling Huohuo, and Ling Huohuo also handed over the exhausted charging treasure to Xiao Yunyun.

Then, the two began to eat breakfast.

"Do you really want to continue living outside? Do you want me to go and have a look with you tonight?" Xiao Yunyun asked.

Ling Huohuo lived in the dormitory of Capital University for only two weeks, and then moved to a bench on campus, and he never went back to live in it except to check the dormitory.

The reason for this situation was that strange runes began to appear on the wall of his bedroom.

These runes have no power fluctuations, and they look just like ordinary murals. Even if you concentrate, you can't see any problems. This also prevents Ling Huohuo from discovering these runes in the first place until these runes are almost full. Ling Huohuo didn't react until he was halfway up the wall.

He secretly called Xiao Yunyun, Xiao Yunyun didn't know this rune, neither did Babai.

Finally, Ling Huohuo gritted his teeth, this dormitory can't live anymore!

In case these runes suddenly explode one day, he will definitely be the first to GG.

Originally, Ling Huohuo planned to rent a house nearby, but there was no vacant house!The house is too far away and there is no time to go to school. It is not that he has no confidence in himself and is afraid that he will not be able to get up, but that he has no confidence in the traffic in the capital.

After spending a lot of money, I finally found a house, and I also hid the contract, but the owner sold the house the next day, which made Ling Huohuo feel as if he had slept with a husky, or the kind with a husky on top.

However, the landlord's attitude was very good, and he paid the liquidated damages in one go. What else can Ling Huohuo say?I can only sigh that it seems that the owner sold the house for a good price.

Back at Capital University, standing at the school gate, Ling Huohuo suddenly had the illusion of being surrounded.

However, there are no good people around him, only a group of aunts and uncles.

In the end, Ling Huohuo had no choice but to stay temporarily on a bench in the campus.

Fortunately, the weather in the capital city was good in April, and Ling Huohuo lived quite comfortably.

Hearing Xiao Yunyun's words, Ling Huohuo shook his head, "Forget it, if you can see it, you've already seen it, I think it's better to find a house quickly."

"Do you want to live with my grandfather?"

"No, it's not good for your grandfather to bother him at such an old age."

The two quickly finished their breakfast.

"Let's go, take advantage of the weekend to settle your affairs." Xiao Yunyun stood up and said.

"Go back and bring eight hundred."

After Ling Huohuo and the others left, the uncle who came to clean up gave a wink to an aunt who was doing vegetables. The aunt nodded, turned and walked into the back kitchen, found a corner where there was no one, and took out her mobile phone.

"Call the dragon head, here is the peacock."

"Peacock, what's wrong?"

"The target is out. Today is Saturday, so he should be out of school."

"Good job!"

"Thank you, leader."

"Work hard, I will let you be the cleaning captain when you come back!"

"Yes, I promise to complete the task!" The aunt's face brightened.


Xiao Yunyun drove the car with Ling Huohuo, and the two of them left the capital all the way.

Soon, the two came to a mountain far away from the capital.

Half of the development of this mountain stopped because of funding problems, and almost no one came here.

And the two mainly took a fancy to the remoteness here, not to mention that there is a deserted flat land on the mountain, which is just suitable for their activities.

(End of this chapter)

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